function get_images($pdo, $search='%', $sort='img_date', $sdir='DESC') {
if ($sort != 'img_date' && $sdir != 'ASC') {
if ($sort != 'img_title' && $sdir != 'DESC') {
echo('Ey boss, database request is kinda f*cked up. Maybe you want to try that again, hey... '.$sort.' '.$sdir);
$params = array('search' => $search);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM images WHERE img_title LIKE CONCAT('%', :search ,'%') ORDER BY $sort $sdir;");
// $stmt->debugDumpParams();
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();
$img_list = '
foreach ($data as $block) {
$img_list .= '';
$img_list .= ' ';
$img_list .= ''.$block['img_title']." ";
$img_list .= ''.$block['img_desc']."
$img_list .= ' ';
$img_list .= ' ';
echo $img_list;
function get_audio($pdo, $search='%', $sort='aud_date', $sdir='DESC') {
if ($sort != 'aud_date' && $sdir != 'ASC') {
if ($sort != 'aud_title' && $sdir != 'DESC') {
echo('Ey boss, database request is kinda f*cked up. Maybe you want to try that again, hey... '.$sort.' '.$sdir);
$params = array('search' => $search);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM audio WHERE aud_title LIKE CONCAT('%', :search ,'%') ORDER BY $sort $sdir;");
// $stmt->debugDumpParams();
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();
$aud_list = '';
foreach ($data as $block) {
$aud_list .= '';
$aud_list .= '';
$aud_list .= '
$aud_list .= '
$aud_list .= '';
$aud_list .= 'There would be an awesome music player here if you weren\'t such a weirdo...';
$aud_list .= ' ';
$aud_list .= '
$aud_list .= ''.$block['aud_title']." ";
$aud_list .= ''.$block['aud_desc']."
$aud_list .= 'download
'; // TODO: mask dl link with helper class
$aud_list .= ' ';
$aud_list .= ' ';
echo $aud_list;
function get_album_cover($title) {
// TODO: put actual code here, maybe steal from this lib
return "nopathyet";