Upgrade to 1.1
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,5 +54,10 @@ You can also install it system-wide using `sudo python3 -m pip install.`
After installing, you can use it like this: `nicole -ior -d ~/music/artist --rm_explicit`
## Changelog
### 1.1
- Lyrics are now properly encoded.
- If a title contains paranthesis or umlaute, multiple possible urls will be checked.
## Importand Notice
This software comes with no warranty!
@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ class Nicole:
def __del__(self):
if self.write_history:
def _load_history(self):
config_path = path.expanduser("~") + "/.config/nicole/"
@ -80,10 +78,11 @@ class Nicole:
for file in self.failed:
failed_file.write(file + "\n")
def get_url_azlyrics(self, artist:str, title:str):
def get_urls_azlyrics(self, artist:str, title:str):
Create a azlyrics html from the artist and title
If the title contains paranthesis or äüö, there will be multiple versions, one that contains the (...)öäü and one that doesn't.
# convert to lower case
artist = artist.casefold()
@ -99,55 +98,103 @@ class Nicole:
for match in re.finditer(r"\[.*\]", title):
title = title.replace(match.group(), "")
# remove spaces, from the title
for c in [' ', '-', ',', '.', '\'', '"', '°', '`', '´', '/', '!', '?', '#', '*', '(', ')']:
title = title.replace(c, '')
artist = artist.replace(c, '')
titles = [title]
# replace some stuff
old = ['ä', 'ö', 'ü', '&']
new = ['a', 'o', 'u', "and"]
# new2 = ['', '', '', "and"]
# if title has(), create one version with and one without them
if re.search(r"\(.*\)", title):
for match in re.finditer(r"\(.*\)", title):
title = title.replace(match.group(), "")
for i in range(len(old)):
title = title.replace(old[i], new[i])
artist = artist.replace(old[i], new[i])
# some special chars
toNone = [' ', '-', ',', '.', '…', '\'', '"', '°', '`', '´', '/', '!', '?', '#', '*', '(', ')']
for c in toNone:
artist = artist.replace(c, "")
return "https://azlyrics.com/lyrics/" + artist + '/' + title + ".html"
# replace umlaute, create multiple versions
old = ['ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'ß', '&']
new1 = ['a', 'o', 'u', 'ss', "and"]
new2 = ['', '', '', '', "and"]
def get_lyrics_azlyrics(self, url):
# in artist
if any(c in old for c in artist):
for i in range(len(old)):
artist = artist.replace(old[i], new1[i])
# multiple loops are needed since the array might grow
# umlaute
for n in range(len(titles)):
if any(c in old for c in titles[n]):
# replace titles[n] with the first version and append the second
title2 = titles[n]
for i in range(len(old)):
titles[n] = titles[n].replace(old[i], new1[i])
title2 = title2.replace(old[i], new2[i])
# features
for title in titles:
match = re.search(r"fe?a?t\.?.*", title)
if match:
titles.append(title.replace(match.group(), ""))
# spaces, etc
for n in range(len(titles)):
for c in toNone:
titles[n] = titles[n].replace(c, '')
# create urls
urls = []
for title in titles:
urls.append("https://azlyrics.com/lyrics/" + artist + '/' + title + ".html")
return urls
def get_lyrics_azlyrics(self, urls):
Extract the lyrics from the html
# visit the url
html = None
html = str(ur.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8"))
sleep(self.delay) # azlyrics blocks requests if there is no delay
except Exception:
sleep(self.delay) # azlyrics blocks requests if there is no delay
return (False, f"Could not access url: {url}")
lyrics = None
match = re.search(r"<!\-\- Usage of azlyrics.com content by any third\-party lyrics provider is prohibited by our licensing agreement. Sorry about that. \-\->(.|\n)+?</div>", html)
if match:
lyrics = match.group()
for key, value in {
"<!-- Usage of azlyrics.com content by any third-party lyrics provider is prohibited by our licensing agreement. Sorry about that. -->": "",
"</div>": "",
"\n": "",
"<br>": "\n",
lyrics = lyrics.replace(key, value)
message = ""
for url in urls:
# visit the url
html = None
html = str(ur.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8"))
sleep(self.delay) # azlyrics blocks requests if there is no delay
except Exception:
sleep(self.delay) # azlyrics blocks requests if there is no delay
message += f"Could not access url: {url}\n "
# remove all html tags
for tag in re.finditer(r"<.+>", lyrics):
lyrics = lyrics.replace(tag.group(), "")
for tag in re.finditer(r"</.+>", lyrics):
lyrics = lyrics.replace(tag.group(), "")
lyrics = None
match = re.search(r"<!\-\- Usage of azlyrics.com content by any third\-party lyrics provider is prohibited by our licensing agreement. Sorry about that. \-\->(.|\n)+?</div>", html)
if match:
lyrics = match.group()
for key, value in {
"<!-- Usage of azlyrics.com content by any third-party lyrics provider is prohibited by our licensing agreement. Sorry about that. -->": "",
"</div>": "",
"\n": "",
"<br>": "\n",
lyrics = lyrics.replace(key, value)
return (True, lyrics)
return (False, f"Could not find lyrics in html: {url}")
# remove all html tags
for tag in re.finditer(r"<.+>", lyrics):
lyrics = lyrics.replace(tag.group(), "")
for tag in re.finditer(r"</.+>", lyrics):
lyrics = lyrics.replace(tag.group(), "")
return (True, lyrics)
message += f"Could not lyrics in html for {url}\n "
message = message.strip(" \n")
return (False, message)
def process_dir(self, directory):
if not path.isabs(directory):
@ -192,7 +239,7 @@ class Nicole:
file = path.normpath(getcwd() + "/" + file)
if not path.isfile(file):
return (False, f"Invalid filename: '{file}'")
if not self.ignore_history and file in self.history:
return (False, f"Already processed by nicole.")
@ -254,9 +301,9 @@ class Nicole:
# currently the only supported site
if self.lyrics_site == "azlyrics":
url = self.get_url_azlyrics(artist, title)
urls = self.get_urls_azlyrics(artist, title)
success, lyrics = self.get_lyrics_azlyrics(url)
success, lyrics = self.get_lyrics_azlyrics(urls)
if success:
if self.test_run:
print(f"{artist} - {title}:\n{lyrics}\n\n")
@ -283,6 +330,9 @@ class Nicole:
def main():
print("Nicole version 1.1")
# print("Get updates here: https://github.com/MatthiasQuintern/nicole")
helpstring = """Command line options:
-d [directory] process directory [directory]
-f [file] process file [file]
@ -341,7 +391,7 @@ def main():
# flip the bool associated with the char
if options[arg] == False: options[arg] = True
else: options[arg] = False
print(f"Invalid argument: '{arg}'")
@ -351,7 +401,7 @@ def main():
if options["h"]:
return 0
# create nicole instance
nicole = Nicole(test_run=options["t"], silent=options["s"], write_history=options["n"], ignore_history=options["i"], overwrite_tag=options["o"], recursive=options["r"], rm_explicit=options["rm_explicit"])
Reference in New Issue
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