day 4
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,9 +3,16 @@
Today's language: **C**
Extra: Task 1 in **vimscript**, generated by OpenAI with just a few fixes by myself
All the characters (the Elf's items) occuring in (half) a line (backpack) are stored as bits in an unsigned long, duplicate characters can then be determined by bitwise and-ing these numbers.
# Find the item type that appears in both compartments of each rucksack. What is the sum of the priorities of those item types?
gcc main.c -o day3
# OpenAI vim script
vim rucksack_items.txt
# in vim:
# :source day3-1.vim
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
" Define the function that will be run when the script is executed
function! FindAndSumCharacters()
" Initialize the sum to 0
let sum = 0
" Iterate over every line in the file
" Note: The cursor position is not relevant here, since the script
" will process the entire file
for line in getline(1, '$')
" Get the first and second half of the line
let first_half = line[:len(line)/2]
let second_half = line[len(line)/2:]
" Find the character that occurs in both the first and second half
" of the line.
" Note: There will be only one such character, since the prompt
" specified that each line contains only a-zA-Z
let common_char = ''
for char in first_half
if match(second_half, '\C' . char) >= 0
let common_char = char
" echo first_half . " - " . second_half . " - char" . common_char
" Convert the character to a number
let common_char_num = char2nr(common_char)
let char_num = 0
if common_char_num >= char2nr('a') && common_char_num <= char2nr('z')
let char_num = common_char_num - char2nr('a') + 1
elseif common_char_num >= char2nr('A') && common_char_num <= char2nr('Z')
let char_num = common_char_num + 27 - char2nr('A')
" echo "char_num " . char_num . "for char " . common_char . " char2nr " . char2nr(common_char)
" Add the number to the sum
let sum += char_num
" Output the final sum
echo sum
" Run the script when it is loaded
call FindAndSumCharacters()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"configurations": {
"vulkan_test": {
"adapter": "vscode-cpptools",
"configuration": {
"name": "day4",
"type": "asmdbg",
"request": "launch",
"externalConsole": true,
"logging": {
"engineLogging": true
"stopOnEntry": true,
"stopAtEntry": true,
"debugOptions": [],
"MIMode": "gdb",
"cwd": "~/Sonstiges/AdventOfCode/4",
"program": "~/Sonstiges/AdventOfCode/4/day4"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
ASM_SRC = day4.s
C_SRC = day4-from-ai.c
# DEBUG = -g
as -o day4.o $(ASM_SRC) $(DEBUG)
ld $(DEBUG) -o day4 day4.o -lc
@# for some reason an invalid interpreter is in the binary, which leads to 'file not found error' when running
patchelf --set-interpreter "/usr/lib/" day4
gcc $(C_SRC) -o day4 "section-pairs.txt"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# [Day 4](
Today's language: **gnu x86-64** (and alternatively **c**)
Today I wanted to use OpenAI to solve the tasks using gnu x86-64, which I have never used before
(I did some small things in [6502-asssembly](, so it wasn't all new).
The prompt can be seen in prompt.txt.
It did a lot of things right, however:
- It did generate x86 (32-bit) code because I did not specify x86-64. So I changed the `int $0x80` system calls to use `syscall` (which also meant I had to change all the registers and [syscall numbers](
- It did get the argument order for `sscanf` wrong, even when I specifically asked it told me that the line to read comes last
- It did not correctly implement the logic to test the condition
- It sometimes me wrong syscall numbers (they were just wrong, not even x86)
- It told me the `read` syscall can read until a `newline` by passing `newline` as last arg
So I had to fix all that. I tried to exclusively use the AI to get answers to my questions, however I did sometimes revert to the internet.
It was still a good starting point and provided lots of help.
At the end of the ~~evening~~ next morning I had coded the task in x86-64 assembly.
To test scanf, I gave it the exact same prompt but said I wanted it in *c*.
It instantly produced compilable c code that gave the right answer...
# for the assembly program
make asm
# for the c promgram
make c
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
* This file was generated by OpenAI and was not modified apart from this comment. The prompt was:
* consider a text file like this:
* 22-65,22-66
* 91-94,63-91
* 6-88,5-31
* 85-86,64-86
* 40-65,40-65
* 25-82,24-94
* write c program that:
* - reads a text file like this line by line and count how often one of the two ranges contains the other.
* - accepts the filename via command line arg
* - outputs the result using printf with a suitable string
* A range r1 contains the other r2 when the r1.lower <= r2.lower and r1.upper >= r2.upper
* the program needs to output how often that is the case in the entire file
// Structure to represent a range in the file
struct range {
int lower;
int upper;
// Function to parse a line from the file and return the two ranges in the line
void parse_line(const char *line, struct range *range1, struct range *range2) {
// Parse the two ranges in the line
sscanf(line, "%d-%d,%d-%d", &range1->lower, &range1->upper, &range2->lower, &range2->upper);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Check if a filename was provided
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No filename provided\n");
return 1;
// Open the file for reading
FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to open file for reading\n");
return 1;
// Read the file line by line
char line[256];
int count = 0;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) {
// Parse the two ranges in the line
struct range range1, range2;
parse_line(line, &range1, &range2);
// Check if one range contains the other
if ((range1.lower <= range2.lower && range1.upper >= range2.upper) ||
(range2.lower <= range1.lower && range2.upper >= range1.upper)) {
// Close the file
// Print the result
printf("The file contains %d lines where one of the two ranges contains the other\n", count);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
filename: .asciz "input.txt"
format: .asciz "%d-%d,%d-%d"
result: .asciz "Result: %d\n"
.globl main
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
xorl %eax, %eax # initialize count to 0
movl $1, %ebx # initialize loop variable to 1
# open the file and store the file descriptor in %ecx
movl $5, %eax # set the number of the "open" syscall to 5
movl $filename, %ebx # move the address of the filename to %ebx
xorl %edx, %edx # set the flags to 0
int $0x80
# read the file line by line
movl $3, %eax # set the number of the "read" syscall to 3
movl %ecx, %ebx # move the file descriptor to %ebx
movl $buffer, %ecx # move the address of the buffer to %ecx
movl $BUFSIZ, %edx # move the size of the buffer to %edx
int $0x80
# check if end of file has been reached
cmpl $0, %eax
jz .done # if so, jump to .done
# parse the line and check if it satisfies the condition
call sscanf
movl %eax, %edi
movl %ebx, %esi
movl %ecx, %ebp
movl %edx, %ebx
cmpl %edi, %ebp
jl .not_contained
cmpl %esi, %ebx
jg .not_contained
incl %eax # increment count
incl %ebx # increment loop variable
jmp .loop # repeat the loop
# print the result
movl $1, %eax # set the number of the "write" syscall to 1
movl $1, %ebx # set the file descriptor to stdout (1)
movl $result, %ecx # move the address of the result string to %ecx
movl %eax, %edx # move the count to %edx
int $0x80
# close the file
movl $6, %eax # set the number of the "close" syscall to 6
movl %ecx, %ebx # move the file descriptor to %ebx
int $0x80
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
# Parts of this code were generated by OpenAI
# I did however have to modifiy nearly all of it
count_contained:.long 0
count_overlap: .long 0
file: .quad 0 # file descriptor
line_length: .quad 0 # store the length of the current line in line_buffer
line_nr: .long 0 # store the line number
r1_upper: .long 0 # range 1 upper value
r2_upper: .long 0 # range 2 upper value
r1_lower: .long 0 # range 1 lower value
r2_lower: .long 0 # range 2 lower value
current_char: .long 0
filename: .asciz "section-pairs.txt"
format: .asciz "%d-%d,%d-%d"
f_contained: .asciz "Current line has containment. count_contained: [%d]\n"
f_res_cont: .asciz "The file contains %d lines where one of the two ranges contains the other\n"
f_res_over: .asciz "The file contains %d lines where one of the two ranges overlaps the other\n"
f_line_nr: .asciz "Line Nr: [%d] -\t"
f_line_length: .asciz "Line Length: [%d] -\tContent: '"
f_q_newline: .asciz "'\n"
f_error_open: .asciz "Error %d while opening file\n"
f_error_read: .asciz "Error %d while reading file.\n"
f_error_match: .asciz "Error %d while matching line.\n"
line_buffer: .skip LINE_BUFSIZ
print_buffer: .skip PRINT_BUFSIZ
.globl _start
.globl sscanfl
# syscall arg order
# (call #: rax) - rdi rsi rdx r10 r8 r9
push %rbp
mov %rsp, %rbp
# xorl %eax, %eax # initialize count_contained to 0
# movl $1, %ebx # initialize loop variable to 1
# open the file and store the file descriptor in %ecx
movq $SYS_OPEN, %rax # set the number of the "open" syscall
movq $filename, %rdi # move the address of the filename to %ebx
xorq %rsi, %rsi # set the flags to 0
xorq %rdx, %rdx # set the mode to 0 = read
# movq $777, %rsi
# if read fails, jump to error
jl .error_open
jg .error_open
# negative return value is error
cmpq $0, %rax
jl .error_open
movq %rax, file # store file descriptor in file
# read the file line by line
call read_next_line
cmpq $0, %rax # rax is number of chars read, if 0 we are done
je .done
# get and print line lenght
movq %rax, line_length
# increment line nr
incl line_nr # increment line_nr
# print line nr
movl line_nr, %edx # load to print
leaq f_line_nr, %rsi # set print format
push %rdx
call print_rsi_rdx
pop %rdx
# print line lenght
movq line_length, %rdx
leaq f_line_length, %rsi
push %rdx
call print_rsi_rdx
pop %rdx
# print the line
movq $SYS_WRITE, %rax # set the number of the "write" syscall to 4
movq $STDOUT, %rdi # move the file descriptor (1 for stdout) to %ebx
movq $LINE_BUFSIZ, %rdx # number of bytes
leaq line_buffer, %rsi # buffer
# print newline
movq $SYS_WRITE, %rax # set the number of the "write" syscall to 4
movq $STDOUT, %rdi # move the file descriptor (1 for stdout) to %ebx
movq $2, %rdx # number of bytes
leaq f_q_newline, %rsi # buffer
# from first arg to last
leaq line_buffer, %rdi # Load the address of the line_buffer into %rdi
leaq format, %rsi # Move the address of the format string into %rs
leaq r1_lower, %rdx # Move the address of the first output register into %esi
leaq r1_upper, %rcx # Move the address of the second output register into %edx
leaq r2_lower, %r8 # Move the address of the third output register into %ecx
leaq r2_upper, %r9 # Move the address of the fourth output register into %r8d
push %rbx # to align the stack
call sscanf # Call the scanf function
pop %rbx # restore stack ptr
cmp $0, %rax
je .error_match # 0 is not succesful
# load the results into registers
movl r1_lower, %eax
movl r2_lower, %ebx
movl r1_upper, %ecx
movl r2_upper, %edx
cmp %ebx, %eax # compare r1l to r2l
jg .cont_r1l_greater_r2l
je .is_contained # if lower bounds are equal, one must be contained in the other
jl .cont_r1l_less_r2l
# 1) check containment
.cont_r1l_greater_r2l: # r1l > r2l
# to be contained: r1u <= r2u
cmp %edx, %ecx
jl .is_contained
je .is_contained
jmp .not_contained
# to be contained: r1u >= r1u
cmp %edx, %ecx
jg .is_contained
je .is_contained
jmp .not_contained
movq $42, %rax
jmp .error_open # it should not come to this
incl count_contained
jmp .overlaps # containment € overlap
# 2) overlap
# two ranges overlap if
# r1l > r2l:
# r1l <= r2u
# r1l < r2l:
# r1u >= r2l
# r1l == r2l
cmpl %ebx, %eax # compare r1l to r2l
jg .over_r1l_greater_r2l
je .overlaps
jl .over_r1l_less_r2l
movq $43, %rax
jmp .error_open # should not happen
.over_r1l_greater_r2l: # r1l > r2l
cmpl %edx, %eax # overlap if r1l <= r2u
je .overlaps
jl .overlaps
jmp .no_overlap
.over_r1l_less_r2l: # r1l < r2l
cmpl %ebx, %ecx # overlap if r1u >= r2l
jg .overlaps
je .overlaps
jmp .no_overlap
incl count_overlap
jmp .loop # repeat the loop
movl count_contained, %edx
leaq f_res_cont, %rsi # set print format
push %rsi
call print_rsi_rdx
pop %rsi
movl count_overlap, %edx
leaq f_res_over, %rsi # set print format
push %rsi
call print_rsi_rdx
pop %rsi
movq $0, %r10 # set exit status
jmp .close_file
leaq f_error_open, %rsi # set print format
jmp .error
leaq f_error_read, %rsi # set print format
jmp .error
leaq f_error_match, %rsi # set print format
movq %rax, %rdx # print rax
# leaq f_error, %rsi # set print format
push %rax
call print_rsi_rdx
pop %rax
movq %rax, %r10 # set exit status
# close the file, expect exit status in %r10
movq $SYS_CLOSE, %rax # set the number of the "close" syscall to 3
movq file, %rdi # move the file descriptor to %rdi
movq $SYS_EXIT, %rax
movq %r10, %rdi
# read char by char, until newline or eof, return number of chars in rax
xorq %r10, %r10 # charcount_contained
xorq %rsi, %rsi # make sure rsi is 0
xorq %r11, %r11 # make sure r11 is 0
movq $SYS_READ, %rax # set the number of the "read" syscall
movq file, %rdi # move the file descriptor to %rdi
leaq current_char, %rsi # move the address of the charbuffer to %rsi
movq $1, %rdx # read only 1 char
jl .error_read
cmpq $0, %rax # if no char is loaded - eof
je .line_complete
movb current_char, %r11b
cmpb $'\n', %r11b # if newline
je .line_complete
movb %r11b, line_buffer(,%r10,1) # copy current char into the place at charcount_contained
incq %r10 # increment charcount_contained
jmp .load_char
# null terminate the line
leaq line_buffer, %rax
movq $0, (%rax,%r10,1)
movq %r10, %rax # return number of chars loaded in rax
# print an int with $format, first get the formatted string from sprintf and the do a write syscall to stdout
# print the format string in %rsi which contains one int in %rdx
push %rdx # save the value
# Set up the format string and the integer value
leaq print_buffer, %rdi # Load the address of the buffer into %rdi
# Use sprintf to format the string and the integer value
call sprintf # Call the sprintf function
# Determine the number of bytes written to the buffer
movq %rax, %rdx # Move the number of bytes written to %rdx
# Set up the write syscall
movq $SYS_WRITE, %rax # set the number of the "write" syscall to 4
movq $STDOUT, %rdi # move the file descriptor (1 for stdout) to %ebx
leaq print_buffer, %rsi
pop %rdx
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# original prompt
consider a text file like this:
write an gnu-x86 assembly program that:
- reads a text file like this line by line and count how often one of the two ranges contains the other.
- accepts the filename via command line arg
- outputs the result using printf with a suitable string
A range r1 contains the other r2 when the r1.lower <= r2.lower and r1.upper >= r2.upper
the program needs to output how often that is the case in the entire file
# add task 2 to c code:
can you add another check to the c code:
it should now also check if one of the ranges overlaps the other.
A range r1 overlaps the other r2 if:
- r1.lower == r2.lower
- r1.upper == r2.upper
- r1.lower > r2.lower and r1.lower <= r2.upper
- r1.upper < r1.upper r1.upper >= r2.lower
sorry i failed to mention that the overlaps and containment should be counted separately
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user