Imgsort 2
Cross platform, fast and efficient manual file sorting with keybinds.
Imgsort 2 is web app that lets a client sort files from a "staging" directory on the server into other directories on the server. It is mainly intended for sorting media that was auto-uploaded from a phone into a self-hosted cloud, like Nextcloud.
If you are looking for a simple program the lets you the same thing locally, have a look at imgsort.
Web Interface
The web can show images, video and audio. The user can configure several directories into which the files can be sorted through the web interface. Each directory has a keybind and a button which, when either is pressed, moves the image into the according directory.
The web interface has mobile optimizations, letting you sort images/files on the go.

You need a php enabled web server, for example nginx with php-fpm.
Configure the Makefile
by setting the
to the directory containg all imagesINSTALL_DIR
to the directory that should contain the app files
Then, run make install
(with sufficent permissions for INSTALL_DIR
) to install the application files.
This will also create a imgsort2-nginx.conf
and imgsort2-php-fpm.conf
in the current directory, which you
can use as basis for your web server and php configuration.
If you a using nextcloud, make sure to have directory set as ROOT_DIR
as an external storage media and not in the main nextcloud data
The app has no authentication system. Only expose it locally or use something like nginx basic auth to restrict access!