This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
\desc{Wave function}{}{}
\desc{Wave function}{}{$R_{nl}(r)$ \fqEqRef{qm:h:radial}, $Y_{lm}$ \fqEqRef{qm:spherical_harmonics}}
\eq{\psi_{nlm}(r, \theta, \phi) = R_{nl}(r)Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)}
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
\ger{Faltung / Konvolution}
\eng{Convolution is \textbf{commutative}, \textbf{associative} and \textbf{distributive}.}
\ger{Die Faltung ist \textbf{kommutativ}, \textbf{assoziativ} und \textbf{distributiv}}
\eq{(f*g)(t) = f(t) * g(t) = int_{-\infty}^\infty f(\tau) g(t-\tau) \d \tau}
f(t) * g(t-t_0) &= (f*g)(t-t_0) \\
f(t-t_0) * g(t-t_0) &= (f*g)(t-2t_0)
\eq{f * g = g * f}
\eq{(f*g)*h = f*(g*h)}
\eq{f * (g + h) = f*g + f*h}
\desc{Complex conjugate}{}{}
\desc[german]{Komplexe konjugation}{}{}
\eq{(f*g)^* = f^* * g^*}
\eng{Fourier analysis}
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
\eng{Condensed matter physics}
\TODO{Bonds, hybridized orbitals, tight binding}
\eng{Bravais lattice}
@ -84,6 +85,17 @@
family of plane that are equivalent due to crystal symmetry
\desc{Miller index}{}{}
\desc[german]{Millersche Indizes}{}{}
(hkl) & \text{\GT{plane}}\\
[hkl] & \text{\GT{direction}}\\
\{hkl\} & \text{\GT{millerFamily}}
@ -395,3 +407,50 @@
Materials for which the electric resistance jumps to 0 under a critical temperature.
\\\textbf{Type I}: Has a single critical magnetic field at which the superconuctor becomes a normal conductor.
\\\textbf{Type II}: Has two critical
\ger{Materialien, bei denen der elektrische Widerstand beim unterschreiten einer kritischen Temperatur auf 0 springt.}
\desc{Meißner-Ochsenfeld effect}{Perfect diamagnetism}{}
\desc[german]{Meißner-Ochsenfeld Effekt}{Perfekter Diamagnetismus}{}
\eng{Blabla }
\ger{Blubb blubb }
\eng{London equation}
% \vec{j} = \frac{nq\hbar}{m}\Grad S - \frac{nq^2}{m}\vec{A}
\desc{First London Equation}{}{$\vec{j}$ current density, $n$, $m$, $q$ density, mass and charge of superconduticng particles}
\desc[german]{Erste London-Gleichung}{}{$\vec{j}$ Stromdichte, $n$, $m$, $q$ Dichte, Masse und Ladung der supraleitenden Teilchen}
\partical_t \vec{j} = \frac{nq^2}{m}\vec{E}
\desc{Second London Equation}{}{$\vec{j}$ current density, $n$, $m$, $q$ density, mass and charge of superconduticng particles}
\desc[german]{Zweite London-Gleichung}{}{$\vec{j}$ Stromdichte, $n$, $m$, $q$ Dichte, Masse und Ladung der supraleitenden Teilchen}
\Rot \vec{j} = -\frac{nq^2}{m} \vec{B}
\desc{London penetration depth}{}{}
\desc[german]{London Eindringtiefe}{}{}
\eq{\lambda_\textrm{L} = \sqrt{\frac{m}{\mu_0 nq^2}}}
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
\Rot \vec{H} &= \vec{j} + \odv{\vec{D}}{t}
\TODO{Polarization, Magnetisation}
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -145,13 +145,10 @@
@ -164,9 +161,9 @@
% \input{topo.tex}
% \input{quantum_computing.tex}
% \input{many-body-simulations.tex}
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
\ger{Faltung / Konvolution}
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
\desc{Fourier coefficients}{Complex representation}{}
\desc[german]{Fourierkoeffizienten}{Komplexe Darstellung}{}
@ -112,14 +113,69 @@
\desc{Stirling approximation}{}{}
\eq{\ln (N!) \approx N \ln(N) - N + \Order(\ln(N))}
\desc{Error function}{\erf: \C \to \C}{}
\desc[german]{Fehlerfunktion}{Error function: \erf: \C \to \C}{}
\erf(x) &= \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_0^x e^{-t^2} \d t \\
\erfc(x) &= 1 - \erf(x)\\
&= \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_x^\infty e^{-t^2} \d t
\desc{Logarithm identities}{}{}
\desc[german]{Logarithmus Identitäten}{Logarithmus Rechenregeln}{}
\log(xy) &= \log(x) + \log(y) \\
\log \left(\frac{x}{y}\right) &= \log(x) - \log(y) \\
\log \left(x^d\right) &= d\log(x) \\
\log \left(\sqrt[y]{x}\right) &= \frac{\log(x)}{y} \\
x^{\log(y)} &= y^{\log(x)}
\eng{List of common integrals}
\ger{Liste nützlicher Integrale}
\desc{Spherical coordinates}{}{}
x &= r \sin\phi,\cos\theta \\
y &= r \cos\phi,\cos\theta \\
z &= r \sin\theta
\desc{Integration in spherical coordinates}{}{}
\desc[german]{Integration in Kugelkoordinaten}{}{}
\eq{\iiint\d x \d y \d z= \int_0^{\infty} \!\! \int_0^{2\pi} \!\! \int_0^\pi \d r \d\phi\d\theta \, r^2\sin\theta}
\desc{Riemann Zeta Function}{}{}
\desc[german]{Riemannsche Zeta-Funktion}{}{}
\eq{\zeta(s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^s} = \frac{1}{(1-2^{(1-s)})\Gamma(s)} \int_0^\infty \d\eta \frac{\eta^{(s-1)}}{\e^\eta + 1}}
@ -4,21 +4,27 @@
\desc{Mean}{Expectation value}{}
\eq{\braket{x} = \int w(x)\, x\, \d x}
\eq{\sigma^2 = (\Delta \hat{x})^2 = \braket{\hat{x}^2} - \braket{\hat{x}}^2 = \braket{(x - \braket{x})^2}}
\desc{Variance}{Square of the \fqEqRef{pt:std-deviation}}{}
\desc[german]{Varianz}{Quadrat der\fqEqRef{pt:std-deviation}}{}
\eq{\sigma^2 = (\Delta \hat{x})^2 = \Braket{\hat{x}^2} - \braket{\hat{x}}^2 = \braket{(x - \braket{x})^2}}
\eq{\cov(x,y) = \sigma(x,y) = \sigma_{XY} = \Braket{(x-\braket{x})\,(y-\braket{y})}}
\desc{Standard deviation}{}{}
\eq{\sigma = \sqrt{(\Delta x)^2}}
\eq{\sigma = \sqrt{\sigma^2} = \sqrt{(\Delta x)^2}}
@ -192,3 +198,38 @@
\eng{Propagation of uncertainty / error}
\desc{Generalized error propagation}{}{$V$ \fqEqRef{pt:covariance} matrix, $J$ \fqEqRef{ana:jacobi-matrix}}
\desc[german]{Generalisiertes Fehlerfortpflanzungsgesetz}{$V$ \fqEqRef{pt:covariance} Matrix, $J$ \fqEqRef{ana:jacobi-matrix}}{}
\eq{V_y = J(x) \cdot V_x \cdot J^{\T} (x)}
\desc{Propagation of uncorrelated errors}{Linear approximation}{}
\desc[german]{Fortpflanzung unabhängiger fehlerbehaftete Größen}{Lineare Näherung}{}
\eq{u_y = \sqrt{ \sum_{i} \left(\pdv{y}{x_i}\cdot u_i\right)^2}}
\desc{Weight}{Variance is a possible choice for a weight}{$\sigma$ \fqEqRef{pt:variance}}
\desc[german]{Gewicht}{Varianz ist eine mögliche Wahl für ein Gewicht}{}
\eq{w_i = \frac{1}{\sigma_i^2}}
\desc{Weighted mean}{}{$w_i$ \fqEqRef{pt:error:weight}}
\desc[german]{Gewichteter Mittelwert}{}{}
\eq{\overline{x} = \frac{\sum_{i} (x_i w_i)}{\sum_i w_i}}
\desc{Variance of weighted mean}{}{$w_i$ \fqEqRef{pt:error:weight}}
\desc[german]{Varianz des gewichteten Mittelwertes}{}{}
\eq{\sigma^2_{\overline{x}} = \frac{1}{\sum_i w_i}}
@ -379,6 +379,12 @@
\desc{Matrix forms}{}{}
\eng{Harmonischer Oszillator}
\ger{Harmonic Oscillator}
@ -20,10 +20,18 @@ The `<partname>:...:<lowest section name>` will be defined as `fqname` (fully qu
- figure: `fig`
- parts, (sub)sections: `sec`
### Reference functions
Functions that create a hyperlink (and use the translation of the target element as link name):
- `\fqSecRef{}`
- `\fqEqRef{}`
## Multilanguage
All text should be defined as a translation (`translations` package, see `util/translation.tex`) and then used using the `gt` or `GT` macros.
The english translation of any key must be defined, because it will also be used as fallback.
Lower case macros are relative to the current `fqname`, while upper case macros are absolute.
Never make a macro that would have to be changed if a new language was added, eg dont do
% 1: key, 2: english version, 3: german version
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
\desc[german]{Entropiedichte}{}{$s = \frac{S}{N}$}
\lim_{T\to 0} s(T) &= 0 \\
\shortintertext{\GT{and_therefore_also}} \\
\lim_{T\to 0} c_V &= 0
@ -376,21 +376,21 @@
\desc[german]{Innere Energie}{}{}
\eq{\d U(S,V,N) = T\d S -p\d V + \mu\d N}
\desc{Free energy / Helmholtz energy }{}{}
\desc[german]{Freie Energie / Helmholtz Energie}{}{}
\eq{\d F(T,V,N) = -S\d T -p\d V + \mu\d N}
\eq{\d H(S,p,N) = T\d S +V\d p + \mu\d N}
\desc{Gibbs energy}{}{}
\desc[german]{Gibbsche Energie}{}{}
\desc{Free enthalpy / Gibbs energy}{}{}
\desc[german]{Freie Entahlpie / Gibbs-Energie}{}{}
\eq{\d G(T,p,N) = -S\d T + V\d p + \mu\d N}
\desc{Free energy / Helmholtz energy }{}{}
\desc[german]{Freie Energie / Helmholtz Energie}{}{}
\eq{\d F(T,V,N) = -S\d T -p\d V + \mu\d N}
\desc{Grand canonical potential}{}{}
\desc[german]{Großkanonisches Potential}{}{}
@ -398,6 +398,27 @@
\TODO{Maxwell Relationen, TD Quadrat}
\desc{Thermodynamic squre}{}{}
\desc[german]{Themodynamisches Quadrat}{Guggenheim Quadrat}{}
\draw[thick] (0,0) grid (3,3);
\node at (0.5, 2.5) {$-S$};
\node at (1.5, 2.5) {\color{blue}$U$};
\node at (2.5, 2.5) {$V$};
\node at (0.5, 1.5) {\color{blue}$H$};
\node at (2.5, 1.5) {\color{blue}$F$};
\node at (0.5, 0.5) {$-p$};
\node at (1.5, 0.5) {\color{blue}$G$};
\node at (2.5, 0.5) {$T$};
\eng{The corners opposite from the potential are the coefficients and each coefficients differential is opposite to it.}
\ger{Die Ecken gegenüber des Potentials sind die Koeffizienten, das Differential eines Koeffizienten ist in der Ecke gegenüber.}
\eng{Ideal gas}
@ -537,8 +558,8 @@
\desc{Lennard-Jones potential}{Potential between two molecules. Attractive for $r > \sigma$, repulsive for $r < \sigma$}{}
\desc[german]{Lennard-Jones-Potential}{Potential zwischen zwei Molekülen. Attraktiv für $r > \sigma$, repulsiv für $r < \sigma$}{}
\desc{Lennard-Jones potential}{Potential between two molecules. Attractive for $r > \sigma$, repulsive for $r < \sigma$.\\ In condensed matter: Attraction due to Landau Dispersion \TODO{verify} and repulsion due to Pauli exclusion principle.}{}
\desc[german]{Lennard-Jones-Potential}{Potential zwischen zwei Molekülen. Attraktiv für $r > \sigma$, repulsiv für $r < \sigma$.\\ In Festkörpern: Anziehung durch Landau Dispesion und Abstoßung durch Pauli-Prinzip.}{}
\figeq{img/potential_lennard_jones.pdf}{V(r) = 4\epsilon \left[\left(\frac{\sigma}{r}\right)^{12} - \left(\frac{\sigma}{r}\right)^{6}\right]}
@ -658,7 +679,7 @@
\desc{Partition sum}{}{$p \in\N_0$}
\desc[german]{Zustandssumme}{}{$p \in\N_0$}
\eq{Z_\text{g} = \prod_{p} \frac{1}{1-\e^{-\beta(\epsilon_p - \mu)}}}
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Executable file → Normal file
@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
% The following commands are meant to be used with the formula environment
% Name in black and below description in gray
% [1]: minipage width
% 2: fqname of name
% 3: fqname of a translation that holds the explanation
@ -133,32 +140,54 @@
% 1: key
% key
% [1]: language
% 2: name
% 3: description
% 4: definitions/links
% language, name, description, definitions
% 1: equation for align environment
% 1: equation for alignat environment
% 1: equation for flalign environment
% 1: file path
% 2: equation
% 1: any content
% 1: content for the ttext environment
% key, symbol, si unit, si base units, comment (key to translation)
@ -166,15 +195,6 @@
@ -190,6 +210,9 @@
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
% diff, for integrals and stuff
% \DeclareMathOperator{\dd}{d}
Reference in New Issue
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