If the title and artist names from genius and the tags are similar, the lyrics are scraped from the url obtained through the api.
## azlyrics
Nicole creates an azlyrics.com url from the "title" and "artist" tags of the file.
The lyrics are extracted from the html document using regex.
Unfortunately, there needs to be a 5 second delay between each request to azlyrics.com because the site will block your ip for a while if you send many requests.
## Important Note
Since the lyrics are extracted from html pages and not from an api, the lyrics sites might temporarily block your ip address if you send too many requests.
If that is the case, wait a few hours and try again.
## Command line options
**-d** directory
: process directory [directory]
**-f** file
: process file [file]
: go through directories recursively
: silent, no command-line output
: ignore history
: do not write to history
: overwrite if the file already has lyrics
: test, do not write lyrics to file, but print to stdout
: show this
: remove the "[Explicit]" lyrics warning from the song's title tag
**--site** site
: onlysearch [site] for lyrics (genius or azlyrics)
If you do not specify a directory or file, the program will ask you if you want to use the current working directory.