# ABOUT # - In this Makefile, 'building a file' means: # - if the file has a '.html' extension: run the html preprocessor on the file and place the output in the output directory # - else: copy the file to the output directory # - Folder structure from source directories will be preserved in the output directory # - Abbreviations: # - FLS: files # - DIR: directory # - SRC: source # - LANG: language # - PP: preprocessor # - DEP: dependency # TODO: fix that you have invoke make twice to build both languages # # NORMAL SETTINGS # change these to fir your project # # root dir for the project, all other paths relative to PROJECT_DIR (except for OUT_DIR and DEP_DIR) PROJECT_DIR = src # path where final website will be in, this one is not relative to PROJECT_DIR OUT_DIR = build # SOURCE FILES: # all SRC_FLS and all files (recursively) in the SRC_DIRS will be built # all files in PROJECT_DIR (not recursively) are source files SRC_DIRS = de en script style SRC_FLS = # RESOURCE FILES: # all RESOURCE_FLS and all files in the RESOURCE_DIRS will be copied to OUT_DIR RESOURCE_DIRS = resources RESOURCE_FLS = # THUMBNAILS: # if set, thumbnails for all resource files will be generated and placed in THUMB_OUT_DIR (relative to OUT_DIR) THUMB_OUT_DIR = thumbs # MULTI-LANG SOURCE FILES: # the files in COMMON_DIR will be built for all LANGS: # foreach html-file in COMMON_DIR: # foreach lang in LANGS: # run HTML_PP_CMD with --var lang=lang on file and output to OUT_DIR without the COMMON_DIR prefix, so COMMON_DIR/subdir/file.html -> OUT_DIR/lang/subdir/file.html # all non-html files will handled the same way, but without the preprocessor being run on them. They are simply copied # leave COMMON_DIR empty to disable multi-lang feature COMMON_DIR = LANGS = de en # PREPROCESSOR # path to of the files that should be included INCLUDE_DIR = include # ADVANCED # the command to run the html preprocessor HTML_PP_CMD = python3 html-preprocessor --exit-on light DEP_DIR = .dependencies # # NOT SETTINGS ANYMORE # DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING HERE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! # # all variables starting with _ are relative to PROJECT_DIR # make everything relative to PROJECT_DIR _SRC_DIRS = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(SRC_DIRS)) _SRC_FLS = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(SRC_FLS)) _RES_DIRS = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(RESOURCE_DIRS)) _RES_FLS = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(RESOURCE_FLS)) _COMMON_DIR = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(COMMON_DIR)) _INCLUDE_DIR = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(INCLUDE_DIR)) # NORMAL SRC # all SRC_DIRS + all subdirs of each srcdir _SRC_SUB_DIRS = $(foreach srcdir, $(_SRC_DIRS), $(shell find $(srcdir)/ -type d 2>/dev/null)) # add files in project dir _SRC_FLS += $(shell find $(PROJECT_DIR)/ -maxdepth 1 -type f) # add files src dirs, recursively _SRC_FLS += $(foreach srcdir, $(_SRC_DIRS), $(shell find $(srcdir)/ -type f 2>/dev/null)) # OUT_DIRS = $(OUT_DIR) $(addprefix $(OUT_DIR)/, $(_SRC_SUB_DIRS)) OUT_DIRS = $(OUT_DIR)/ $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_SRC_SUB_DIRS)) # path of the source files after being processed # OUT_FLS = $($(notdir _SRC_FLS):%=$(OUT_DIR)/%) OUT_FLS = $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_SRC_FLS)) # RESOURCES _RES_SUB_DIRS = $(foreach srcdir, $(_RES_DIRS), $(shell find $(srcdir)/ -type d 2>/dev/null)) _RES_FLS += $(foreach srcdir, $(_RES_DIRS), $(shell find $(srcdir)/ -type f 2>/dev/null)) RES_OUT_DIRS = $(OUT_DIR)/ $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_RES_SUB_DIRS)) RES_OUT_FLS = $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_RES_FLS)) # MULTILANG ifdef COMMON_DIR _ML_SRC_FLS = $(shell find $(_COMMON_DIR)/ -type f) _ML_SRC_SUB_DIRS= $(shell find $(_COMMON_DIR)/ -type d) # will contain one subdir for each lang, each of which contains every file from ML_SRC_FLS ML_OUT_DIR = $(OUT_DIR) ML_OUT_LANG_DIRS= $(foreach lang, $(LANGS), $(addprefix $(ML_OUT_DIR)/, $(lang))) ML_OUT_DIRS = $(foreach lang, $(LANGS), $(patsubst $(_COMMON_DIR)/%, $(ML_OUT_DIR)/$(lang)/%, $(_ML_SRC_SUB_DIRS))) ML_OUT_FLS = $(foreach lang, $(LANGS), $(patsubst $(_COMMON_DIR)/%, $(ML_OUT_DIR)/$(lang)/%, $(_ML_SRC_FLS))) endif ifdef THUMB_OUT_DIR _THUMB_FOR_TYPES = png gif jpg jpeg webp pdf _THUMB_TYPE = jpg # files for which to generate thumbnails _THUMB_FLS = $(filter $(foreach type, $(_THUMB_FOR_TYPES), %.$(type)), $(_RES_FLS)) THUMB_OUT_FLS = $(addsuffix .jpg, $(basename $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/$(THUMB_OUT_DIR)/%, $(_THUMB_FLS)))) THUMB_OUT_DIRS = $(sort $(dir $(THUMB_OUT_FLS))) # sort for removing duplicates endif # needed for creating them _DEP_DIRS = $(sort $(patsubst $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(DEP_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIRS) $(ML_OUT_DIRS))) # needed for reading _DEP_FLS = $(shell find $(DEP_DIR) -type f -name '*.d' 2>/dev/null) # PRINTING FMT_VAR_SRC ="Variable '\e[1;34m%s\e[0m': \e[0;33m%s\e[0m\n" FMT_VAR_OUT ="Variable '\e[1;34m%s\e[0m': \e[0;35m%s\e[0m\n" FMT_DIR ="\e[1;34mMaking directory\e[0m: \e[0;35m%s\e[0m\n" FMT_OUT_HTML ="\e[1;34mBuilding html\e[0m: \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n" FMT_OUT_THUMB ="\e[1;34mBuilding thumbnail\e[0m: \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n" FMT_OUT_OTHER ="\e[1;34mBuilding\e[0m: \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n" FMT_OUT_ML_HTML="\e[1;34mBuilding html\e[0m in lang \e[1;34m%s\e[0m: \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n" FMT_OUT_ML_OTHER="\e[1;34mBuilding\e[0m in lang \e[1;34m%s\e[0m: \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n" .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .html .md .PHONY: default normal multilang resources print start stop clean cleaner .DEFAULT_GOAL = all # include all the dependency makefiles include $(_DEP_FLS) all: normal multilang resources thumbnails normal: $(OUT_FLS) multilang: $(ML_OUT_FLS) resources: $(RES_OUT_FLS) thumbnails: $(THUMB_OUT_FLS) print: @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "PROJECT_DIR" "$(PROJECT_DIR)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "OUT_DIRS" "$(OUT_DIRS)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_INCLUDE_DIR" "$(_INCLUDE_DIR)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_SRC_FLS" "$(_SRC_FLS)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "OUT_FLS" "$(OUT_FLS)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_RES_FLS" "$(_RES_FLS)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "RES_OUT_FLS" "$(RES_OUT_FLS)" ifdef COMMON_DIR @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_ML_SRC_FLS" "$(_ML_SRC_FLS)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "ML_OUT_FLS" "$(ML_OUT_FLS)" endif @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_DEP_FLS" "$(_DEP_FLS)" ifdef THUMB_OUT_DIR @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "THUMB_OUT_DIR" "$(THUMB_OUT_DIR)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "_THUMB_FLS" "$(_THUMB_FLS)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "THUMB_OUT_FLS" "$(THUMB_OUT_FLS)" @printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "THUMB_OUT_DIRS" "$(THUMB_OUT_DIRS)" endif @# @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "y" "$(y)" # DIRECTORIES $(sort $(ML_OUT_DIRS) $(_DEP_DIRS) $(RES_OUT_DIRS) $(OUT_DIRS) $(THUMB_OUT_DIRS)): @printf $(FMT_DIR) "$@" @mkdir -p $@ # MULTILANG RULES ifdef COMMON_DIR # $@ is the target to trigger the rule, but all languages have to be built now $(foreach out_dir, $(ML_OUT_LANG_DIRS), $(out_dir)/%.html): $(_COMMON_DIR)/%.html | $(ML_OUT_DIRS) $(_DEP_DIRS) @RAW_TARGET=`echo $@ $(foreach lang, $(LANGS), | sed 's|$(ML_OUT_DIR)/$(lang)/||')`;\ for lang in $(LANGS); do \ target=$(ML_OUT_DIR)/$$lang/$$RAW_TARGET;\ printf $(FMT_OUT_ML_HTML) "$$lang" "$<" "$$target"; \ $(HTML_PP_CMD) --input "$<" --output "$$target" --var include_dir=$(_INCLUDE_DIR) --var lang=$$lang --output-deps "`echo $${target}.d | sed 's|$(OUT_DIR)/|$(DEP_DIR)/|'`"; \ done # rule for all not html files $(foreach out_dir, $(ML_OUT_LANG_DIRS), $(out_dir)/%): $(_COMMON_DIR)/% | $(ML_OUT_DIRS) @lang=`echo $(patsubst $(ML_OUT_DIR)/%, %, $@) | awk -F "/" '{print $$1}'`; \ printf $(FMT_OUT_ML_OTHER) "$$lang" "$<" "$@" ; \ cp $< $@ endif # THUMBNAILS $(OUT_DIR)/$(THUMB_OUT_DIR)/%.jpg: | $(THUMB_OUT_DIRS) @fulltarget="$@"; \ target="$(patsubst $(OUT_DIR)/$(THUMB_OUT_DIR)/%.jpg,%,$@)"; \ sources=($(_THUMB_FLS)); \ source=$$(printf "%s\n" $${sources[@]} | grep "$$target"'\.'); \ printf $(FMT_OUT_THUMB) "$$source" "$$fulltarget"; \ if [ "$${source##*.}" = "pdf" ]; then \ pdftoppm -f 1 -singlefile -jpeg -r 50 "$$source" "$${fulltarget%.*}"; \ else \ magick "$$source" -thumbnail '100x100>' "$@"; \ fi; \ # # (NORMAL/RE-)SOURCE RULES # $(OUT_DIR)/%.html: $(PROJECT_DIR)/%.html | $(OUT_DIRS) $(_DEP_DIRS) @printf $(FMT_OUT_HTML) "$<" "$@"; @$(HTML_PP_CMD) --input "$<" --output "$@" --var include_dir=$(_INCLUDE_DIR) --output-deps "$(subst $(DEP_DIR)/$(PROJECT_DIR), $(DEP_DIR), $(DEP_DIR)/$<.d)"; @# remove comments and empty lines. two separate lines bc the substitution might create new empty lines @#awk -i inplace '{FS="" sub(//,"")}1' $@ @#awk -i inplace '{if (NF != 0) print}' $@ $(OUT_DIR)/%: $(PROJECT_DIR)/% | $(OUT_DIRS) $(RES_OUT_DIRS) @printf $(FMT_OUT_OTHER) "$<" "$@" @cp -r $< $@ # .DEFAULT: # @echo "MISSING RULE: $@" start: /usr/sbin/nginx -c nginx.conf -p $(shell pwd)& firefox http://localhost:8080/ stop: killall nginx clean: -rm $(OUT_FLS) $(ML_OUT_FLS) 2>/dev/null -rm -r $(DEP_DIR) 2>/dev/null cleaner: -rm -r $(OUT_DIR)