2022-09-05 01:00:33 +02:00

346 lines
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#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <concepts>
#include <ranges>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <mutex>
namespace gz {
inline const char* boolToString(bool b) {
return b ? "true" : "false";
const int logLength = 100;
constexpr unsigned int TIMESTAMP_CHAR_COUNT = 22;
constexpr unsigned int POSTPREFIX_CHAR_COUNT = 2;
/// is std::string or convertible to std::string
template<typename T>
concept Stringy = std::same_as<T, std::string> || std::convertible_to<T, std::string_view>;
/// has .to_string() member
template<typename T>
concept HasToString = !Stringy<T> && requires(T t) { { t.to_string() }-> Stringy; };
/// works with std::to_string(), except bool
template<typename T>
concept WorksToString = !std::same_as<T, bool> && !Stringy<T> && !HasToString<T> && requires(T t) { { std::to_string(t) } -> Stringy; };
/// string-like, has .to_string() member, works with std::to_string() or bool
template<typename T>
concept PrintableNoPtr = Stringy<T> || HasToString<T> || WorksToString<T> || std::same_as<T, bool>;
template<typename T>
concept Printable = PrintableNoPtr<T> || requires(T t) { { *(t.get()) } -> PrintableNoPtr; };
/// Type having printable .x and .y members
template<typename T>
concept Vector2Printable = !Printable<T> &&
requires(T t) { { t.x } -> Printable; { t.y } -> Printable; };
/// Pair having printable elements
template<typename T>
concept PairPrintable = !Vector2Printable<T> && !Printable<T> &&
requires(T p) { { p.first } -> Printable; } && (requires(T p){ { p.second } -> Printable; } || requires(T p){ { p.second } -> Vector2Printable; });
/// Container having printable elements
template<typename T>
concept ContainerPrintable = !Printable<T> && !Vector2Printable<T> && !PairPrintable<T> &&
std::ranges::forward_range<T> && (Printable<std::ranges::range_reference_t<T>> || Vector2Printable<std::ranges::range_reference_t<T>>);
/// Container having printable pairs
template<typename T>
concept MapPrintable = !Printable<T> && !Vector2Printable<T> && !ContainerPrintable<T> &&
std::ranges::forward_range<T> && PairPrintable<std::ranges::range_reference_t<T>>;
template<typename T>
concept LogableNotPointer = Printable<T> || Vector2Printable<T> || PairPrintable<T> || ContainerPrintable<T> || MapPrintable<T>;
template<typename T>
concept LogableSmartPointer = requires(T t) { { *(t.get()) } -> LogableNotPointer; };
/// Colors to be used in Log::clog
enum Color {
extern const char* COLORS[];
// LOG
* @brief Define types that can be logged with Log
* @details
* As of now you can log type T with instance t:
* -# Any string-like type
* -# Any type that works with std::to_string()
* -# Any type that has a to_string() member that returns a string
* -# Any type with t.x and t.y, provided t.x and t.y satisfy one of 1-3
* -# Any type with t.first, t.second provided t.first satisfies one of 1-3 and t.second satisfies 1-4
* -# Any type that has a forward_iterator which references any one of 1-5
* 1-6 include for example:
* - int, float, bool...
* - std::vector<std::string>, std::list<unsigned int>
* - std::map<A, vec2<float>> if A.to_string() returns a string
* - ...
template<typename T>
concept Logable = LogableNotPointer<T> || LogableSmartPointer<T>;
template<typename T>
class vec2; // defined in gz_math.hpp
* @brief Manages printing messages to stdout and to logfiles.
* @details
* @subsection log_threads Thread safety
* Log can use a static mutex for thread safety. To use this feature, you have to #define LOG_MULTITHREAD at the top of log.hpp.
* Note that log uses the default std::cout buffer, so you should make sure it is not being used while logging something.
class Log {
* @brief Creates a log object, which can print messages to stdout and/or write them to a log file
* @details By creating multiple instances with different parameters, logs can be easily turned on/off for different usages.
* @param logfile: Name of the file in the logs folder
* @param showLog: Wether to print the messages to stdout
* @param storeLog: Wether to save the messages to the logfile
* @param prefix: A prefix that comes between the timestamp and the message. ": " is automatically appended to the prefix
* @param prefixColor: The color of the prefix
* @note Colors will only be shown when written to stdout, not in the logfile.
Log(std::string logfile="log.log", bool showLog=true, bool storeLog=true, std::string&& prefix="", Color prefixColor=RESET);
* @brief Logs a message
* @details Depending on the settings of the log instance, the message will be printed to stdout and/or written to the logfile.
* The current date and time is placed before the message.
* The message will look like this:
* <time>: <prefix>: <message>
* where time will be white, prefix in prefixColor and message white.
* @param args Any number of arguments that satisfy concept Logable
template<Logable... Args>
void log(Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] = getTime();
logArray[iter] += prefix;
vlog(" ", std::forward<Args>(args)...);
logArray[iter] += "\n";
std::cout << std::string_view(logArray[iter].c_str(), TIMESTAMP_CHAR_COUNT - 1) <<
COLORS[prefixColor] << prefix << COLORS[RESET] <<
std::string_view(logArray[iter].begin() + prefixLength, logArray[iter].end());
if (++iter >= logLength) {
iter = 0;
* @brief Logs a message. Overload for convenience, same behavior as log()
template<Logable... Args>
void operator() (Args&&... args) {
* @brief Log an error
* @details Prints the message with a red "Error: " prefix.
* The message will look like this:
* <time>: <prefix>: Error: <message>
* where time will be white, prefix in prefixColor, Error in red and message white.
* @param args Any number of arguments that satisfy concept Logable
template<Logable... Args>
void error(Args&&... args) {
clog(RED, "Error", WHITE, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Log a warnign
* @details Prints the message with a yellow "Warning: " prefix.
* The message will look like this:
* <time>: <prefix>: Warning: <message>
* where time will be white, prefix in prefixColor, Warning in yellow and message white.
* @param args Any number of arguments that satisfy concept Logable
template<Logable... Args>
void warning(Args&&... args) {
clog(YELLOW, "Warning", WHITE, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Log a message in a certain color and with a colored type
* @details
* The message will look like this:
* <time>: <prefix>: <type>: <message>
* where time will be white, prefix in prefixColor, type in typeColor and message in messageColor
* @param args Any number of arguments that satisfy concept Logable
template<Logable... Args>
void clog(Color typeColor, std::string&& type, Color messageColor, Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] = getTime();
logArray[iter] += prefix + ": " + type + ": ";
vlog(" ", std::forward<Args>(args)...);
logArray[iter] += "\n";
std::cout << std::string_view(logArray[iter].c_str(), TIMESTAMP_CHAR_COUNT - 1) <<
COLORS[prefixColor] << prefix << COLORS[typeColor] <<
std::string_view(logArray[iter].begin() + prefixLength + POSTPREFIX_CHAR_COUNT, logArray[iter].begin() + prefixLength + type.size() + 2 * POSTPREFIX_CHAR_COUNT) <<
COLORS[messageColor] << std::string_view(logArray[iter].begin() + prefixLength + type.size() + 2 * POSTPREFIX_CHAR_COUNT, logArray[iter].end()) << COLORS[RESET];
if (++iter >= logLength) {
iter = 0;
template<Stringy T, Logable... Args>
void vlog(const char* appendChars, T&& t, Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] += t;
logArray[iter] += appendChars;
vlog(" ", std::forward< Args>(args)...);
template<HasToString T, Logable... Args>
void vlog(const char* appendChars, T&& t, Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] += t.to_string();
logArray[iter] += appendChars;
vlog(" ", std::forward< Args>(args)...);
template<WorksToString T, Logable... Args>
void vlog(const char* appendChars, T&& t, Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] += std::to_string(t);
logArray[iter] += appendChars;
vlog(" ", std::forward< Args>(args)...);
template<typename T, Logable... Args>
requires(std::same_as<T, bool>)
void vlog(const char* appendChars, T&& b, Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] += boolToString(b);
logArray[iter] += appendChars;
vlog(" ", std::forward< Args>(args)...);
template<Vector2Printable V, Logable... Args>
void vlog(const char* appendChars, V&& v, Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] += "(";
vlog("", v.x);
logArray[iter] += ", ";
vlog("", v.y);
logArray[iter] += ")";
logArray[iter] += appendChars;
vlog(" ", std::forward< Args>(args)...);
template<PairPrintable P, Logable... Args>
void vlog(const char* appendChars, P&& p, Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] += "(";
vlog("", p.first);
logArray[iter] += ", ";
vlog("" ,p.second);
logArray[iter] += ")";
logArray[iter] += appendChars;
vlog(" ", std::forward< Args>(args)...);
template<ContainerPrintable T, Logable... Args>
void vlog(const char* appendChars, T&& t, Args&&... args) {;
logArray[iter] += "[";
for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); it++) {
vlog(", ", *it);
logArray[iter] += "]";
logArray[iter] += appendChars;
vlog(" ", std::forward< Args>(args)...);
template<MapPrintable T, Logable... Args>
void vlog(const char* appendChars, T&& t, Args&&... args) {
logArray[iter] += "{";
for (const auto& [k, v] : t) {
vlog(": ", k);
vlog(", ", v);
logArray[iter] += "}";
logArray[iter] += appendChars;
vlog(" ", std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/// Log any logable element that is stored in a pointer
template<LogableSmartPointer T, Logable... Args>
void vlog(const char* appendChars, T&& t, Args&&... args) {
vlog("", *t);
vlog(" ", std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void vlog(const char* appendChars) {};
std::array<std::string, logLength> logArray;
size_t iter;
std::string logFile;
bool showLog;
bool storeLog;
void writeLog();
Color prefixColor;
std::string prefix;
std::string::size_type prefixLength;
char* getTime();
static std::mutex mtx;
extern Log genLog;
extern Log gameLog;
extern Log engLog;
* @file
* @brief A logger capable of logging lots of different types and containers to stdout and/or a logfile.