initial commit
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# vim-ca6502 Support for the ca65 assembler
This plugin provides syntax highlighting, convenience functions and help pages for the ca65 assembler.
It is focused on the 65C02 processor, please open an issue/a pull request if you find anything that is missing.
By default, the plugin loads for files having a `.s65` or `.h65` extension.
To load it for your preferred extension, write this into `~/.vim/ftdetect/ca6502.vim`:
" in ~/.vim/ftdetect/ca6502.vim
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.myExtension setfiletype ca6502
## Syntax
The syntax highlighting currently supports the 65C02 opcodes, the ca65 assembler functions
and the macro packs `generic` and `longbranch`.
If the labels and instructions have the same color in your colorscheme,
link `ca65Opcode` or `ca65Label` to another class, eg: `hi link ca65Label Typedef`.
## Convenience
This plugin provides the `b:match_words` variable for jumping between words.
Supported are the assembler commands like `.if` `.endif`, `.macro` `.endmacro` as well as stack instructions.
This allows for easier checking of stack push/pull order.
There is also a function that opens a header/source file with the same name in a vsplit.
For example if `~/project/main.s65` is opened, `~/project/main.h65` would be opened.
To use it, map it and set your preferred assembly filetypes.
" in ~/.vim/ftplugin/ca6502.vim (or vimrc)
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>h :call SplitHeader("h65", "s65")<Cr>
## Help
I compiled the datasheet of the WDC 65C02 into a vim help page.
Type `:help <opcode>` to see info about the opcode (addressing modes, updated flags...).
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
*ca6502.txt* ca65 + 65C02
Instruction list |ca6502-instructions|
ADC |ca6502-adc|
Addressing modes |ca6502-addressing-modes|
Status flags |ca6502-status-flags|
This help file provides information on the ca6502 processor instructions.
You can jump to each instruction by using the corresponding keyword.
INSTRUCTIONS *ca6502-instructions*
ADC *ca6502-adc*
Add with Carry~
A + M + C -> A `N V - - - - Z C` |ca6502-status-flags|
Addressing Modes~
a a,x a,y # zp (zp,x) zp,x (zp) (zp),y |ca6502-addresing-modes|
AND *ca6502-and*
Add with Carry~
A ^ M -> A ` N - - - - - Z -` |ca6502-status-flags|
Addressing Modes~
a a,x a,y # zp (zp,x) zp,x (zp) (zp),y |ca6502-addresing-modes|
ADDRESSING MODES *ca6502-addressing-modes*
Status flags *ca6502-status-flags*
Use the following commands to navigate this help file:
:help ADC Jump to the Add with Carry instruction
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
load and store
LDA load accumulator with memory NZ
LDX load X register with memory NZ
LDY load Y register with memory NZ
STA STore Accumulator in memory -
STX STore X register in memory -
STY STore Y register in memory -
STZ store zero in memory -
Stack Operations
PHA push accumulator on stack -
PHX push X register on stack -
PHY push Y register on stack -
PHP push processor status on stack -
PLA pull accumulator from stack NZ
PLX pull X register from stack NZ
PLY pull Y register from stack NZ
PLP pull processor status from stack All
TSX transfer the stack pointer to the X register NZ
TXS transfer the X register to the stack pointer register -
Increment & Decrement Operations
INX increment X register by one NZ
INY increment Y register by one NZ
DEX decrement X register by one NZ
DEY decrement Y register by one NZ
INC increment memory or accumulator by one NZ
DEC decrement memory or accumulator by one NZ
Shift Operations
ASL arithmetic shift one bit left, memory or accumulator NZC
LSR logical shift one bit right, memory or accumulator N=0 ZC
ROL rotate one bit left memory or accumulator NZC
ROR rotate one bit right memory or accumulator NZC
Logical Operations
AND and accumulator with memory NZ
ORA or accumulator with memory NZ
EOR exclusive-or accumulator with memory NZ
BIT BIt Test N=M7 V=M6 Z
CMP compare accumulator with memory NZC
CPX compare X register with memory NZC
CPY compare Y register with memory NZC
TRB Test and Reset memory Bit x
TSB Test and Set memory Bit x
RMB reset memory bit x
SMB set memory bit x
Math Operations
ADC add memory to accumulator with carry NZCV
SBC subtract memory accumulator, with borrow (carry bit) NZCV
Flow Control Instructions
JMP jump to new location -
JSR jump to Subroutine -
RTS return from Subroutine -
RTI return from Interrupt
BRA branch Always -
BEQ branch if equal (Z == 0) -
BNE branch if not equal (Z == 1) -
BCC branch if carry clear (C == 0) -
BCS branch if carry set (C == 1) -
BVC branch if overflow clear (V == 0) -
BVS branch if overflow set (V == 1) -
BMI branch if minus (N == 1) -
BPL branch if plus (N == 0) -
BBR branch if bit reset -
BBS branch if bit set -
Processor Status Instructions
CLC clear carry flag C=0
CLD clear decimal mode D=0
CLI clear interrupt disable bit I=0
CLV clear overflow flag V=0
SEC set carry flag C=1
SED set decimal mode D=1
SEI set interrupt disable bit I=1
Transfer Instructions
TAX transfer accumulator to X register NZ
TAY transfer accumulator to Y register NZ
TXA transfer X register to accumulator NZ
TYA transfer Y register to accumulator NZ
Misc Instructions
NOP no operation -
BRK break instruction B=1
wai wait for interrupt
stp stop mode
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ca6502-adc ca6502.txt /*ca6502-adc*
ca6502-addressing-modes ca6502.txt /*ca6502-addressing-modes*
ca6502-and ca6502.txt /*ca6502-and*
ca6502-instructions ca6502.txt /*ca6502-instructions*
ca6502-status-flags ca6502.txt /*ca6502-status-flags*
ca6502.txt ca6502.txt /*ca6502.txt*
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.h65 setfiletype ca6502
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.s65 setfiletype ca6502
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
if !exists("*SplitHeader")
function! SplitHeader(header_ext, source_ext)
" check which filetype and then open header/source in vsplit
if (expand("%:e") == a:source_ext)
execute "vsplit %:r.".a:header_ext
elseif (expand("%:e") == a:header_ext)
execute "vsplit %:r.".a:source_ext
:exe "normal \<c-w>r"
" navigation with % using matchit plugin
let b:match_words = '\<ph[axy]\>:\<pl[axy]\>,'
\ . '\.\<if\>:\.\<elseif\>:\.\<else\>:\.\<endif\>,'
\ . '\.\<proc\>:\.\<endproc\>,'
\ . '\.\<mac(ro)?\>:\.\<endmac(ro)?\>,'
\ . '\.\<scope\>:\.\<endscope\>,'
\ . '\.\<enum\>:\.\<endenum\>,'
\ . '\.\<struct\>:\.\<endstruct\>,'
\ . '\.\<rep(eat)?\>:\.\<endrep(eat)?\>,'
\ . '\.\<union\>:\.\<endunion\>'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: ca65: (MOS 65C02 assembler
" Maintainer: Matthias Quintern
" Latest Revision: December 2023
" Originally by: Oyd E. Leven <> (2005)
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Remove any old syntax stuff hanging about
syn clear
syn case ignore
syntax iskeyword @,48-57,192-255,$,_,.,*
" custom macros
syn keyword customMacros Import Export Print Strf div
" registers
syn keyword ca65Reg x y a
" ********************************************************************************
" keywords that are used in regions will not be defined here
" ********************************************************************************
" 650x
" ********************************************************************************
syn keyword ca6502Opcode adc and asl bit brk clc cld cli clv cmp cpx cpy dec dex dey eor inc inx iny lda ldx ldy lsr nop ora pha php pla plp rol ror rti rts sbc sec sed sei sta stx sty tax tay tsx txa txs tya
syn region ca65BranchTarget matchgroup=ca6502Opcode start="\v(bcc|bcs|beq|bmi|bne|bpl|bvc|bvs|jmp|jsr)[ \t]+" end="$" contains=ca65Comment keepend
" ********************************************************************************
" Atari 800XL 'Sally' undocumented opcodes
" mnemonics taken from Trevin Beattie's 'Atari Technical Information' page
" at ""
" ********************************************************************************
" syn keyword ca65SallyUndoc anc arr asr asx ax7 axe brk dcp jam las lax php rla rra sax slo sre sx7 sy7 xea xs7
" ********************************************************************************
" 65C02
" ********************************************************************************
syn keyword ca65C02Opcode phx phy plx ply stz trb tsb stp wai
syn match ca65C02Opcode "bb[rs][0-7]"
syn region ca65i65C02BranchTarget matchgroup=ca65C02Opcode start="\(bra \)" end="$" contains=ca65Comment keepend
syn match ca65BitSetBranchTarget "\v(bb[rs][0-7][ \t]+[^,]+,[ \t]*)@<=[^;]+"
" ********************************************************************************
" ********************************************************************************
syn match ca65Label "\v^\.?[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*:"
syn match ca65CheapLabel "^@[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*:"
syn match ca65UnnamedLabel "^:"
syn match ca65Comment ";.*" contains=ca65Todo
syn keyword ca65Todo contained todo fixme xxx warning danger note notice bug
syn region ca65String start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+
syn match ca65Char "'.'"
syn match decNumber "\<\d\+\>"
syn match hexNumber "\$\x\+\>" " 'bug', but adding \< doesn't behave!
syn match binNumber "%[01]\+\>"
" syn region ca65Immediate start="\v((adc|and|bit|cmp|cpx|cpy|eor|lda|ldx|ldy|ora|sbc) +)@<=#" end="$" contains=ca65Comment,hexNumber,decNumber,binNumber,ca65Char,ca65Expression
syn match ca65Immediate "\v((adc|and|bit|cmp|cpx|cpy|eor|lda|ldx|ldy|ora|sbc)[ \t]+)@<=#"
" ********************************************************************************
" ca65
" ********************************************************************************
syn keyword ca65ControlCommands .a16 .a8 .addr .align .asciiz .assert .autoimport .bankbytes .bss .byt .byte .case .charmap .code .condes .constructor .data .dbyt .debuginfo .define .delmac .delmacro .destructor .dword .else .elseif .end .endenum .endif .endmac .endmacro .endproc .endrep .endrepeat .endscope .endstruct .endunion .enum .error .exitmac .exitmacro .export .exportzp .faraddr .fatal .feature .fileopt .fopt .forceimport .global .globalzp .hibytes .i16 .i8 .if .ifblank .ifconst .ifdef .ifnblank .ifndef .ifnref .ifp02 .ifp4510 .ifp816 .ifpc02 .ifpdtv .ifpsc02 .ifref .import .importzp .incbin .include .interruptor .linecont .list .listbytes .literal .lobytes .local .localchar .macpack .mac .macro .org .out .p02 .p4510 .p816 .pagelen .pagelength .pc02 .pdtv .popcharmap .popcpu .popseg .psc02 .pushcharmap .pushcpu .pushseg .referto .refto .reloc .repeat .res .rodata .scope .segment .set .setcpu .smart .struct .tag .undef .undefine .union .warning .word .zeropage
syn keyword ca65PseudoVariables * .asize .cpu .isize .paramcount .time .version
syn keyword ca65PseudoFunctions .addrsize .bank .bankbyte .blank .concat .const .def,.defined .definedmacro .hibyte .hiword .ident .ismnem,.ismnemonic .left .lobyte .loword .match .max .mid .min .ref,.referenced .right .sizeof .sprintf .strat .string .strlen .tcount .xmatch
syn region ca65ProcLabel matchgroup=ca65ControlCommands start="\(\.proc\)" end="$" contains=ca65Comment keepend
" macro packs
syn region ca65MacLongbranchTarget matchgroup=ca65MacLongbranch start="\v(jcc|jcs|jeq|jmi|jne|jpl|jvc)[ \t]+" end="$" contains=ca65Comment keepend
syn region ca65MacGenericBranchTarget matchgroup=ca65MacGeneric start="\v(bge|blt|bgt|ble|bnz|bze)[ \t]+" end="$" contains=ca65Comment keepend
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
hi link ca65CheapLabel ca65Label
hi link ca65UnnamedLabel ca65Label
hi link ca65BranchTarget ca65Label
hi link ca65i65C02BranchTarget ca65Label
hi link ca65BitSetBranchTarget ca65Label
hi link ca65ProcLabel ca65Label
hi link ca65MacLongbranchTarget ca65Label
hi link ca65MacGenericBranchTarget ca65Label
hi link ca65Label Label
hi link ca65String String
hi link ca65Char Character
hi link ca65Comment Comment
hi link hexNumber Number
hi link binNumber Number
hi link decNumber Number
hi link ca65PseudoVariables PreProc
hi link ca65PseudoFunctions PreProc
hi link ca65ControlCommands PreProc
hi link ca65MacLongbranch PreProc
hi link ca65MacGeneric PreProc
hi link customMacros PreProc
hi link ca6502Opcode ca65Opcode
hi link ca65C02Opcode ca65Opcode
hi link ca65Opcode Statement
hi link ca65SallyUndoc Special
hi link ca65Reg Identifier
hi link ca65Todo Todo
hi link ca65Immediate Special
" hi link ca65Expression Special
let b:current_syntax = "ca65"
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