added SettingsManager
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
#pragma once
#include "file_io.hpp"
#include "exceptions.hpp"
#include "util/string_conversion.hpp"
#include "util/string.hpp"
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <variant>
namespace gz {
enum SettingsManagerAllowedValueTypes {
* @brief Information about the allowed values
* @details
* If type is
* - SM_RANGE -> allowedValues must be an integer [ low, high, step ], the allowed value can then be in [ low, high ) but must be low + n*step
* - SM_LIST -> allowedValues is a list strings, which are the allowed values
struct SettingsManagerAllowedValues {
SettingsManagerAllowedValueTypes type;
std::vector<std::variant<std::string, int>> allowedValues;
* @brief Creation info for SettingsManager
struct SettingsManagerCreateInfo {
* @brief (Optional) Path to the file containing the settings
std::string filepath;
* @brief (Optional) Map containing default values.
* @details
* Values loaded from a file will overwrite these.
util::unordered_string_map<std::string> initialValues;
* @brief Wether to insert a fallback, when no value is present
* @details
* If true, fallback value for key will be added if key does not have a value.
* This applies when calling SettingsManager::getOr or SettingsManager::getCopyOr
bool insertFallbacks = false;
* @brief Wether to load values from filepath when creating the SettingsManager
bool readFileOnCreation = false;
* @brief Wether to write the values to filepath when destroying the SettingsManager
bool writeFileOnExit = false;
* @brief A map containing SettingsMangerAllowedValues to restrict values
* @details
* If allowedValues contains key, its value must be allowed by SettingsMangerAllowedValues struct.
* If it is not allowed, any operation that tries to set an invalid value will throw InvalidArgument or be ignored:
* - in constructor: always ignored
* - in SettingsManager::readFileOnCreation: always ignored
* - in SettingsManager::setAllowedValues: always ignored
* - in SettingsManager::set: depends on throwExceptionWhenNewValueNotAllowed
* @see sm_validity
util::unordered_string_map<SettingsManagerAllowedValues> allowedValues;
* @brief Wether to throw an exception when trying to set an invalid value
bool throwExceptionWhenNewValueNotAllowed = true;
using SettingsCallbackFunction = std::function<void(const std::string&)>;
* @brief
* @details
* @section sm_about About
* The SettingsManager is basically a map with extra features.
* It stores key-value pairs in a map. Both key and value are strings, but other types can also be stored.
* @section sm_validity Restricting values
* SettingsManager can restrict the values for a given keys to a range of numbers, or a list of possible strings.
* This can be done by providing @ref SettingsMangerAllowedValues::allowedValues "a map containing information on the allowed values" in the create info.
* The settings manager will then never return an invalid value, but it might still throw errors if there is no value set.
* @section sm_cache Storing other types
* While all values are internally strings, SettingsManager can also store different types.
* The types must satisfy the concept StringConvertible = ConstructibleFromString and ConvertibleToString.
* If a value is requested using get<T>(), the value will be converted to T and returned.
* Additionaly, the converted type is cached so that the conversion can be skipped if it is requested again.
* The user must instantiate the SettingsManager with all the cache-types beforehand, only those can be retrieved using get.
* The strings are converted using from_string(T), which is either user defined for custom types or @ref from_string "this library".
* There is of course no guarantee that the conversion works, the @ref sm_getters "getters" will throw an exception if it doesnt.
* @section sm_callback Callback functions
* You can @ref SettingsManager::addCallbackFunction "add a callback function" for each key that gets called when a setting gets changed.
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
class SettingsManager {
* @brief Create a SettingsManager
* @details
* The maps from createInfo are no longer valid after this function.
SettingsManager(SettingsManagerCreateInfo& createInfo);
SettingsManager(const SettingsManager&) = delete;
SettingsManager& operator=(const SettingsManager&) = delete;
* @name Retrieve values
* @{
* @brief Get a reference to a value
* @param key The key to the value
* @returns The value belonging to key
* @throws InvalidArgument if key is not present
const std::string& get(const std::string& key) const;
* @brief Get a reference to the value coverted to T
* @param key The key to the setting
* @returns The setting belonging to key, constructed by getTypeFromString<T>()
* @throws InvalidArgument if key is not present
* @throws InvalidType if T is not a registered type
* @throws InvalidType if type T can not be constructed from value (string)
template<StringConvertible T>
const T& get(const std::string& key);
* @brief Get a reference to the value, or return the fallback if the setting is not present
* @param key The key to the value
* @param fallback A fallback to return if the key is not present
* @returns The value belonging to key, constructed by getTypeFromString<T>()
* @throws InvalidArgument if key is not present
const std::string& getOr(const std::string& key, const std::string& fallback);
* @brief Get a reference to the value coverted to T, or return the fallback if the setting is not present
* @param key The key to the value
* @param fallback A fallback to return if the key is not present
* @returns The value belonging to key, constructed by getTypeFromString<T>()
* @throws InvalidArgument if key is not present
* @throws InvalidType if T is not a registered type
* @throws InvalidType if type T can not be constructed from value (string)
* @throws InvalidType if the fallback can not be converted to string
template<StringConvertible T>
const T& getOr(const std::string& key, const T& fallback);
* @brief Same as get, but returns a copy of value and not a const reference
const std::string getCopy(const std::string& key) const;
* @brief Same as get<T>, but returns a copy of value and not a const reference
template<StringConvertible T>
const T getCopy(const std::string& key);
* @brief Same as getOr, but returns a copy of value and not a const reference
const std::string getCopyOr(const std::string& key, const std::string& fallback);
* @brief Same as getOr<T>, but returns a copy of value and not a const reference
template<StringConvertible T>
const T getCopyOr(const std::string& key, const T& fallback);
* @}
* @name Set values
* @brief Set the value of key to value
* @throws InvalidArgument if value is @ref sm_validity "invalid"
* @throws Exception if an exception occurs during a potential @red sm_callback "callback function"
void set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
* @brief Set the value of key to value
* @throws InvalidArgument if value is @ref sm_validity "invalid"
* @throws InvalidType if T is not a registered type
* @throws Exception if an exception occurs during a potential @red sm_callback "callback function"
template<StringConvertible T>
void set(const std::string& key, const T& value);
* @}
* @name Callback functions
* @brief Add a callback function that gets called when the the value to key is changed with set
void addCallbackFunction(const std::string& key, SettingsCallbackFunction callbackFunction);
* @brief Remove the callback function for key
void removeCallbackFunction(const std::string& key);
* @}
* @name File operations
* @{
void writeToFile() const;
* @brief Read the contents from the provided @ref SettingsManagerCreateInfo::filepath "filepath"
* @param checkValidity if true, inserts only files that are @ref sm_validity "valid"
void readFromFile(bool checkValidity=true);
* @}
std::string to_string() const {
return to_string(settings);
* @name Restricting values
* @ingroup sm_allowed_values
* @brief Check if a value is allowed for key
bool isValueAllowed(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) const noexcept;
* @ingroup sm_allowed_values
* @brief Set the allowed values for a key
* @details
* If the current value for key is now invalid, it will be removed.
* values struct is no longer valid after this function
* @throws InvalidArgument if the values struct is invalid
void setAllowedValues(const std::string& key, SettingsManagerAllowedValues& values);
* @ingroup sm_allowed_values
* @brief Remove allowed values for key. All values are allowed afterwards
void removeAllowedValues(const std::string& key) noexcept;
* @}
* @ingroup sm_cache
* @{
* @brief Recursive initialitation of the cache
* @details
* The cache is initialized by placing the the typename in the cacheTypes set.
* It will not actually be added as cache type.
* The "Void" type template parameter is needed because the exit for the recursion must also have a template signature.
* When calling this, use initCache<void, CacheTypes...>().
template<std::same_as<void> Void, StringConvertible CacheType1, StringConvertible... CacheTypesOther>
void initCache();
* @brief End for the recursive cache initialization
template<std::same_as<void> Void>
void initCache() {};
std::set<std::string> cacheTypes;
util::unordered_string_map<util::unordered_string_map<std::variant<std::monostate, CacheTypes...>>> settingsCache;
template<StringConvertible T>
inline bool isRegisteredType();
* @}
* @name Restricting values
* @see sm_validity
* @{
// Allowed Values
* @brief Make sure the allowedValues map is valid
* @throws InvalidArgument if any of the initial allowedValues structs is invalid
void initAllowedValues();
* @brief Check if allowed values struct is valid.
* @details
* If type is SM_RANGE and allowedValues only has 2 values (lowest and highest value), the third (step) value=1 is appended
* @throws InvalidArgument if it is not valid
void isAllowedValueStructValid(SettingsManagerAllowedValues& av) const;
util::unordered_string_map<SettingsManagerAllowedValues> allowedValues;
bool throwExceptionWhenNewValueNotAllowed;
* @}
util::unordered_string_map<std::string> settings;
util::unordered_string_map<SettingsCallbackFunction> settingsCallbackFunctions;
// Settings
* @brief Add fallback to values if key is not present when using getOr
bool insertFallbacks;
bool writeFileOnExit;
std::string filepath;
namespace gz {
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::SettingsManager(SettingsManagerCreateInfo& createInfo) {
insertFallbacks = createInfo.insertFallbacks;
writeFileOnExit = createInfo.writeFileOnExit;
throwExceptionWhenNewValueNotAllowed = createInfo.throwExceptionWhenNewValueNotAllowed;
allowedValues = std::move(createInfo.allowedValues);
settings = std::move(createInfo.initialValues);
filepath = createInfo.filepath;
if (createInfo.readFileOnCreation) {
// erase invalid initalValues
for (auto it = settings.begin(); it != settings.end(); it++) {
if (!isValueAllowed(it->first, it->second)) {
it = settings.erase(it);
initCache<void, CacheTypes...>();
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::~SettingsManager() {
if (writeFileOnExit) {
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
template<std::same_as<void> Void, StringConvertible CacheType1, StringConvertible... CacheTypesOther>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::initCache() {
initCache<void, CacheTypesOther...>();
std::cout << "initCache: type " << typeid(CacheType1).name() << "\n";
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
template<StringConvertible T>
inline bool SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::isRegisteredType() {
return cacheTypes.contains(typeid(T).name());
// GET
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
const std::string& SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::get(const std::string& key) const {
if (!settings.contains(key)) {
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid key: " + key + "'", "SettingsManager::get");
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
template<StringConvertible T>
const T& SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::get(const std::string& key) {
if (!isRegisteredType<T>()) {
throw InvalidType("Invalid type: '" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + "'", "SettingsManager::get");
if (!settings.contains(key)) {
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::get");
// if not cached -> cache
if (!settingsCache[typeid(T).name()].contains(key)) {
try {
settingsCache[typeid(T).name()][key] = from_string<T>(settings[key]);
catch (...) {
throw InvalidType("Could not convert value '" + settings[key] + "' to type '" + typeid(T).name() + "'. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::get");
return std::get<T>(settingsCache[typeid(T).name()][key]);
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
const std::string& SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::getOr(const std::string& key, const std::string& fallback) {
if (settings.contains(key)) {
return get(key);
else {
if (insertFallbacks) {
settings[key] = fallback;
return fallback;
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
template<StringConvertible T>
const T& SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::getOr(const std::string& key, const T& fallback) {
if (!isRegisteredType<T>()) {
throw InvalidType("Invalid type: '" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + "'", "SettingsManager::getOr");
if (settings.contains(key)) {
return get<T>(key);
else {
if (insertFallbacks) {
try {
settings[key] = to_string(fallback);
catch (...) {
throw InvalidType("Can not convert fallback value to string. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::getOr");
settingsCache[typeid(T).name()][key] = fallback;
return fallback;
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
const std::string SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::getCopy(const std::string& key) const {
return get(key);
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
template<StringConvertible T>
const T SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::getCopy(const std::string& key) {
return get<T>(key);
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
const std::string SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::getCopyOr(const std::string& key, const std::string& fallback) {
return getOr(key, fallback);
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
template<StringConvertible T>
const T SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::getCopyOr(const std::string& key, const T& fallback) {
return getOr<T>(key, fallback);
// SET
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
// check if new value is allowed
if (!isValueAllowed(key, value)) {
if (throwExceptionWhenNewValueNotAllowed) {
throw InvalidArgument("Value '" + value + "' is not allowed. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::set");
else {
// remove old value from cache
for (auto& [type, cache] : settingsCache) {
if (cache.contains(key)) {
settings[key] = value;
// Call the callback, if any
if (settingsCallbackFunctions.contains(key)) {
try {
catch (std::exception& e) {
throw Exception("An exception occured in the callback for changing a value: '" + std::string(e.what()) + "'. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::set");
catch (...) {
throw Exception("An exception occured in the callback for changing a value. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::set");
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
template<StringConvertible T>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::set(const std::string& key, const T& value) {
if (!isRegisteredType<T>()) {
throw InvalidType("Invalid type: '" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + "'", "SettingsManager::set<" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + ">");
// convert to string
std::string s;
try {
s = to_string(value);
catch (std::exception& e) {
throw InvalidArgument("Could not convert value to string, an exception occured: '" + std::string(e.what()) + "'. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::set<" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + ">");
catch (...) {
throw InvalidArgument("Could not convert value to string, an exception occured. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::set<" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + ">");
// check if new value is allowed
if (!isValueAllowed(key, s)) {
if (throwExceptionWhenNewValueNotAllowed) {
throw InvalidArgument("Value '" + s + "' is not allowed. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::set<" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + ">");
else {
// remove old value from cache
for (auto& [type, cache] : settingsCache) {
if (cache.contains(key)) {
// add new value
settings[key] = std::move(s);
settingsCache[typeid(T).name()][key] = value;
// Call the callback, if any
if (settingsCallbackFunctions.contains(key)) {
try {
catch (std::exception& e) {
throw Exception("An exception occured in the callback for changing a value: '" + std::string(e.what()) + "'. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::set<" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + ">");
catch (...) {
throw Exception("An exception occured in the callback for changing a value. Key: '" + key + "'", "SettingsManager::set<" + std::string(typeid(T).name()) + ">");
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
bool SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::isValueAllowed(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) const noexcept {
if (!allowedValues.contains(key)) {
return true;
switch ( {
case SM_LIST:
for (auto it =; it !=; it++) {
if (std::get<std::string>(*it) == value) {
return true;
case SM_RANGE:
int intVal;
try {
intVal = std::stoi(value);
catch (std::invalid_argument) {
return false;
catch (std::out_of_range) {
return false;
bool valid = true;
// intVal >= lowest
valid &= intVal >= std::get<int>([0]);
// intVal < highest
valid &= intVal < std::get<int>([1]);
// intVal == lowest + n * step
valid &= (intVal - std::get<int>([0])) % std::get<int>([2]) == 0;
return valid;
} // switch
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::initAllowedValues() {
for (auto& [key, av] : allowedValues) {
} // for
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::isAllowedValueStructValid(SettingsManagerAllowedValues& av) const {
switch (av.type) {
case SM_LIST:
if (av.allowedValues.empty()) {
throw InvalidArgument("Allowed value vector needs to have at least one element, but is empty.", "SettingsManager::isAllowedValueStructValid");
for (size_t i = 0; i < av.allowedValues.size(); i++) {
try {
catch (std::bad_variant_access& e) {
throw InvalidType("AllowedValueType is SM_LIST but allowedValues[" + std::to_string(i) + "] is not of type <std::string>.", "SettingsManager::isAllowedValueStructValid");
case SM_RANGE:
if (av.allowedValues.size() == 2) {
else if (av.allowedValues.size() != 3) {
throw InvalidArgument("AllowedValueType is SM_RANGE but allowedValues does not have size 2 or 3.", "SettingsManager::isAllowedValueStructValid");
try {
catch (std::bad_variant_access& e) {
throw InvalidType("AllowedValueType is SM_RANGE but at least one value in allowedValues is not of type <int>.", "SettingsManager::isAllowedValueStructValid");
} // switch
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::setAllowedValues(const std::string& key, SettingsManagerAllowedValues& av) {
allowedValues[key] = std::move(av);
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::removeAllowedValues(const std::string& key) noexcept {
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::addCallbackFunction(const std::string& key, SettingsCallbackFunction callbackFunction) {
settingsCallbackFunctions[key] = callbackFunction;
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::removeCallbackFunction(const std::string& key) {
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::writeToFile() const {
if (filepath.empty()) {
throw InvalidArgument("filename is not set", "writeToFile");
writeKeyValueFile(filepath, settings);
template<StringConvertible... CacheTypes>
void SettingsManager<CacheTypes...>::readFromFile(bool checkValidity) {
if (filepath.empty()) {
throw InvalidArgument("filename is not set", "readFromFile");
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> map = readKeyValueFile(filepath);
settings.insert(map.begin(), map.end());
if (checkValidity) {
// insert only valid values
for (auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++) {
if (isValueAllowed(it->first, it->second)) {
else {
settings.insert(map.begin(), map.end());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user