102 lines
3.3 KiB
102 lines
3.3 KiB
from os import path, getcwd, listdir, mkdir, makedirs, rename
import re
def read_config(filepath):
if not path.isfile(filepath): return False
file = open(filepath, 'r')
keys = {}
for line in file.readlines():
line = line.replace("\n", "")
match = re.match(r". = /?([a-z-A-ZöÖäÄüÜ0-9/: _-]+/)*[a-zA-ZöÖäÄüÜ0-9/: _-]+/?", line)
if match:
key, value = line.split(" = ")
keys[key] = value
return keys
def write_config(filepath, keys):
file = open(filepath, 'w')
file.write("Config written by imgsort.\n")
for k, v in keys.items() :
file.write(f"{k} = {v}\n")
def create_config():
keys = {}
Creating a new config
Please enter at least one key and one directory.
The key must be one single letter, a single digit number or some other keyboard key like .-#+&/ ...
The key can not be 'q', 's' or 'u'.
The directory must be a valid path to a directory, but is does not have to exist.
You can use an absolute path (starting with '/') or a relative path (from here).
Do not use '~'!
done = False
while not done:
# ask for key
key = input("Please enter a key or 'q' when you are done: ")
if (len(key) != 1):
print("Invalid key: " + key)
# if done
elif key == 'q':
save = input("\nDo you want to save the config to ~/.config/imgsort/<name>.conf?\nType a name to save the config or type 'q' to not save the config: ")
if not save == 'q':
config_path = path.expanduser("~") + "/.config/imgsort"
if not path.isdir(config_path):
write_config(path.normpath(config_path + "/" + save + ".conf"), keys)
done = True
# ask for directory
directory = input("Please enter the directory path: ")
match = re.match(r"/?([a-z-A-ZöÖäÄüÜ0-9/: _\-]+/)*[a-z-A-ZöÖäÄüÜ0-9/: _\-]+/?", directory)
if not match:
print("Invalid directory path: " + directory)
keys[key] = directory
print(f"Added: ({key}: {directory})\n")
return keys
def select_config():
Returns to path to an existing config or False if a new config should be created
# get configs
config_path = path.expanduser("~") + "/.config/imgsort"
if not path.isdir(config_path) or len(listdir(config_path)) == 0:
return False
configs = {}
i = 1
for file in listdir(config_path):
if not re.match(r"[a-zA-ZöÖäÄüÜ0-9_\- ]+\.conf", file): continue
configs[str(i)] = file
i += 1
# print configs
print("0: Create new config")
for n, conf in configs.items():
print(f"{n}: {conf}")
choice = input("Please select a config: ")
if choice == "0": return False
elif choice in configs:
return path.normpath(config_path + "/" + configs[choice])
print("Invalid choice - creating new config")
return False