947 lines
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947 lines
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A python script to generate a c++ vector and matrix library for mathematics.
Should work with vectors/matrix up to a length of 9.
The script generates a header (and source) for each container (vector/matrix).
There are overloads for each container which allow convenient usage.
Eg multiplication with matrix rules is as easy as: (example)
mat3x2 = mat3x3 * mat3x2
n = rvec4 * vec4
To be accurate, there is a differentiation between row and column vector, they are basically the same but each has a separate class which differ only for the matrix multiplication overloads.
To help compile times, the templated definitions of most methods is in the source file (by default).
That means that all templates must be explictly instantiated beforehand. The instantiations are in the tpp file included by the cpp files.
Specify the needed types by adding them to templateInstantiationIntTypes and templateInstantiationFloatTypes respectively (the differentiation is needed for the modulo operator).
All that makes the generated library is not memory efficient, but very fast and convenient.
Copyright © 2022 Matthias Quintern.
This software comes with no warranty.
This software is licensed under the GPL3
from os import path, mkdir
# generate up to MAX_N (-> vecN, matNxN)
MAX_N = 4
letters_ = {
2: [ "x", "y" ],
3: [ "x", "y", "z" ],
4: [ "x", "y", "z", "w"],
directory = "math"
# \t or x-spaces
tab = "\t"
# float, double, long double...
float_type = "float"
# string or None
namespace = "gz"
typeShorts = {
"float": "f",
"double": "d",
"int": "i",
"unsigned int": "u",
include_static_asserts = True
include_template_instantiations = True
templateInstantiationIntTypes = [ # these must be usable with %
# "uint8_t"
"uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t",
"int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t",
templateInstantiationFloatTypes = [
# "float",
"float", "double", "long double"
templateInstantiationTypes = templateInstantiationFloatTypes + templateInstantiationIntTypes
headerIncludes = [ "\"concepts.hpp\"", "\"../container/iterator.hpp\"" ]
sourceIncludes = ["<cmath>", "<algorithm>", "<cstdint>"]
# shorthands
Number_N = ("Number", "N")
Class_T = [("Number", "T")]
constexpr = "constexpr"
inline = "inline"
def template(t:list[tuple[str, str]]):
if len(t) == 0:
return ""
s = "template<"
for temp in t:
s += temp[0] + " " + temp[1] + ", "
return s.removesuffix(", ") + ">\n"
class Member:
def __init__(self, class_:str, name:str, c_temp:list=[], m_temp:list=[], prefixes:list=[], ret_type:str="", args:str="", init:str="", const=False, body:list=[], comment:str=""):
:param class: class name
:param name: member name
:param c_temp: list of templates of the class
:param m_temp: list of templates of the member
:param prefixes: things like constexpr, inline...
:param ret_type: return type of the member
:param args: arguments of the member
:param init: initializion of the member
:param const: True if the method does not change the object
:param body: method body
:param comment: a single-line docstring
class class {
prefixes ret_type name(args) const : init {
self.class_ = class_
self.name = name
self.prefixes = prefixes
self.c_temp = c_temp
self.m_temp = m_temp
self.ret_type = ""
if ret_type: self.ret_type = ret_type + " "
self.args = args
self.init = ""
if init: self.init = f"\n{tab} : {init} "
self.const = ""
if const: self.const = " const"
self.body = body
self.comment = ""
if comment: self.comment = "/// " + comment + "\n"
def getArgsAsList(self):
args = []
const = False
arglist = self.args.split(", ")
for i in range(len(arglist)):
if "const" in arglist[i]:
arglist[i] = arglist[i].replace("const ", "")
const = True
args.append(arglist[i].split(" "))
if const:
args[-1][0] = "const " + args[-1][0]
return args
def defintionH(self, depth:int=0):
Return the defition to be used in a header
s = ""
s += self.comment
s += template(self.m_temp)
for p in self.prefixes:
s += p + " "
s += self.ret_type + self.name + f"({self.args}){self.const};\n"
return transformString(s, depth)
def source(self, depth:int=0):
Return the defition + declarations for a source file
s = ""
class_ = self.class_
s += template(self.c_temp)
if len(self.c_temp) > 0:
class_ = self.class_ + "<"
for t in self.c_temp:
class_ += f"{t[1]}, "
class_ = class_.removesuffix(", ") + ">"
s += template(self.m_temp)
for p in self.prefixes:
s += p + " "
s += f"{self.ret_type}{class_}::{self.name}({self.args}){self.const}{self.init}"
if self.body:
s += " {\n"
body = ""
for l in self.body: body += l + "\n"
s += transformString(body, depth)
s += "}\n"
s += "{}"
return transformString(s, depth)
def header(self, depth:int=0):
Return the defition + declarations for a header file
s = ""
s += self.comment
s += template(self.m_temp)
for p in self.prefixes:
s += p + " "
s += f"{self.ret_type}{self.name}({self.args}){self.const}{self.init}"
if self.body:
s += " {\n"
body = ""
for l in self.body: body += l + "\n"
s += transformString(body, depth+1)
s += "}\n"
s += "{}\n"
return transformString(s, depth)
def isConstructor(self):
return self.class_ == self.name
def templateInstantiations(self):
generate instantiations for all templates
right now only works with Number concepts
temp<Number T>
temp<Number N>
void Class<T>::operator+(class<N>) {
temp<> void Class<float>::operator+(class<float>)
if len(self.m_temp) == 0:
return ""
class_ = self.class_
if len(self.c_temp) > 0:
class_ = self.class_ + "<"
for t in self.c_temp:
class_ += f"{t[1]}, "
class_ = class_.removesuffix(", ") + ">"
arglist = self.getArgsAsList()
args = ""
for arg in arglist:
args += arg[0] + ", "
args = args.removesuffix(", ")
name = self.name.removesuffix(" ")
if len(self.m_temp) > 0:
name += " <"
for type_ in self.m_temp:
name += type_[1] + ", "
name = name.removesuffix(", ") + ">"
method = f"{self.ret_type}{class_}::{name}({args}){self.const}"
instantiations = []
if len(self.c_temp) > 0 or len(self.m_temp) > 0:
if "%" in method: types = templateInstantiationIntTypes
else: types = templateInstantiationTypes
getTemplateInsts(method, instantiations, self.c_temp + self.m_temp, types, 0)
s = ""
for spec in instantiations:
s += spec + "\n"
return s + "\n";
def classname(row, col, template=""):
name = ""
if template and col == 1 and row == 1:
return template
elif col == 1:
name = "vec" + str(row)
elif row == 1:
name = "rvec" + str(col)
name = "mat" + str(row) + "x" + str(col);
if template:
name += "<" + template + ">"
return name
def concept(row, col, template=""):
name = ""
if template and col == 1 and row == 1:
return template
elif col == 1:
name = "ColumnVector" + str(row)
elif row == 1:
name = "RowVector" + str(col)
name = "Mat" + str(row) + "x" + str(col);
if template:
name += "<" + template + ">"
return name
def classnameFromConcept(concept:str):
name = ""
number = ""
if concept.startswith("ColumnVector"):
name = "vec"
number = concept.removeprefix("ColumnVector")
elif concept.startswith("RowVector"):
name = "rvec"
number = concept.removeprefix("RowVector")
elif concept.startswith("Mat"):
name = "mat"
number = concept.removeprefix("Mat")
return name + number
def varname(r, c, rows, cols):
"""Get the name of the variable in row r and column c"""
if rows == 1:
if cols in letters_.keys():
return letters_[cols][c]
return f"x{r+1}"
elif cols == 1:
if rows in letters_.keys():
return letters_[rows][r]
return f"x{c+1}"
return f"x{r+1}_{c+1}"
def varnameI(i, rows, cols):
"""Get the name of the ith variable"""
if rows == 1:
if cols in letters_.keys():
return letters_[cols][i%cols]
return f"x{i+1}"
elif cols == 1:
if rows in letters_.keys():
return letters_[rows][i%rows]
return f"x{i+1}"
return f"x{i%rows+1}_{i%cols+1}"
def genstring(row: int, col: int, template: str, sep=", "):
Generate a string from a template for each vector component
eg genstring(3, "@ + ") -> x + y + z
@C -> varname(1, c, 1, col)
@R -> varname(r, 1, row, 1)
@ -> varname(r, c, row, col)
@c -> c
@r -> r
s = ""
for r in range(row):
for c in range(col):
s += template.replace("@r", str(r)).replace("@c", str(c)).replace("@R", varname(r, c, row, 1)).replace("@C", varname(r, c, 1, col)).replace("@", varname(r, c, row, col)) + sep
return s[0:len(s)-len(sep)]
def transformString(s: str, depth: int):
"""Add tabs after all but the last line break and before the first char"""
return depth * tab + s.replace("\n", "\n" + depth * tab, s.count("\n") - 1)
def getPossiblities(i, a, depth=0):
get all possibilites to get i by addition of numbers lower than i
eg i=3 -> 3, 2+1, 1+2, 1+1+1
if i == 0:
if i == 1:
for j in range(1, i):
b = []
# print("\t" * depth + "gp: i="+str(i)+" j="+str(j))
getPossiblities(i-j, b, depth+1)
for poss in b:
# print("\t"*depth + f"{i}-{j} returned", b)
a.append(str(j) + poss)
def genConstructors(row, col):
constructors = []
class_ = classname(row, col)
# default
constructors.append(Member(class_, class_, c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr], init=genstring(row, col, "@(0)"), comment="Default constructor"))
# from single scalar
constructors.append(Member(class_, class_, c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr], m_temp=[["Number", "N"]], args="const N n", init=genstring(row, col, "@(static_cast<T>(n))"), comment="Create from scalar, all components will have value n"))
# generate a constructor for every possible vector initialization
if row == 1 or col == 1:
rows_or_cols = max(row, col) # vec and rvec share same variable names
size = max(row, col)
a = []
getPossiblities(size, a)
for possiblity in a:
n_count = 1 # counts how many numbers appear
v_count = 1 # counts how many vectors appear
i = 0 # index the member variable to initialize
comment = "Create from "
templates = []
args = ""
init = ""
for nstr in possiblity:
n = int(nstr)
if n == 1: # if number
comment += "n "
templates.append(("Number", f"N{n_count}"))
args += f"N{n_count} n{n_count}, "
init += varnameI(i, row, col) + f"(static_cast<T>(n{n_count})), "
n_count += 1
i += 1
else: # if vector
comment += f"vec{n} "
args += f"const V{v_count}& v{v_count}, "
templates.append((f"Vector{rows_or_cols}", f"V{v_count}"))
for j in range(n):
init += varnameI(i, rows_or_cols, 1) + "(static_cast<T>(v" + str(v_count) + "." + varnameI(j, rows_or_cols, 1) + ")), "
i += 1
v_count += 1
args = args.removesuffix(", ")
init = init.removesuffix(", ")
constructors.append(Member(class_, class_, c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=templates, prefixes=[constexpr], args=args, init=init, comment=comment))
# constructor for all matrices
# from scalar
constructors.append(Member(class_, class_, c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[ t.split(" ") for t in genstring(row, col, f"Number N@r_@c").split(", ")], prefixes=[constexpr],
args=genstring(row, col, "const N@r_@c @"), init=genstring(row, col, "@(static_cast<T>(@))"), comment="Create from scalars"))
# from row vec
constructors.append(Member(class_, class_, c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[ t.split(" ") for t in genstring(row, 1, f"RowVector{col} V@r").split(", ")], prefixes=[constexpr],
args=genstring(row, 1, "const V@r& v@r"), init=genstring(row, col, "@(static_cast<T>(v@r.@C))"), comment="Create from row vectors"))
# from col vec
constructors.append(Member(class_, class_, c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[ t. split(" ") for t in genstring(1, col, f"ColumnVector{row} V@c").split(", ")], prefixes=[constexpr],
args=genstring(1, col, "const V@c& v@c"), init=genstring(row, col, "@(static_cast<T>(v@c.@R))"), comment="Create from column vectors"))
return constructors
def genValues(row, col):
s = genstring(row, col, "T @;\n", "")
return s
def genAssignment(row, col):
# TODO opt idea: memcpy for component wise assignment when types have same size
members = []
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), "operator=", c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[Number_N], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="void",
args=f"const {classname(row, col, 'N')}& other", body=genstring(row, col, f"\t@ = static_cast<T>(other.@);\n", "").split("\n"), comment="Component-wise assignment"))
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), "operator=", c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[Number_N], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="void",
args="const N& other", body=genstring(row, col, f"\t@ = static_cast<T>(other);\n", "").split("\n"), comment="Assignment from scalar"))
return members
ops = {
"+": "operator+",
"-": "operator-",
"%": "operator%",
"*": "compWiseMult",
"/": "compWiseDiv",
as_ops = {
"+=": "operator+=",
"-=": "operator-=",
"%=": "operator%=",
"*=": "compWiseAssMult",
"/=": "compWiseAssDiv",
def genArithmeticVectorial(row, col):
operators = []
for op, opname in ops.items():
body = "return " + classname(row, col, "T") + "(" + genstring(row, col, f"@ {op} static_cast<T>(other.@)") + ");"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), opname, c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[(concept(row, col), concept(row, col)[0])], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type=classname(row, col, "T"),
args=f"const {concept(row, col)[0]}& other", const=True, body=[body], comment=f"Component-wise {op}"))
for op, opname in as_ops.items():
body = genstring(row, col, f"\t@ {op} static_cast<T>(other.@);", "\n")
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), opname, c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[(concept(row, col), concept(row, col)[0])], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="void",
args=f"const {concept(row, col)[0]}& other", body=body.split("\n"), comment=f"Component-wise assignment {op}"))
return operators
def genArithmeticScalar(row, col):
operators = []
for op, opname in ops.items():
body = "return " + classname(row, col, "T") + "(" + genstring(row, col, f"@ {op} static_cast<T>(other)") + ");"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), opname, c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[Number_N], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type=classname(row, col, "T"),
args=f"const N& other", const=True, body=[body], comment=f"Component-wise {op} with scalar"))
for op, opname in as_ops.items():
body = genstring(row, col, f"\t@ {op} static_cast<T>(other);", "\n")
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), opname, c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[Number_N], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="void",
args=f"const N& other", body=body.split("\n"), comment=f"Component-wise assignment {op} from scalar"))
return operators
def genComparisonVectorial(row, col):
operators = []
for op in ["==", "<", ">"]:
body = "return " + genstring(row, col, f"@ {op} other.@", " and ") + ";"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), f"operator{op}", c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[(concept(row, col), concept(row, col)[0])], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="bool",
args=f"const {concept(row, col)[0]}& other", const=True, body=[body], comment=f"Component-wise comparison {op} (and)"))
for op, antiop in { "!=": "==", "<=": ">", ">=": "<" }.items():
body = "return " + genstring(row, col, f"@ {antiop} other.@", " and ") + ";"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), f"operator{op}", c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[(concept(row, col), concept(row, col)[0])], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="bool",
args=f"const {concept(row, col)[0]}& other", const=True, body=[body], comment=f"Component-wise comparison {op} (and)"))
return operators
def genComparisonScalar(row, col):
operators = []
for op in ["==", "<", ">"]:
body = "return " + genstring(row, col, f"@ {op} other", " and ") + ";"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), f"operator{op}", c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[Number_N], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="bool",
args=f"const N& other", const=True, body=[body], comment=f"Component-wise comparison {op} (and)"))
for op, antiop in { "!=": "==", "<=": ">", ">=": "<" }.items():
body = "return " + genstring(row, col, f"@ {antiop} other", " and ") + ";"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), f"operator{op}", c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[Number_N], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="bool",
args=f"const N& other", const=True, body=[body], comment=f"Component-wise comparison {op} (and)"))
return operators
def getDependecyClasses(row, col):
Get all class names that row,col class depends on for matrix multplication and the .row() and .column() methods
The dependencies will be forward declared in the header and included in the source
deps = []
# for .row(), .column()
if row > 1 and col > 1:
deps.append(classname(row, 1))
deps.append(classname(1, col))
# for matrix mult
for i in range(1, MAX_N + 1):
# results from matrix calculations
deps.append(classname(row, i))
# operands from matrix calculations
deps.append(classname(col, i))
deps = list(dict.fromkeys(deps))
# remove vec1
if classname(1, 1) in deps:
deps.remove(classname(1, 1))
if classname(row, col) in deps:
deps.remove(classname(row, col))
return deps
def genArithmeticMatrix(row, col):
Generate all matrix multiplications.
dimensions of result = mat(row, other.col) where col = other.row
operators = []
other_row = col
other_cols = [ i for i in range(1, MAX_N + 1) ]
for other_col in other_cols:
if (row == 1 and other_col == 1) or (other_row == 1 and other_col == 1): # if ret_type or arg is a scalar
body = classname(row, other_col, "T") + " new_;\n"
for r in range(row):
for o_c in range(other_col):
body += "new_." + varname(r, o_c, row, other_col) + " = "
for i in range(col):
# print(f"genArithmeticMatrix: {row}x{col} * {other_row}x{other_col}", r, o_c, "->", c)
body += varname(r, i, row, col) + " * other." + varname(i, o_c, other_row, other_col) + " + "
body = body.removesuffix(" + ") + ";\n"
# if scalar, put ret_type creation and assignment in same line
body = body.replace("new_;\nnew_." + varname(0, 0, 1, 1) + " =", "new_ =") + "return new_;"
arg_concept = concept(other_row, other_col)
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), "operator*", c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[(arg_concept, arg_concept[0])], prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type=classname(row, other_col, "T"), const=True,
args=f"const {arg_concept[0]}& other", body=body.split("\n"), comment=f"Matrix multiplication with {classname(other_row, other_col)} -> {classname(row, other_col)}"))
return operators
def genSubscription(row, col):
operators = []
# [i]
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), "operator[]", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="T",
args="std::size_t i", const=True, body=[f"return *(&{varname(0, 0, row, col)} + sizeof(T) * i);"], comment="Get the ith element. i starts at 0"))
if row > 1 and col > 1:
# at(row, col)
body = f"return *(&{varname(0, 0, row, col)} + (row * {row} + col * {col}) * sizeof(T));"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), "at", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="T",
args="std::size_t row, std::size_t col", const=True, body=[body], comment="Get the element at row and col. row and col start at 0"))
# row()
body = f"return {classname(1, col, 'T')}(" + genstring(1, col, f"*(&{varname(0, 0, row, col)} + ({row} * @c + i) * sizeof(T))") + ");"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), "row", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type=classname(1, col, 'T'),
args="std::size_t i", const=True, body=[body], comment="Get the ith row as column vector. i starts at 0"))
# column()
body = f"return {classname(row, 1, 'T')}(" + genstring(row, 1, f"*(&{varname(0, 0, row, col)} + ({col} * @r + i) * sizeof(T))") + ");"
operators.append(Member(classname(row, col), "column", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type=classname(row, 1, 'T'),
args="std::size_t i", const=True, body=[body], comment="Get the ith column as row vector. i starts at 0"))
return operators
def genIterator(row, col):
members = []
its = [
("cbegin", "return Iterator(const_cast<T*>(&" + varname(0, 0, row, col) + "));", "Return an Iterator to the first element"),
("cend", "return Iterator(const_cast<T*>(&" + varname(row-1, col-1, row, col) + " + sizeof(T)));", "Return an Iterator past the last element"),
("begin", "return Iterator(const_cast<T*>(&" + varname(0, 0, row, col) + "));", "Return an Iterator to the first element"),
("end", "return Iterator(const_cast<T*>(&" + varname(row-1, col-1, row, col) + " + sizeof(T)));", "Return an Iterator past the last element"),
for name, body, comment in its:
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), name, c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr], ret_type="Iterator<T>", const=True, body=[body], comment=comment))
return members
def genFunctional(row, col):
members = []
# abs
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), "abs", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr, inline], ret_type=float_type,
const=True, body=["return std::sqrt(" + genstring(row, col, f"static_cast<{float_type}>(@ * @)", " + ") + ");"], comment="Returns the absolute value of the vector (sqrt of scalar product with itself)"))
if (row == 2 and col == 1) or (col == 2 and row == 1):
# ratio
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), "ratio", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr, inline], ret_type=float_type,
const=True, body=["return static_cast<" + float_type + f">({varnameI(0, row, col)}) / {varnameI(1, row, col)};"], comment=f"Returns x/y"))
# inverse ratio
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), "invereseRatio", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr, inline], ret_type=float_type,
const=True, body=["return static_cast<" + float_type + f">({varnameI(1, row, col)}) / {varnameI(0, row, col)};"], comment=f"Returns y/x"))
# min
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), "min", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr, inline], ret_type="T", const=True,
body=["return *std::min_element(cbegin(), cend());"], comment="Returns the min of the components"))
# max
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), "max", c_temp=Class_T, prefixes=[constexpr, inline], ret_type="T", const=True,
body=["return *std::max_element(cbegin(), cend());"], comment="Returns the max of the components"))
# dot
body = f"return " + genstring(row, col, "@ * static_cast<T>(other.@)", " + ") + ";"
members.append(Member(classname(row, col), "dot", c_temp=Class_T, m_temp=[Number_N], prefixes=[constexpr, inline], ret_type="T", const=True,
args=f"const {classname(row, col, 'N')}& other", body=[body], comment="Scalar product (x1 * other.x1 + x2 * other.x2 ...)"))
return members
def genUtility(row, col):
s = "\n"
# s = "std::string to_string() const { return \"(\" + " + genstring(row, col, "std::to_string(@)", " + \", \" + ") + " + \")\"; };\n"
return s
def genUsing(row, col):
global typeShorts
s = ""
for t, c in typeShorts.items():
s += f"using {classname(row, col)}{c} = {classname(row, col)}<{t}>;\n"
return s
def getTemplateInsts(method_name, instantiations, templates, types, depth=0):
""" method name must be like this:
constexpr ret_type Class<T>::name<U>(int, U) const;"""
if depth < len(templates):
if templates[depth][0] == "Number":
for n in types:
newmethod = method_name.replace(
f"<{templates[depth][1]}>", f"<{n}>").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]} ", f"{n} ").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]})", f"{n})").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]},", f"{n},").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]}& ", f"{n}& ").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]}&)", f"{n}&)").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]}&,", f"{n}&,")
getTemplateInsts(newmethod, instantiations, templates, types, depth+1)
for n in types:
newmethod = method_name.replace(
f"<{templates[depth][1]}>", f"<{classnameFromConcept(templates[depth][0])}<{n}>>").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]} ", f"{classnameFromConcept(templates[depth][0])}<{n}> ").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]})", f"{classnameFromConcept(templates[depth][0])}<{n}> ").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]},", f"{classnameFromConcept(templates[depth][0])}<{n}> ").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]}& ", f"{classnameFromConcept(templates[depth][0])}<{n}>& ").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]}&)", f"{classnameFromConcept(templates[depth][0])}<{n}>&)").replace(
f"{templates[depth][1]}&,", f"{classnameFromConcept(templates[depth][0])}<{n}>&,")
getTemplateInsts(newmethod, instantiations, templates, types, depth+1)
elif depth == len(templates) and len(templates)> 0:
instantiations.append("template " + method_name + ";")
def generateFiles(row, col):
hd = 0 # header depth
sd = 0 # source and template depth
# header
h = "#pragma once\n\n"
# source
s = "#include \"" + classname(row, col) + ".hpp\"\n\n"
# template instantiations
t = f"// template instantiations for {classname(row, col)}\n\n"
dependencies = getDependecyClasses(row, col)
for dep in dependencies:
s += "#include \"" + dep + ".hpp\"\n"
s += "\n"
for i in headerIncludes:
h += "#include " + i + "\n"
h += "\n"
for i in sourceIncludes:
s += "#include " + i + "\n"
s += "\n"
if namespace:
h += "namespace " + namespace + " {\n\n"
s += "namespace " + namespace + " {\n\n"
t += "namespace " + namespace + " {\n\n"
hd += 1
sd += 1
# template instantiations
if include_template_instantiations:
for typ in templateInstantiationTypes:
t += transformString("template class " + classname(row, col, typ) + ";\n", 0)
t += "\n"
# forward declarations
h += transformString("// Forward declarations\n", hd)
for dep in dependencies:
h += transformString("template<Number T>\nclass " + dep + ";\n", hd)
h += "\n"
header, source, templates = generateMatrix(row, col, hd, sd)
h += header + "\n"
s += source + "\n"
t += templates + "\n"
if include_static_asserts:
h += transformString("static_assert(" + concept(row, col, classname(row, col, "int")) +", \"" + classname(row, col, "int") + " does not satisfy the concept " + concept(row, col) + "\");\n", hd)
if namespace:
hd -= 1
sd -= 1
h += transformString("} // namespace " + namespace + "\n", hd)
s += transformString("} // namespace " + namespace + "\n", hd)
t += transformString("} // namespace " + namespace + "\n", hd)
for i in range(1, 5):
h = h.replace("\n" + i * tab + "\n", "\n\n")
s = s.replace("\n" + i * tab + "\n", "\n\n")
return h, s, t
def append(header:str, source:str, templates:str, members:list[Member], hdepth:int, sdepth:int):
for m in members:
split = True
if m.isConstructor() or (len(m.body) < 2 and len(m.m_temp) > 1):
split = False
if split:
header += m.defintionH(hdepth)
source += m.source(sdepth)
templates += m.templateInstantiations()
header += m.header(hdepth)
return header, source, templates
def generateMatrix(r, c, hd, sd):
h = transformString(
* @brief Class containing $ numbers
""".replace("$", str(r*c)), hd)
h += transformString("""template<Number T>
class $ {
""".replace("$", classname(r, c)), hd)
s = transformString("""//
// CLASS $
""".replace("$", classname(r, c)), sd)
t = ""
hd += 1 # header depth
# sd += 1 # source depth
if classname(r, c).startswith("vec"):
h += transformString("/// just to satisfy concept ColumnVector\nusing isColumnVector = T;\n", hd + 1)
elif classname(r, c).startswith("rvec"):
h += transformString("/// just to satisfy concept RowVector\nusing isRowVector = T;\n", hd + 1)
h += transformString("// Constructors\n", hd)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genConstructors(r, c), hd+1, sd)
h += transformString("// Values\n", hd)
h += transformString(genValues(r, c), hd+1)
h += transformString("// Assignment\n", hd)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genAssignment(r, c), hd+1, sd)
h += transformString("// Arithmetic\n", hd-1)
h += transformString("// Vectorial\n", hd)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genArithmeticVectorial(r, c), hd+1, sd)
h += transformString("// Scalar\n", hd)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genArithmeticScalar(r, c),hd+1, sd)
h += transformString("// Matrix Multiplication\n", hd)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genArithmeticMatrix(r, c), hd+1, sd)
h += transformString("// Comparison\n", hd-1)
h += transformString("// Vectorial\n", hd)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genComparisonVectorial(r, c),hd+1, sd)
h += transformString("// Scalar\n", hd)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genComparisonScalar(r, c), hd+1, sd)
h += transformString("// Functional\n", hd - 1)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genFunctional(r, c), hd+1, sd)
h += transformString("// Utility\n", hd-1)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genSubscription(r, c), hd+1, sd)
h, s, t = append(h, s, t, genIterator(r, c), hd + 1, sd)
h += transformString("}; // " + classname(r, c) + "\n\n", hd - 1)
h += transformString(genUsing(r, c), hd - 1)
h += "\n"
s += "\n"
t += "\n"
return h, s, t
def generateConceptsFile(row, col):
# Number
s = "#pragma once\n\n"
s += "#include <concepts>\n\n"
s += "// Number\n"
s += "template<typename T>\n"
s += "concept Number = std::integral<T> or std::floating_point<T>;\n\n"
s += "// VectorX\n"
for i in range(2, max(row, col)):
s += "template<typename T>\n"
# s += "concept Vector" + str(i) + " = requires(T t) { " + genstring(i, 1, "{ t.@ } -> Number; ", "") + "};\n\n"
s += "concept Vector" + str(i) + " = requires(T t) {\n" + genstring(i, 1, tab + "requires Number<decltype(t.@)>;\n", "") + "} and requires(T t) { sizeof(t." + varname(0, 0, i, 1) + ") == (sizeof(T) * " + str(i) + "); };\n\n"
s += "// RowVectorX\n"
for i in range(2, max(row, col)):
s += "template<typename T>\n"
s += "concept RowVector" + str(i) + " = Vector" + str(i) + "<T> and Number<typename T::isRowVector>;\n\n"
s += "// ColumnVectorX\n"
for i in range(2, max(row, col)):
s += "template<typename T>\n"
s += "concept ColumnVector" + str(i) + " = Vector" + str(i) + "<T> and Number<typename T::isColumnVector>;\n\n"
s += "// Matrices\n"
for r in range(2, row):
for c in range(2, col):
s += "template<typename T>\n"
# s += "concept " + concept(r, c) + " = requires(T t) { t -> template " + classname(r, c) + "; };\n"
s += "concept " + concept(r, c) + " = requires(T t) {\n" + genstring(r, c, tab + "requires Number<decltype(t.@)>;\n", "") + "};\n" # and requires(T t) { sizeof(t." + varname(0, 0, r, c) + ") == (sizeof(T) * " + str(r*c) + "); };\n\n"
return s
#def generateIteratorFile():
# i = "#pragma once\n"
# if namespace:
# i += f"namespace {namespace} " + "{\n"
# i += """
#template<typename T>
#struct Iterator {
# public:
# using value_type = T;
# Iterator() : ptr(nullptr) {};
# Iterator(T* ptr) : ptr(ptr) {};
# T& operator*() const { return *ptr; };
# Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& other) {
# ptr = other.ptr;
# return *this;
# };
# Iterator& operator++() { ptr += sizeof(T); return *this; };
# Iterator operator++(int) { auto copy = *this; ptr += sizeof(T); return copy; };
# friend int operator-(Iterator lhs, Iterator rhs) {
# return lhs.ptr - rhs.ptr;
# };
# bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return ptr == other.ptr; };
# // bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return ptr != other.ptr; };
# private:
# T* ptr;
#}; // Iterator
# if include_static_asserts:
# i += 'static_assert(std::forward_iterator<Iterator<int>>, "Iterator not a forward range.");'
# if namespace:
# i += "} // namespace " + namespace + "\n"
# return i
def write_file(s, filename):
if path.exists(filename):
answer = "y"
# answer = input("File " + filename + "already exists. Overwrite? (y/n): ")
if answer not in "yY":
with open(filename, "w") as file:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not path.isdir(directory):
todo = [ [i, j] for i in range(1, MAX_N + 1) for j in range(1, MAX_N + 1)]
todo.remove([1, 1]) # remove [1, 1]
for r, c in todo:
filename = directory + "/" + classname(r, c)
header, source, templates = generateFiles(r, c)
if include_template_instantiations:
write_file(templates, filename + ".tpp")
source += "\n#include \"" + classname(r, c) + ".tpp\""
write_file(header, filename + ".hpp")
write_file(source, filename + ".cpp")
write_file(generateConceptsFile(MAX_N + 1, MAX_N + 1), directory + "/" + "concepts.hpp")
# write_file(generateIteratorFile(), directory + "/" + "iterator.hpp")