USE layer; CREATE TABLE images( `img_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `img_path` VARCHAR(100), `img_title` VARCHAR(50), `img_desc` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (`img_id`) ); INSERT INTO images (img_path, img_title, img_desc) VALUES ('./resources/img/bisasam.png', 'Bisasam', 'Dieses POKéMON trägt von Geburt an einen Samen auf dem Rücken, der mit ihm keimt und wächst.'); INSERT INTO images (img_path, img_title, img_desc) VALUES ('./resources/img/bisaknosp.png', 'Bisaknosp', 'Sobald die Knospe auf seinem Rücken aufgeht, kann BISAKNOSP nicht mehr auf zwei Beinen stehen.'); INSERT INTO images (img_path, img_title, img_desc) VALUES ('./resources/img/bisaflor.png', 'Bisaflor', 'Dieses POKéMON folgt der Sonne. Die Pflanze auf seinem Rücken absorbiert Solarenergie.'); CREATE TABLE audio( `aud_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `aud_path` VARCHAR(100), `aud_title` VARCHAR(50), `aud_desc` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (`aud_id`) ); INSERT INTO audio (aud_path,aud_title, aud_desc) VALUES ('/home/dani/music/bbtb.mp3', 'Bitten by the Bullet: It is really good!', 'This song is very good. It pulls inspiration from J-Rock and Punk covering many topics that I was dealing with at the time of writing.'); INSERT INTO audio (aud_path, aud_title, aud_desc) VALUES ('/home/dani/music/chronostasis.mp3', 'the enigmatic benefits of chronostasis', "The blink of an eye. The stroke of a hummingbird's wing. The entire span of primordial nucleosynthesis. Moments can only last so long, But you have the power of making it last forever.");