19 UMLClass 133 247 342 266 User -- <<PK>>- user_id -- - ip address - user agent string - platform - browser - mobile style=autoresize UMLClass 1159 247 247 152 FileGroup -- <<PK>>- group_id -- - group_name style=autoresize Relation 969 247 228 95 lt=- m1=n m2=1 10.0;20.0;100.0;20.0 UMLClass 703 228 285 285 Request -- <<PK>>- request_id -- - user_id - file name -- - date - referer - status style=autoresize Relation 456 247 285 95 lt=- m1=1 m2=n 10.0;20.0;130.0;20.0 UMLClass 1159 646 190 152 File -- <<PK>>- name -- - group_id -- style=autoresize Relation 1216 380 76 304 lt=- m1=n m2=1 10.0;140.0;10.0;10.0 UMLNote 874 19 570 133 One group contains multiple files. Lets you group the images from a html with the html itself style=autoresize Relation 1178 133 57 152 lt=<- 10.0;60.0;10.0;10.0