214 lines
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214 lines
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/* #include "util.hpp" */
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <concepts>
#include <thread>
namespace gz::util {
// from util.hpp
template<std::unsigned_integral I, std::unsigned_integral S>
inline void incrementIndex(I& i, const S containerSize) {
if (i < containerSize - 1) { i++; }
else { i = 0; }
template<std::unsigned_integral I, std::unsigned_integral S>
inline void decrementIndex(I& i, const S containerSize) {
if (i > 0) { i--; }
else { i = containerSize - 1; }
template<std::unsigned_integral I, std::unsigned_integral S>
inline I getIncrementedIndex(const I i, const S containerSize) {
if (i < containerSize - 1) { return i + 1; }
else { return 0; }
template<std::unsigned_integral I, std::unsigned_integral S>
inline I getDecrementedIndex(const I i, const S containerSize) {
if (i > 0) { return i - 1; }
else { return containerSize - 1; }
/// Make wrap incices around: i = size + 2 -> i = 2, i = -2 -> i = size - 2
template<std::integral I, std::unsigned_integral S>
size_t getValidIndex(const I i, const S containerSize) {
if (i < 0) {
return containerSize - (-i) % containerSize - 1;
else if (i >= static_cast<int>(containerSize)) {
return i % containerSize;
return i;
* @brief A thread-safe queue with a dynamic size up until a maximum size
* @details
* Elements are ordered by the time they were put in the queue: You can only insert an element at the front and you can only get the element from the end.
* The queue uses a ringbuffer (which itself uses a vector) for data storage. Reallocations happen when an element is inserted into a queue with n < maxSize elements and the size of the ringbuffer is n.
* The queue will then increase the size of the ringbuffer by 10% (at least 3 elements, but the size will never be greater than maxSize).
* Note that "n elements" means n elements that were inserted and not accessed through get(). Elements might still by in memory after they have been get().
* The queue is thread safe, IF: the end of the queue is only processed by a single thread. Data races can occur when multiple threads try to retrieve elements (or clear() the queue),
* since the information from hasElement() might not be valid anymore until getCopy() gets called. Putting elements into the queue can be done by multiple threads.
template<std::swappable T>
class Queue {
* @brief Create a new queue
* @param size The size the queue can grow to without reallocating memory.
* @param maxSize The maximum size of the queue. If more than maxSize elements are inserted, the oldest elements are discarded until size == maxSize.
Queue(size_t size=10, size_t maxSize=-1);
void push_back(T& t);
void push_back(T&& t) { push_back(t); };
void emplace_back(T&& t);
* @brief Check if the contains has an element that can be retrieved by get()
bool hasElement();
* @brief Get a reference to the oldest element
* @returns Reference to the oldest element.
* @note The reference is at least valid until the next call to push_back/emplace_back. If you are in a multithreaded environment, it is probably better to use getCopy().
* @warning Leads to undefined behavior when there is no element to get. Always check hasElement() first.
T& getRef();
* @brief Get a copy of the oldest element
* @returns Copy of the oldest element.
* @warning Leads to undefined behavior when there is no element to get. Always check hasElement() first.
T getCopy();
* @brief Remove all elements
void clear();
std::vector<T>& getInternalBuffer() { return buffer; }
* @brief Resize the queue (if possible)
* @details
* After calling this, readIndex and writeIndex will be valid so that a push_back or emplace_back can be performed.
void resize();
size_t writeIndex; ///< Points to the element that was last written
size_t readIndex; ///< Points to the element that was last read
std::vector<T> buffer;
size_t vectorCapacity;
size_t maxSize;
std::mutex mtx;
template<std::swappable T>
Queue<T>::Queue(size_t capacity, size_t maxSize)
: vectorCapacity(capacity), maxSize(maxSize) {
/* buffer.resize(2); */
writeIndex = capacity - 1;
readIndex = capacity - 1;
template<std::swappable T>
void Queue<T>::resize() {
// if vector is at maxSize, "loose" the oldest element
if (buffer.size() == maxSize) {
incrementIndex(readIndex, buffer.size());
// if not at end of vector rotate so that oldest element is first
if (writeIndex != vectorCapacity - 1) {
// if not at end, reserve more space and move elements
std::rotate(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + readIndex, buffer.end());
readIndex = 0;
writeIndex = vectorCapacity - 1;
// reserve 10% more space (at least space for 3 more elements).
buffer.reserve(std::min(std::max(static_cast<size_t>(1.1 * vectorCapacity), vectorCapacity + 3), maxSize));
vectorCapacity = buffer.capacity();
template<std::swappable T>
void Queue<T>::push_back(T& t) {
// check if this would write into oldest element
if (readIndex == getIncrementedIndex(writeIndex, vectorCapacity)) { resize(); }
util::incrementIndex(writeIndex, vectorCapacity);
if (buffer.size() < vectorCapacity) {
else {
buffer[writeIndex] = t;
/* std::cout << "queue after pushback. ri: " << readIndex << " - wi: " << writeIndex << " - size: " << buffer.size() << " - cap: " << vectorCapacity << "\n"; */
template<std::swappable T>
void Queue<T>::emplace_back(T&& t) {
if (readIndex == getIncrementedIndex(writeIndex, vectorCapacity)) { resize(); }
util::incrementIndex(writeIndex, vectorCapacity);
if (buffer.size() < vectorCapacity) {
else {
buffer[writeIndex] = std::move(t);
template<std::swappable T>
bool Queue<T>::hasElement() {
bool hasElement = writeIndex != readIndex;
return hasElement;
template<std::swappable T>
T& Queue<T>::getRef() {
incrementIndex(readIndex, vectorCapacity);
size_t i = readIndex;
T& element = buffer[i];
return buffer[i];
template<std::swappable T>
T Queue<T>::getCopy() {
incrementIndex(readIndex, vectorCapacity);
size_t i = readIndex;
return std::move(buffer[i]); /// @todo could this in some stupid edge case lead to a data race?
template<std::swappable T>
void Queue<T>::clear() {
writeIndex = 0;
readIndex = 0;