
742 B

Project details

Address Space

Name From To r/w
ZEROPAGE $00 $ff rw
STACK $100 $1ff rw
RAM $200 $4fff rw
SPI $5000 $5fff rw
VIA1 $6000 $600f rw
VIA2 $7000 $700f rw
ROM $8000 $ffff r

Naming conventions

leading underscors _ indicate a "private" label/variable, that is meant for internal use within the module only.


  • scopes: snake case
  • subroutines and variables: snake case (scope::(_)fname_snake_case or scope::(_)varname_2)
  • macros: camel case ((_)GoodMacroname or scope_GoodMacroname)
  • constants (eg. in ROM): upper case (scope::(_)NICE_SYMBOLNAME)