911 lines
39 KiB
Executable File
911 lines
39 KiB
Executable File
import os
from os import path
import re
from sys import argv
from collections.abc import Callable
import argparse
import pickle
- more testing
- reintroduce the nav_selected class on nav feature
************************************************************ SETTINGS ************************************************************
sidenav_format = """\
<div class="sidenav">
<li class="menudrop">☰</li>
sidenav_content_link = "<li class=\"sidenav_link\"><a href=\"#link\">#name</a></li>"
sidenav_content_section = """\
<li class="sidenav_section_name">#name</li>
<li class="sidenav_section_links">
exit_on_include_failure = False
sitemap_begin = """\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">\n"""
sitemap_end = "</urlset>"
************************************************************ REGULAR EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************
# heading with id
re_sidenav_heading = r"<h\d.*id=(?:\"|\')([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)(?:\"|\').*>(.+)</h\d>"
# custom entry
re_sidenav_custom = r"href=(?:\"|\')([^\"\' ]+)(?:\"|\') +name=(?:\"|\')(.+)(?:\"|\')"
# commas
re_set_map = r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *\? *\{( *(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_*]+ *: *[^,]*, *)+[a-zA-Z0-9_*]+ *: *[^,]*) *,? *\}"
# semicolons
re_set_map_alt = r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *\? *\{( *(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_*]+ *: *[^;]* *; *)+[a-zA-Z0-9_*]+ *: *[^;]*) *;? *\}"
""" #$(myvar) """
re_variable_use = r"#\$\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)"
""" only in comments """
re_preprocessor_command = r"[\t ]*#([a-zA-Z]+) *(.*)[\t ]*"
# https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
re_w3cdate = r"\d{4}-(?)]-\d{2}"
************************************************************ GLOBALS ************************************************************
glob_dependcies: list[str] = []
exit_codes = {
"FileNotFound": 2,
"MarkdownConversionError": 3,
error_levels = {
"light": 0,
"serious": 1,
"critical": 2,
exit_on_error_level = error_levels["serious"]
# url that the currently processed file have
current_file_url = ""
************************************************************ UTILITY ************************************************************
RED = '\033[91m'
GREEN = '\033[92m'
YELLOW = '\033[93m'
BLUE = '\033[94m'
MAGENTA = '\033[95m'
CYAN = '\033[96m'
GRAY = '\033[97m'
RESET = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
WHITE = '\033[37m'
DEBUG = False
def pdebug(*args, **keys):
fname, *_args = args
if DEBUG: print(f"{CYAN}{fname}{GRAY}", *_args, RESET, **keys)
TRACE = False
def ptrace(*args, **keys):
fname, *_args = args
if TRACE: print(f"{BLUE}{fname}{GRAY}", *_args, RESET, **keys)
def error(*args, level:int=exit_on_error_level, exit_code:int=1, **keys):
fname, *_args = args
if level >= exit_on_error_level:
print(f"{RED}ERROR: {fname}{RESET}", *_args, RESET, **keys)
print(f"{YELLOW}WARNING: {fname}{RESET}", *_args, RESET, **keys)
def line_is_link_to_path(line, path):
# check if the line is a link to html thats currently being processed
match = re.search(r"<a href=(\"|\')(.+)(\"|\')>(.+)</a>", line)
if match:
# get filename
match = re.match(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.html", match.groups()[1])
if match and match.group() in path:
return True
return False
def pos2line(s: str, pos:int):
return s[:pos].count('\n') + 1
def generate_dependecy_file(filename:str, deps:list[str]):
line1 = f"{filename}:"
s = ""
for dep in deps:
line1 += f" {dep}"
s += f"{dep}:\n"
return line1 #+ "\n" + s
def evaluate_condition(input_string) -> bool:
words = re.split(r"(==|!=|&&|\|\|)", input_string.replace(" ", ""))
for i in range(len(words)):
if words[i] not in ["==", "!=", "&&", "||"]:
words[i] = '"' + words[i].replace('"', r'\"') + '"'
condition = "".join(words).replace("&&", " and ").replace("||", " or ")
ptrace("evaluate_conditon", f"Evaluating condition {condition}")
return eval(condition)
except SyntaxError:
error("evaluate_conditon", f"Pythonized condition is invalid: {condition}", level=error_levels["light"])
return False
************************************************************ SITEMAP ************************************************************
class Sitemap:
urls:dict = {}
def __init__(self, url=None):
self.url = url
self.priority = None
self.changefreq = None
self.lastmod = None
def set_url(self, url):
self.url = url
def set_priority(self, priority):
priority = float(priority)
except ValueError:
error("Sitemap.set_priority", f"invalid priority: '{priority}'", level=error_levels["serious"])
if not (type(priority) == float and 0.0 <= priority and priority <= 1.0):
error("Sitemap.set_priority", f"invalid priority: '{priority}'", level=error_levels["serious"])
self.priority = priority
def set_changefreq(self, changefreq):
if not (type(changefreq) == str and changefreq in ["always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly", "never"]):
error("Sitemap.set_changefreq", f"invalid changefreq: '{changefreq}'", level=error_levels["serious"])
self.changefreq = changefreq
def set_lastmod(self, lastmod):
if not (type(lastmod) == str and re.fullmatch(re_w3cdate, lastmod)):
error("Sitemap.set_lastmod", f"invalid lastmod: '{lastmod}'", level=error_levels["serious"])
self.lastmod = lastmod
def get_entry(self):
s = f"<url>\n\t<loc>{self.url}</loc>"
if self.priority is not None: s += f"\n\t<priority>{self.priority}</priority>"
if self.changefreq is not None: s += f"\n\t<changefreq>{self.changefreq}</changefreq>"
if self.lastmod is not None: s += f"\n\t<lastmod>{self.lastmod}</lastmod>"
s += "\n</url>"
return s
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Sitemap(url={self.url}, priority={self.priority}, changefreq={self.changefreq}, lastmod={self.lastmod})"
def gen_sidemap():
s = sitemap_begin
for url in Sitemap.urls.values():
s += "\t" + url.get_entry().replace("\n", "\n\t").strip("\t") + "\n"
s += sitemap_end
return s
def cmd_sitemap(args:str, variables:dict[str,str]) -> str:
space = args.find(" ")
if space < 0:
space = len(args)
cmd = args[:space]
cmd_args = ""
if 0 < space and space < len(args) - 1:
cmd_args = args[space+1:].strip(" ")
pdebug("cmd_sitemap", f"cmd='{cmd}' cmd_args='{cmd_args}'")
if not current_file_url in Sitemap.urls:
Sitemap.urls[current_file_url] = Sitemap()
if cmd == "include":
if cmd_args:
elif cmd == "priority":
elif cmd == "changefreq":
elif cmd == "lastmod":
error("cmd_sitemap", f"Invalid command '{cmd}'", error_levels["serious"])
ptrace("cmd_sitemap", f"Sitemap[{current_file_url}] is now: {Sitemap.urls[current_file_url]}")
return ""
************************************************************ SIDENAV ************************************************************
def replace_and_respect_indent(string, replace, replacement):
replace all occurences of 'replace' with 'replacement', add the whitespaces in front of 'replace' to every line of 'replacement'
i = string.find(replace)
while i >= 0:
line_begin = string.rfind("\n", 0, i) + 1
indent = string[line_begin:i]
string = string[:line_begin] + replacement.replace("\n", "\n" + indent) + string[i+len(replace):]
i = string.find(replace)
return string
class Sidenav:
class Link:
def __init__(self, name: str, link: str):
self.link = link
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return f"Link: name={self.name}, link={self.link}"
def get(self):
return sidenav_content_link.replace("#name", self.name).replace("#link", self.link)
class Section:
def __init__(self, name: str):
self.name = name
self.links = []
def add_link(self, link):
def __repr__(self):
return f"Section: name={self.name}"
def get(self):
links = "".join([ link.get() + "\n" for link in self.links ])
return replace_and_respect_indent(sidenav_content_section.replace("#name", self.name), "#links", links)
entries: list[Link|Section] = []
skip_next = False
custom_name = None
def addEntry(name: str, link: str):
if Sidenav.skip_next:
Sidenav.skip_next = None
if Sidenav.custom_name:
name = Sidenav.custom_name
Sidenav.custom_name = None
if len(Sidenav.entries) > 0 and type(Sidenav.entries[-1]) == Sidenav.Section:
Sidenav.entries[-1].add_link(Sidenav.Link(name, link))
Sidenav.entries.append(Sidenav.Link(name, link))
def addSection(name):
def setCustomName(name: str):
Sidenav.custom_name = name
def skipNext():
Sidenav.skip_next = True
def generate() -> str:
pdebug("Sidenav.generate", f"found the following entries: {Sidenav.entries}")
entries = "".join([entry.get() + "\n" for entry in Sidenav.entries])
return replace_and_respect_indent(sidenav_format, "#sidenav-content", entries)
def cmd_sidenav(args:str, variables:dict[str,str]) -> str:
space = args.find(" ")
if space < 0:
space = len(args)
cmd = args[:space]
cmd_args = ""
if 0 < space and space < len(args) - 1:
cmd_args = args[space+1:].strip(" ")
pdebug("cmd_sidenav", f"cmd='{cmd}' cmd_args='{cmd_args}'")
if cmd == "skip":
elif cmd == "section":
elif cmd == "name":
elif cmd == "custom":
match = re.fullmatch(re_sidenav_custom, cmd_args)
if match:
Sidenav.addEntry(match.groups()[1], match.groups()[0])
error("cmd_sidenav", f"Invalid argument for command 'custom': '{cmd_args}'", level=error_levels["light"])
elif cmd == "include":
return Sidenav.generate()
error("cmd_sidenav", f"Invalid command: '{cmd}'", level=error_levels["light"])
return ""
************************************************************ COMMANDS ************************************************************
All these commands take one arg with trimmed whitespaces.
The arg may be anything
They all need to return a string, which will be placed
into the source file at the place where the command was.
def cmd_include(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
args = args.split(' ')
pdebug("cmd_include", f"args='{args}', variables='{variables}'")
filename = args[0]
content = ""
with open(filename) as file:
content = file.read()
if len(args) > 1: # if section was specified
target_section = args[1]
p = HTMLParser(content, {})
p.pos["start"] = p.pos["end"] = -1
while p.i < len(p): # at start of new line or end of comment
ptrace("cmd_include", f"Processing at i={p.i} in line {pos2line(p.file, p.i)}: '{p[p.i:p.pos['line_end']]}'")
if not p.find_comment_begin(): continue
if not p.find_comment_end(): continue
match = p.find_command()
if match:
command = match.groups()[0]
cmd_args = match.groups()[1].replace('\t', ' ').strip(' ')
pdebug("cmd_include", f"Found command '{command}' with args '{cmd_args}'")
if command == "section":
if cmd_args == target_section:
p.pos["start"] = max(p.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END), p.pos["line_end"] + 1)
elif p.pos["start"] >= 0: #end
p.pos["end"] = max(p.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END), p.pos["line_end"] + 1)
# p.pos["end"] = p.pos["cmt_beg"]
p.command_end() # remove the command (+comment)
if p.pos["start"] >= 0 and p.pos["end"] > 0: break
# section cmd in multiline comment is not supported, so simply jump to end of comment
p.i = p.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END)
p.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
p.pos["cmd_beg"] = -1
p.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
p.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
if p.pos["start"] >= 0:
if p.pos["end"] < 0:
p.pos["end"] = len(p)
content = p[p.pos["start"]:p.pos["end"]]
error("cmd_include", f"Could not find section {target_section} in file {filename}")
except FileNotFoundError:
error("cmd_include", f"Could not open file '{filename}'", level=error_levels["serious"], exit_code=exit_codes["FileNotFound"])
content = f"<!-- Could not include '{filename}' -->"
if filename.endswith(".md"):
import mdtex2html as m2h # this package also converts tex to MathML
# replace #$ to avoid everything being parsed as formula
content = m2h.convert(content.replace('\\#$', 'REPLHASHDOLLAR').replace('#$', 'REPLHASHDOLLAR'), extensions=["extra"]).replace('REPLHASHDOLLAR', '#$')
error("cmd_include", f"mdtex2html could not be imported, falling back to python-markdown for md to html conversion", level=error_levels["light"], exit_code=exit_codes["MarkdownConversionError"])
from markdown import markdown
content = markdown(content, output_format="xhtml", extensions=["extra"])
error("cmd_include", f"Could convert markdown to html for file '{filename}'. Is python-markdown installed?", level=error_levels["critical"], exit_code=exit_codes["MarkdownConversionError"])
content = f"<!-- Could not convert to html: '{filename}' -->"
return content
def cmd_section(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
return ""
def cmd_return(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
# re_set_map = r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\?\{(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:.+,)*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:.+))\}"
# <!-- #set section=lang?{*:Fallback,de:Abschnitt,en:Section} -->
space = args.find(' ')
pdebug("cmd_set", f"varname='{args[:space]}, 'arg='{args[space+1:]}', variables='{variables}'")
if not (space > 0 and space < len(args)-1):
variables[args] = ""
pdebug("cmd_set", f"Setting to empty string: {args}")
varname = args[:space]
variables[varname] = ""
# check if map assignment with either , or ;
separator = ','
match = re.fullmatch(re_set_map, args[space+1:].strip(' '))
if not match:
match = re.fullmatch(re_set_map_alt, args[space+1:].strip(' '))
separator = ';'
if match:
pdebug("cmd_set", f"Map {match.group()}")
depends = match.groups()[0]
if not depends in variables:
pdebug("cmd_set", f"Setting from map, but depends='{depends}' is not in variables")
return ""
depends_val = variables[depends]
for option in match.groups()[1].split(separator):
option = option.strip(" ")
pdebug("cmd_set", f"Found option {option}")
colon = option.find(':') # we will find one, regex guarantees
if option[:colon].strip(" ") == depends_val or option[:colon].strip(" ") == "*":
variables[varname] = option[colon+1:].strip(" ")
else: # simple asignment
value = args[space+1:].strip(" ")
variables[varname] = value
pdebug("cmd_set", f"Assignment {varname} -> {value}")
return variables[varname]
return ""
def cmd_set(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
cmd_return(args, variables)
return ""
def cmd_unset(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
variable = args.strip(' ')
if variable not in variables:
pdebug("cmd_unset", f"variable '{variable}' is not set", level=error_levels["light"])
return ""
def cmd_default(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
separator = args.find(' ')
if args[:separator] not in variables:
cmd_return(args, variables)
return ""
def cmd_comment(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
return f"<!-- {args} -->"
def cmd_uncomment(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
return args
def cmd_error(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
error("cmd_error", f"Encounted 'error' command: {args}", level=error_levels["critical"])
return ""
def cmd_warning(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
error("cmd_warning", f"Encounted 'warning' command: {args}", level=error_levels["light"])
return ""
command2function:dict[str, Callable[[str, dict[str,str]], str]] = {
"include": cmd_include,
"section": cmd_section,
"return": cmd_return,
"set": cmd_set,
"unset": cmd_unset,
"default": cmd_default,
"comment": cmd_comment,
"uncomment": cmd_uncomment,
"sidenav": Sidenav.cmd_sidenav,
"sitemap": Sitemap.cmd_sitemap,
"warning": cmd_warning,
"error": cmd_error,
************************************************************ PARSING ************************************************************
class Parser():
General purpose parser class
It has states and positions in a text, which are updated when portions of the text are replaced or removed
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
self.pos: dict[str, int] = {}
self.state: dict[str, bool] = {}
def remove(self, start, stop, ignore_bounds=[]):
"""remove range [start, stop) of text and update positions"""
delete_length = stop - start
nl, esl = "\n", "\\n"
ptrace("Parser.remove", f"Deleting range [{start}, {stop}) of length {delete_length}: '{self.file[start:stop].replace(nl, esl)}'")
assert(stop >= start)
assert(stop <= len(self.file))
self.file = self.file[:start] + self.file[stop:]
for k,pos in self.pos.items():
if pos >= stop: self.pos[k] -= delete_length
elif pos > start and not k in ignore_bounds: error("Parser.remove", f"Position {k}={pos} within deleted range [{start},{stop})", level=error_levels["light"])
def replace(self, start, stop, replacement, ignore_bounds=[]):
assert(stop >= start)
assert(stop <= len(self.file))
ptrace("Parser.replace", f"Replacing range [{start}, {stop}): '{self.file[start:stop]}' with '{replacement}'")
self.file = self.file[:start] + replacement + self.file[stop:]
length_difference = stop - start - len(replacement)
for k,pos in self.pos.items():
if pos >= stop: self.pos[k] -= length_difference
elif pos > start and k not in ignore_bounds: error("Parser.replace", f"Position {k}={pos} within replaced range [{start},{stop})", level=error_levels["light"])
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.file[key]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.file)
class HTMLParser(Parser):
Parse a html file
Each function operates the positon indicated by i until the position "line_end"
def __init__(self, file, variables:dict[str, str], remove_comments=False):
self.i = 0
self.variables = variables
self.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
self.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_beg"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
self.pos["line_end"] = -1
self.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = -1 # char pos of the first char of the last block, if waiting for elif, else or endif
self.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = False
self.state["last_condition"] = False # if the last if condition was true
self.remove_comments = remove_comments
def use_variables(self):
"""replace variable usages in the current line"""
self.replace(self.i, self.pos["line_end"], substitute_variables(self[self.i:self.pos["line_end"]], self.variables))
ptrace("HTMLParser.use_variables", f"Line after variable substitution:", self.file[self.i:self.pos["line_end"]])
def add_sidenav_headings(self):
"""check if heading for sidenav in line"""
match = re.search(re_sidenav_heading, self[self.i:self.pos["line_end"]])
if match:
Sidenav.addEntry(match.groups()[1], f"#{match.groups()[0]}")
ptrace("HTMLParser.add_sidenav_headings:", f"Found heading with id:", match.groups())
def get_leading_whitespaces(self):
"""returns the whitespaces at the start of the line"""
# find last newline
line_beg = self.file.rfind("\n", 0, self.i)
if line_beg < 0: line_beg = 0
else: line_beg += 1 # start after newline
match = re.match(r"^([ \t]*)", self.file[line_beg:self.pos['line_end']])
if not match: return ""
else: return match.groups()[0]
# Parsing functions
def find_line_end(self):
line_end -> position of next newline char or EOF
self.pos["line_end"] = self.file.find('\n', self.i+1)
if self.pos["line_end"] < 0: self.pos["line_end"] = len(self)
def find_comment_begin(self) -> bool:
find the beginning of a comment in the current line
if comment begin was found, jump into the comment, return True
cmt_beg -> beginning of COMMENT_BEGIN
i -> first character after COMMENT_BEGIN / line_end + 1
# look for comment begin
if self.pos["cmt_beg"] < 0: # if not in comment, find next comment
self.pos["cmt_beg"] = self.file.find(COMMENT_BEGIN, self.i, self.pos["line_end"])
if self.pos["cmt_beg"] < 0:
self.i = self.pos["line_end"] + 1
return False
# jump to comment_begin
old_i = self.i
self.i = self.pos["cmt_beg"] + len(COMMENT_BEGIN) # after comment begin
ptrace(f"HTMLParser.find_comment_begin", f"Found comment begin, jumping from pos {old_i} to {self.i}")
return True
return True # still in previous comment
def find_comment_end(self):
call after find_comment_begin returns true to update the cmt_end
call continue when returning false
cmt_end -> beginning of COMMENT_END / ---
cmt_beg -> --- / -1 when invalid comment
# in comment, i at the character after COMMENT_BEGIN
self.pos["cmt_end"] = self.file.find(COMMENT_END, self.i) #, self.pos["line_end"])
# sanity checks
if self.pos["cmt_end"] < 0:
error("HTMLParser.find_comment_end", f"Comment starting in line {pos2line(self.file, self.pos['cmt_beg'])} is never ended.", level=error_levels["serious"])
return False
tmp_next_begin = self.file.find(COMMENT_BEGIN, self.i)
if 0 < tmp_next_begin and tmp_next_begin < self.pos["cmt_end"]:
error("HTMLParser.find_comment_end", f"Found next comment begin before the comment starting in line {pos2line(self.file, self.pos['cmt_beg'])} is ended! Skipping comment. Comment without proper closing tags: '{self.file[self.i:self.pos['line_end']]}'", level=error_levels["light"])
self.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
return False
return True
def replace_multiline_comments(self):
if in a multiline comment, turn every line into a separate comment
# not a multiline comment
if self.pos["line_end"] > self.pos["cmt_end"]: return
indent = self.get_leading_whitespaces()
self.replace(self.pos["cmt_beg"], self.pos["cmt_end"], self.file[self.pos["cmt_beg"]:self.pos["cmt_end"]].replace("\n", "-->\n" + indent + "<!--"), ignore_bounds=["line_end"])
def find_command(self):
# either at newline (if in multiline comment) or at comment end
self.pos["cmd_beg"] = self.i
self.pos["cmd_end"] = min(self.pos["line_end"], self.pos["cmt_end"])
assert self.pos["cmd_end"] >= self.i, f"cmd_end={self.pos['cmd_end']}, i={self.i}, line_end={self.pos['line_end']}, cmt_end={self.pos['cmt_end']}"
ptrace("HTMLParser.find_command", f"Possible command end: {self.pos['cmd_end']}, possible command: '{self[self.i:self.pos['cmd_end']]}'")
# find commands
match = re.fullmatch(re_preprocessor_command, self[self.i:self.pos["cmd_end"]].strip(" "))
if match:
self.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = True
return match
def replace_command_with_output(self, command_output):
# keep indent level
indent = self.get_leading_whitespaces()
self.replace(self.i, self.pos["cmd_end"], command_output.replace("\n", "\n" + indent))
ptrace(f"HTMLParser.replace_command_with_output", f"After command, the line is now '{self.file[self.i:self.pos['line_end']]}'")
def command_end(self):
if self.pos["cmd_end"] == self.pos["cmt_end"]: # reached end of comment
if self.state["cmd_in_cmt"] or self.remove_comments:
remove_newline = 0
if self[self.pos["cmt_beg"]-1] == '\n' and self[self.pos["cmt_end"]+len(COMMENT_END)] == '\n': # if the comment consumes the whole line, remove the entire line
remove_newline = 1
if self.state["cmd_in_cmt"]: # remove comment tags if a command was found
ptrace("HTMLParser.command_end", f"Deleting opening comment tags")
self.remove(self.pos["cmt_beg"], self.pos["cmt_beg"] + len(COMMENT_BEGIN))
self.remove(self.pos["cmt_end"], self.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END) + remove_newline, ignore_bounds=["cmt_end", "cmd_end", "line_end"])
# process the line again, because a command might have inserted new comments
self.i -= len(COMMENT_BEGIN)
elif self.remove_comments: # remove entire comment
self.remove(self.pos["cmt_beg"], self.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END) + remove_newline, ignore_bounds=["cmt_end", "cmd_beg", "cmd_end", "line_end"])
self.i = self.pos["cmt_beg"]
self.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = False
self.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_beg"] = -1
self.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
else: # multiline comment
self.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
self.i = self.pos["line_end"] + 1
ptrace(f"HTMLParser.command_end", f"Multiline comment, jumping to next line.")
# i = possible_command_end commented, because if something containing new commands is inserted we need to parse that as well
def parse_file(_file:str, variables:dict[str,str], remove_comments):
p = HTMLParser(_file, variables, remove_comments=remove_comments)
sidenav_include_pos = -1
while p.i < len(p): # at start of new line or end of comment
ptrace("parse_file", f"Processing at i={p.i} in line {pos2line(p.file, p.i)}: '{p[p.i:p.pos['line_end']]}'")
if not p.find_comment_begin(): continue
if not p.find_comment_end(): continue
match = p.find_command()
if match:
command = match.groups()[0]
args = match.groups()[1].replace('\t', ' ').strip(' ')
pdebug("parse_file", f"Found command '{command}' with args '{args}'")
# delete from previous block if
if command in ["elif", "else", "endif"]:
if p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] < 0: error("parse_file", f"Misplaced '{command}' in line {pos2line(p.file, p.i)}")
if p.state["last_condition"]:
# delete block from here at next endif
p.state["last_condition"] = False
# delete block from last condition statement
ptrace("parse_file", f"> Deleting block from last condition")
p.remove(p.pos["conditional_block_beg"], p.pos["cmt_beg"])
p.i = p.pos["cmd_beg"]
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = p.i
if command == "endif":
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = -1
p.state["last_condition"] = False
p.state["any_condition"] = False
# evaluate ifs
if command == "if":
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = p.i
p.state["last_condition"] = evaluate_condition(args)
p.state["any_condition"] = p.state["last_condition"]
pdebug("parse_file", f"Command {command} condition evaluated to {p.state['last_condition']}")
cmd_output = ""
elif command =="elif":
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = p.i
p.state["last_condition"] = evaluate_condition(args) if not p.state["any_condition"] else False
if p.state["last_condition"]:
p.state["any_condition"] = True
pdebug("parse_file", f"Command {command} condition evaluated to {p.state['last_condition']}")
cmd_output = ""
elif command == "else":
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = p.i
p.state["last_condition"] = True if not p.state["any_condition"] else False
cmd_output = ""
elif p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] < 0 or p.state["last_condition"]:
if command == "sidenav" and args == "include": # if args contains anything else this wont work
sidenav_include_pos = p.pos["cmt_beg"] # remove the comment
cmd_output = ""
elif command == "endif":
cmd_output = ""
elif command not in command2function:
error("parse_file", f"Invalid command in line {pos2line(p.file, p.i)}: {command}", level=error_levels["light"])
cmd_output = ""
cmd_output = command2function[command](args, variables)
cmd_output = ""
pdebug("parse_file", f"Did not find command in comment {p.file[p.pos['cmt_beg']:p.pos['cmt_end']+len(COMMENT_END)]}")
if sidenav_include_pos >= 0:
p.i = sidenav_include_pos # required before get_leading_whitespaces
p.find_line_end() # required before get_leading_whitespaces
indent = p.get_leading_whitespaces()
return p.file[:sidenav_include_pos] + Sidenav.generate().replace("\n", "\n" + indent) + p.file[sidenav_include_pos:]
return p.file
def substitute_variables(html:str, variables:dict[str, str]):
find usage of variables and replace them with their value
matches = []
for match in re.finditer(re_variable_use, html):
html_list = list(html)
for match in reversed(matches):
pdebug("substitute_variables", f"Found variable usage {match.groups()[0]}, match from {match.start()} to {match.end()}")
value = ""
if match.groups()[0] in variables: value = variables[match.groups()[0]]
pdebug("substitute_variables", f"Variable {match.groups()[0]} is used but not defined")
for _ in range(match.start(), match.end()):
html_list.insert(match.start(), value.strip(" "))
return ''.join(html_list)
************************************************************ COMMAND LINE ************************************************************
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="bUwUma html preprocessor")
parser.add_argument("--input", action="store", help="path to the input file", default="")
parser.add_argument("--output", action="store", help="output to this file", default="")
parser.add_argument("--inplace", action="store_true", help="overwrite input file")
parser.add_argument("--preserve-comments", action="store_true", help="do not remove normal html comments", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--var", action="append", help="set a variable --var varname=value", default=[])
parser.add_argument("--output-deps", action="store", help="output a Makefile listing all dependencies", default="")
parser.add_argument("--sitemap-generate", action="store", help="generate the sitemap from the sitemap-temp-file", default="")
parser.add_argument("--sitemap-temp-file", action="store", help="file for storing sitemap data during build process", default="/tmp/sitemap.pkl")
parser.add_argument("--sitemap-webroot-dir", action="store", help="directory of the webroot, without trailing /. This will be removed from the output path for generating the sitemap url entry", default="")
parser.add_argument("--sitemap-base-url", action="store", help="base url of the website, without trailing /", default="https://www.example.com")
parser.add_argument("--sitemap-remove-ext", action="store_true", help="remove the file extenstion in the sitemap entry")
parser.add_argument("--exit-on", action="store", help="exit when an error of the given severity occures", choices=["light", "serious", "critical"], default="serious")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="be more verbose", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--trace", action="store_true", help="be extremly verbose", default=False)
variables:dict[str, str] = {}
args = parser.parse_args()
for var in args.var:
sep = var.find('=')
if sep > 0 and sep < len(var) - 1:
variables[var[:sep].strip(" ")] = var[sep+1:].strip(" ")
parser.error(f"Invalid argument: --var '{var}'\n\tUsage: --var <varname>=<value>")
args.input = args.input.strip(" ")
args.output = args.output.strip(" ")
args.output_deps = args.output_deps.strip(" ")
args.sitemap_temp_file = args.sitemap_temp_file.strip(" ")
args.sitemap_generate = args.sitemap_generate.strip(" ")
TRACE = args.trace
if args.trace: args.debug = True
DEBUG = args.debug
# either input file or sitemap_generate is required
if not (bool(args.input) ^ bool(args.sitemap_generate)):
parser.error(f"Exactly one if --input or --sitemap-generate must be given")
if args.input:
if args.sitemap_webroot_dir:
current_file_url = args.sitemap_base_url + args.output.replace(args.sitemap_webroot_dir, "")
current_file_url = args.sitemap_base_url + args.output
if args.sitemap_remove_ext:
current_file_url = os.path.splitext(current_file_url)[0]
pdebug("main", f"current_file={current_file_url}")
# sanity checks
if not path.isfile(args.input):
parser.error(f"Invalid input file:: {args.input}")
if args.output:
if not path.isdir(path.dirname(args.output)):
parser.error(f"Invalid path to output file - directory does not exist: '{path.dirname(args.output)}'")
elif args.inplace:
args.output = args.input
if args.inplace and args.output:
parser.error(f"Only one of --output or --inplace mut be given")
if args.output_deps:
if not path.isdir(path.dirname(args.output_deps)):
parser.error(f"Invalid path to dependency file - directory does not exist: '{path.dirname(args.output_deps)}'")
if not args.output:
parser.error(f"--output-deps requires either --output <file> our --inplace")
if args.sitemap_temp_file:
if path.isfile(args.sitemap_temp_file):
with open(args.sitemap_temp_file, "rb") as file:
Sitemap.urls = pickle.load(file)
# get html
with open(args.input, "r") as file:
target_html = file.read()
output_html = parse_file(target_html, variables, not args.preserve_comments)
# remove empty lines
output_html = re.sub(r"[\t\r ]*\n(?:[\t\r ]*\n)+", r"\n", output_html)
# pdebug(f"Output: {output_html}")
# save
if args.output:
with open(args.output, "w") as file:
if args.output_deps:
if args.output != args.input:
depfile = generate_dependecy_file(args.output, glob_dependcies)
pdebug("main", f"Writing dependency file to {os.path.abspath(args.output_deps)}: {depfile}")
with open(args.output_deps, "w") as file:
if args.sitemap_temp_file:
with open(args.sitemap_temp_file, "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(Sitemap.urls, file)
else: # sitemap_generate
if not path.isfile(args.sitemap_temp_file):
parser.error(f"Invalid sitemap-temp-file: '{args.sitemap_temp_file}'")
with open(args.sitemap_temp_file, "rb") as file:
Sitemap.urls = pickle.load(file)
sitemap = Sitemap.gen_sidemap()
pdebug("main", f"Writing sitemap to {os.path.abspath(args.sitemap_generate)}")
with open(args.sitemap_generate, "w") as file: