removed todo list
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
# from sys import path
# print(f"{__file__}: __name__={__name__}, __package__={__package__}, sys.path[0]={path[0]}")
# __package__="."
from sys import argv, exit
from os.path import isfile
import sqlite3 as sql
from sys import exit
from os import path
import sqlite3
except ImportError as e:
print(f"ImportError: {e}")
print(f"Your python installation is missing the sqlite3 module")
import argparse
@ -11,7 +13,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": # make relative imports work as described here: http
if __package__ is None:
__package__ = "regina"
import sys
from os import path
filepath = path.realpath(path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, path.dirname(path.dirname(filepath)))
@ -22,32 +23,7 @@ from .utility.globals import settings, version, config_dir, data_dir
from .utility.utility import pmessage, pdebug, make_parent_dirs
start regina, launch either collect or visualize
- optionen:
- unique visitor = ip address
- max requests/time
- unique request datums unabhängig
X fix datum im visitor and request count plot
X fix datum monat is 1 zu wenig
X fix ms edge nicht dabei
- für letzten Tag: uhrzeit - requests/visitors plot
- checken warum last x days und total counts abweichen
- länder aus ip addresse
- "manuelle" datenbank beabeitung in cli:
- visitor + alle seine requests löschen
- visitor agents:
X android vor linux suchen, oder linux durch X11 ersetzen
- alles was bot drin hat als bot betrachten
- wenn datenbankgröße zum problem wird:
- referrer table die die schon zusammengelegten referrer enthält, request verlinkt nur mit id
- selbes für platforms und browsers
- test:
- human detection
X referer cleanup
X geoip
- schöne log nachrichten für die cron mail
- testing!
start regina, launch either collect, visualize or update_geoip
@ -119,12 +95,13 @@ def main():
# create_db(settings["db"], settings["filegroups"], settings["locs_and_dirs"], settings["auto_group_filetypes"])
if args.update_geoip:
if not isfile(args.update_geoip):
if not path.isfile(args.update_geoip):
parser.error(f"invalid path to GeoIP database: '{args.update_geoip}'")
# update visitors
for visitor_id, in db(f"SELECT visitor_id FROM visitor"):
if args.collect:
pmessage(f"regina version {version} with server-name '{settings['regina']['server_name']}', database '{db_path}' and logfile '{settings['regina']['access_log']}'")
requests = parse_log(settings['regina']["access_log"])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user