This commit is contained in:
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ collect information from the access log and put it into the database
re_remote_addr = r"[0-9a-fA-F.:]+"
re_remote_visitor = ".*"
re_remote_user = ".*"
re_time_local = r"\[.+\]"
re_request = r'"[^"]+"'
re_status = r'\d+'
re_body_bytes_sent = r'\d+'
re_http_referer = r'"([^"]*)"'
re_http_visitor_agent = r'"([^"]*)"'
re_log_format: str = f'({re_remote_addr}) - ({re_remote_visitor}) ({re_time_local}) ({re_request}) ({re_status}) ({re_body_bytes_sent}) {re_http_referer} {re_http_visitor_agent}'
re_http_user_agent = r'"([^"]*)"'
re_log_format: str = f'({re_remote_addr}) - ({re_remote_user}) ({re_time_local}) ({re_request}) ({re_status}) ({re_body_bytes_sent}) {re_http_referer} {re_http_user_agent}'
def parse_log(logfile_path:str) -> list[Request]:
@ -23,19 +23,21 @@ def parse_log(logfile_path:str) -> list[Request]:
requests = []
with open(logfile_path, "r") as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
m = match(re_log_format, line)
for i in range(len(lines)):
m = match(re_log_format, lines[i])
if m is None:
warning(f"parse_log: Unmatched line: '{line}'")
warning(f"parse_log: Could not match line {i:3}: '{lines[i]}'")
# print(m.groups())
g = m.groups()
request_ = m.groups()[3].split(" ")
if len(request_) != 3:
warning(f"parse_log: len('{m.groups()[3]}'.split(' ')) is {len(request_)} and not 3")
pdebug(f"parse_log: line {i:3} match groups:", m.groups(), lvl=4)
# _ is user
ip_address, _, timestamp, request_, status, bytes_sent, referer, user_agent = m.groups()
request_parts = request_.split(" ")
if len(request_parts) != 3:
warning(f"parse_log: Could not parse request of line {i:3}: '{request_}'")
requests.append(Request(ip_address=g[0], time_local=g[2],
request_type=request_[0], request_route=request_[1], request_protocol=request_[2],
status=g[4], bytes_sent=g[5], referer=g[6], user_agent=g[7]))
http_function, route, protocol = request_parts
requests.append(Request(ip_address=ip_address, time_local=timestamp,
request_type=http_function, request_route=route, request_protocol=protocol,
status=status, bytes_sent=bytes_sent, referer=referer, user_agent=user_agent))
return requests
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from datetime import datetime as dt
from regina.utility.sql_util import sanitize, sql_select, sql_exists, sql_insert, sql_tablesize, sql_max
from regina.utility.utility import pdebug, warning, pmessage
from regina.utility.globals import visitor_agent_operating_systems, visitor_agent_browsers, settings
from regina.utility.globals import user_agent_platforms, user_agent_browsers, settings
months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aut", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ class Request:
warning(f"Request:__init__: {e}")
warning(f"Request:__init__: Could not match time: '{time_local}'")
self.request_type = sanitize(request_type)
self.request_route = sanitize(request_route)
self.request_protocol = sanitize(request_protocol)
self.status = sanitize(status)
self.type = sanitize(request_type) # GET, POST, ...
self.route = sanitize(request_route) # eg. /index.html
self.protocol = sanitize(request_protocol) # eg. HTTP/1.1
self.status = sanitize(status) # http status code
self.bytes_sent = sanitize(bytes_sent)
self.referer = sanitize(referer)
self.user_agent = sanitize(user_agent)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.ip_address} - {self.time_local} - {self.request_route} - {self.user_agent} - {self.status}"
return f"{self.ip_address} - {self.time_local} - {self.route} - {self.user_agent} - {self.status}"
def get_platform(self):
# for groups in findall(re_visitor_agent, visitor_agent):
operating_system = ""
for os in visitor_agent_operating_systems:
for os in user_agent_platforms:
if os in self.user_agent:
operating_system = os
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Request:
def get_browser(self):
browser = ""
for br in visitor_agent_browsers:
for br in user_agent_browsers:
if br in self.user_agent:
browser = br
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# from sys import path
# print(f"{__file__}: __name__={__name__}, __package__={__package__}, sys.path[0]={path[0]}")
from sys import exit
from os import path
from re import fullmatch
from sys import exit, stderr
from os import path, makedirs
from re import fullmatch, Pattern
from regina.utility.globals import settings
@ -10,49 +10,73 @@ from regina.utility.globals import settings
Various utitity
def is_whitelisted(val: str, whitelist: str|list[str]|None):
def _fullmatch(val, regexp, match_none=True):
Check if val fully matches regexp
Regexp can be:
None -> return match_none
list of the above, in which case True if returned if it matches any of the expressions in the list
if not regexp: return match_none
if type(regexp) == str:
if fullmatch(regexp, val):
return True
elif type(regexp) == list:
for w in regexp:
if _fullmatch(val, w):
return True
elif type(regexp) == Pattern:
if not regexp.pattern: # if whitelist = re.compile('')
return match_none
elif fullmatch(regexp, val):
return True
warning(f"_fullmatch: Unsupported regexp type: {type(regexp)}")
return False
def is_whitelisted(val: str, whitelist: str|Pattern|None|list) -> bool:
Check if val is in a regex whitelist
whitelist: regexp, list of regexp or None
whitelist: regexp as str or compiled pattern or None, or a list of them
if whitelist is None, always return True
if not whitelist: return True
if type(whitelist) == str:
return fullmatch(whitelist, val)
if type(whitelist) == list:
for w in whitelist:
if not fullmatch(w, val): return False
return True
wl = _fullmatch(val, whitelist)
if not wl: pdebug(f"is_whitelisted: value='{val}' is not on whitelist: '{whitelist}'", lvl=4)
return wl
def is_blacklisted(val: str, blacklist: str|list[str]|None):
def is_blacklisted(val: str, blacklist: str|Pattern|None|list):
Check if val is in a regex blacklist
blacklist: regexp, list of regexp or None
blacklist: regexp as str or compiled pattern or None, or a list of them
if blacklist is None, always return False
return not is_whitelisted(val, blacklist)
bl = _fullmatch(val, blacklist, match_none=False)
if bl: pdebug(f"is_blacklisted: value='{val}' is blacklisted: '{blacklist}'", lvl=4)
return bl
def pdebug(*args, **keys):
if settings["debug"]: print(*args, **keys)
def pdebug(*args, lvl=2, **keys):
if settings["debug"]["debug_level"] >= lvl: print(*args, **keys)
def warning(*w, **k):
print("Warning:", *w, **k)
print("Warning:", *w, file=stderr, **k)
def pmessage(*args, **keys):
print(*args, **keys)
def error(*arg):
print("Error:", *arg)
def error(*args, errno: int=1, **k):
print("Error:", *args, file=stderr, **k)
def missing_arg_val(arg):
print("Missing argument for", arg)
def missing_arg(arg):
print("Missing ", arg)
def dict_str(d: dict):
"""nicer string for dictionaries"""
s = ""
for k, v in d.items():
s += f"{k}:\t{v}\n"
return s.strip("\n")
def get_filepath(filename, directories: list):
@ -62,3 +86,9 @@ def get_filepath(filename, directories: list):
if path.isfile(p):
return p
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{filename} not in {directories}")
def make_parent_dirs(p):
parent = path.dirname(p)
if not path.isdir(parent):
pdebug(f"make_parent_dirs: Making directory '{parent}'", lvl=2)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user