refactor with parser, add section cmd
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,19 +42,34 @@ refer to the article [on my website](
## Commands
### include
Include the content of a file at the position of the command.
Include the content of a file (or only a specific section in that file) at the position of the command.
`<!-- #include path/to-a-text-file.html -->`
`<!-- #include path/to-a-text-file.html section_name -->`
A absolute or relative path to a text file
A absolute or relative path to a text file [ + section name ]
**Return Value**:
The content of the file or `<!-- Could not include '{args}' -->` empty string if the file can not be opened.
### section
Start a section in a file. The section is only used by the `include` command to determine the start and end of a section
`<!-- #section section_name -->`
Name of the section
**Return Value**:
Empty String
### set
Set the value of a variable
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import os
from os import path
import re
from sys import argv
from import Callable
import argparse
@ -211,72 +213,63 @@ They all need to return a string, which will be placed
into the source file at the place where the command was.
def cmd_include(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
args = args.split(' ')
pdebug(f"cmd_include: args='{args}', variables='{variables}'")
filename = args[0]
content = ""
with open(args) as file:
with open(filename) as file:
content =
p = Parser(content)
p.pos["seg_beg"] = -1
p.pos["seg_end"] = -1
i = 0
while i < len(p): # at start of new line or end of comment
# simply search for the segment begin and end
ptrace(f"cmd_include: Processing at i={i} in line {pos2line(p.file, i)}")
if len(args) > 1: # if section was specified
target_section = args[1]
p = HTMLParser(content, {})
p.pos["start"] = p.pos["end"] = -1
while p.i < len(p): # at start of new line or end of comment
ptrace(f"cmd_include: Processing at i={p.i} in line {pos2line(p.file, p.i)}")
# look for comment
if p.pos["cmt_beg"] < 0: # if not in comment, find next comment
p.pos["cmt_beg"] = p.file.find(COMMENT_BEGIN, i, p.pos["line_end"])
# ptrace(f"i={i}, line_end={line_end}, comment_begin={comment_begin}")
if p.pos["cmt_beg"] < 0:
i = p.pos["line_end"] + 1
# jump to comment_begin
old_i = i
i = p.pos["cmt_beg"] + len(COMMENT_BEGIN) # after comment begin
ptrace(f"> Found comment begin, jumping from pos {old_i} to {i}")
if not p.find_comment_begin(): continue
if not p.find_comment_end(): continue
# in comment, i at the character after COMMENT_BEGIN
p.pos["cmt_end"] = p.file.find(COMMENT_END, i) #, p.pos["line_end"])
# sanity checks
if p.pos["cmt_end"] < 0:
error(f"Comment starting in line {pos2line(p.file, p.pos['cmt_beg'])} is never ended.", level=error_levels["serious"])
tmp_next_begin = p.file.find(COMMENT_BEGIN, i)
if 0 < tmp_next_begin and tmp_next_begin < p.pos["cmt_end"]:
error(f"Found next comment begin before the comment starting in line {pos2line(p.file, p.pos['cmt_beg'])} is ended! Skipping comment. Comment without proper closing tags: '{p.file[i:p.pos['line_end']]}'", level=error_levels["light"])
p.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
# either at newline (if in multiline comment) or at comment end
p.pos["cmd_beg"] = i
p.pos["cmd_end"] = min(p.pos["line_end"], p.pos["cmt_end"])
assert p.pos["cmd_end"] >= i, f"cmd_end={p.pos['cmd_end']}, i={i}, line_end={p.pos['line_end']}, cmt_end={p.pos['cmt_end']}"
ptrace(f"> Possible command end: {p.pos['cmd_end']}, possible command: '{p[i:p.pos['cmd_end']]}'")
# find commands
match = re.fullmatch(re_preprocessor_command, p[i:p.pos["cmd_end"]].strip(" "))
if match: # command comment
p.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = True
match = p.find_command()
if match:
command = match.groups()[0]
args = match.groups()[1].replace('\t', ' ').strip(' ')
pdebug(f"> Found command '{command}' with args '{args}'")
# delete from previous block if
if command in ["elif", "else", "endif"]:
error(f"cmd_include: Could not open file '{args}'", level=error_levels["serious"], exit_code=exit_codes["FileNotFound"])
content = f"<!-- Could not include '{args}' -->"
if args.endswith(".md"):
cmd_args = match.groups()[1].replace('\t', ' ').strip(' ')
pdebug(f"cmd_include Found command '{command}' with args '{cmd_args}'")
if command == "section":
if cmd_args.startswith(target_section):
p.pos["start"] = max(p.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END), p.pos["line_end"] + 1)
elif p.pos["start"] >= 0: #end
p.pos["end"] = max(p.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END), p.pos["line_end"] + 1)
# p.pos["end"] = p.pos["cmt_beg"]
if p.pos["start"] >= 0 and p.pos["end"] > 0: break
if p.pos["start"] >= 0:
if p.pos["end"] < 0:
p.pos["end"] = len(p)
content = p[p.pos["start"]:p.pos["end"]]
error(f"cmd_include: Could not find section {target_section} in file {filename}")
except FileNotFoundError:
error(f"cmd_include: Could not open file '{filename}'", level=error_levels["serious"], exit_code=exit_codes["FileNotFound"])
content = f"<!-- Could not include '{filename}' -->"
if filename.endswith(".md"):
from markdown import markdown
content = markdown(content, output_format="xhtml")
error(f"cmd_include: Could convert markdown to html for file '{args}'. Is python-markdown installed?", level=error_levels["critical"], exit_code=exit_codes["MarkdownConversionError"])
content = f"<!-- Could not convert to html: '{args}' -->"
error(f"cmd_include: Could convert markdown to html for file '{filename}'. Is python-markdown installed?", level=error_levels["critical"], exit_code=exit_codes["MarkdownConversionError"])
content = f"<!-- Could not convert to html: '{filename}' -->"
return content
def cmd_section(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
return ""
def cmd_return(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
# re_set_map = r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\?\{(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:.+,)*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:.+))\}"
# <!-- #set section=lang?{*:Fallback,de:Abschnitt,en:Section} -->
@ -341,6 +334,7 @@ def cmd_warning(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
command2function:dict[str, Callable[[str, dict[str,str]], str]] = {
"include": cmd_include,
"section": cmd_section,
"set": cmd_set,
"return": cmd_return,
"default": cmd_default,
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@ class Parser():
self.file = self.file[:start] + self.file[stop:]
for k,pos in self.pos.items():
if pos >= stop: self.pos[k] -= delete_length
elif pos > start and not k in ignore_bounds: error(f"Position {k}={pos} within deleted range [{start},{stop})", level=1)
elif pos > start and not k in ignore_bounds: error(f"Parser.remove: Position {k}={pos} within deleted range [{start},{stop})", level=1)
def replace(self, start, stop, replacement):
assert(stop >= start)
@ -382,7 +376,7 @@ class Parser():
length_difference = stop - start - len(replacement)
for k,pos in self.pos.items():
if pos >= stop: self.pos[k] -= length_difference
elif pos > start: error(f"Position {k}={pos} within replaced range [{start},{stop})", level=1)
elif pos > start: error(f"Parser.replace: Position {k}={pos} within replaced range [{start},{stop})", level=1)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.file[key]
@ -403,24 +397,25 @@ class HTMLParser(Parser):
self.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
self.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_beg"] = -1
self.pos["cmdend"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
self.pos["line_end"] = -1
self.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = -1 # char pos of the first char of the last block, if waiting for elif, else or endif
self.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = False
self.state["last_condition"] = False # if the last if condition was true
def next_line(self):
"""update i and line_end"""
self.pos["line_end"] = self.file.find('\n', i)
self.pos["line_end"] = self.file.find('\n', self.i)
if self.pos["line_end"] < 0: self.pos["line_end"] = len(self)
def use_variables(self):
"""replace variable usages in the current line"""
self.replace(i, self.pos["line_end"], replace_variables(self[i:self.pos["line_end"]], variables))
ptrace("> Line after replacing variables:", self.file[i:self.pos["line_end"]])
self.replace(self.i, self.pos["line_end"], substitute_variables(self[self.i:self.pos["line_end"]], self.variables))
ptrace("> Line after variable substitution:", self.file[self.i:self.pos["line_end"]])
def add_sidenav_headings(self):
"""check if heading for sidenav in line"""
match =, self[i:self.pos["line_end"]])
match =, self[self.i:self.pos["line_end"]])
if match:
Sidenav.addEntry(match.groups()[1], f"#{match.groups()[0]}")
ptrace("> Found heading with id:", match.groups())
@ -446,60 +441,90 @@ class HTMLParser(Parser):
return True # still in previous comment
def find_comment_end(self):
call afterfind_comment_begin returns true to update the cmt_end
call continue when returning false
# in comment, i at the character after COMMENT_BEGIN
self.pos["cmt_end"] = self.file.find(COMMENT_END, self.i) #, self.pos["line_end"])
# sanity checks
if self.pos["cmt_end"] < 0:
error(f"Comment starting in line {pos2line(self.file, self.pos['cmt_beg'])} is never ended.", level=error_levels["serious"])
return False
tmp_next_begin = self.file.find(COMMENT_BEGIN, self.i)
if 0 < tmp_next_begin and tmp_next_begin < self.pos["cmt_end"]:
error(f"Found next comment begin before the comment starting in line {pos2line(self.file, self.pos['cmt_beg'])} is ended! Skipping comment. Comment without proper closing tags: '{self.file[self.i:self.pos['line_end']]}'", level=error_levels["light"])
self.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
return False
return True
def find_command(self):
# either at newline (if in multiline comment) or at comment end
self.pos["cmd_beg"] = self.i
self.pos["cmd_end"] = min(self.pos["line_end"], self.pos["cmt_end"])
assert self.pos["cmd_end"] >= self.i, f"cmd_end={self.pos['cmd_end']}, i={self.i}, line_end={self.pos['line_end']}, cmt_end={self.pos['cmt_end']}"
ptrace(f"> Possible command end: {self.pos['cmd_end']}, possible command: '{self[self.i:self.pos['cmd_end']]}'")
# find commands
match = re.fullmatch(re_preprocessor_command, self[self.i:self.pos["cmd_end"]].strip(" "))
if match:
self.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = True
return match
def replace_command_with_output(self, command_output):
self.replace(self.i, self.pos["cmd_end"], command_output)
ptrace(f"> After insertion, the line is now '{self.file[self.i:self.pos['line_end']]}'")
def command_end(self):
if self.pos["cmd_end"] == self.pos["cmt_end"]: # reached end of comment
if self.state["cmd_in_cmt"]:
# remove comment tags if a command was found
remove_newline = 0
if self[self.pos["cmt_beg"]-1] == '\n' and self[self.pos["cmt_end"]+len(COMMENT_END)] == '\n': # if the comment consumes the whole line, remove the entire line
remove_newline = 1
# remove comment if done
ptrace(f"Deleting opening comment tags")
self.remove(self.pos["cmt_beg"], self.pos["cmt_beg"] + len(COMMENT_BEGIN))
self.remove(self.pos["cmt_end"], self.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END) + remove_newline, ignore_bounds=["cmt_end", "cmd_end", "line_end"])
# process the line again, because a command might have inserted new comments
self.i -= len(COMMENT_BEGIN)
self.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = False
self.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
self.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
else: # multiline comment
self.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
self.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
self.i = self.pos["line_end"] + 1
ptrace(f"> Multiline comment, jumping to next line.")
# i = possible_command_end commented, because if something containing new commands is inserted we need to parse that as well
def parse_file(_file:str, variables:dict[str,str]):
p = HTMLParser(_file, variables)
sidenav_include_pos = -1
p.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
p.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
p.pos["cmd_beg"] = -1
p.pos["cmdend"] = -1
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = -1 # char pos of the first char of the last block, if waiting for elif, else or endif
p.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = False
p.state["last_condition"] = False # if the last if condition was true
i = 0
# if file.count(COMMENT_BEGIN) != file.count(COMMENT_END):
while i < len(p): # at start of new line or end of comment
while p.i < len(p): # at start of new line or end of comment
ptrace(f"Processing at i={i} in line {pos2line(p.file, i)}")
ptrace(f"Processing at i={p.i} in line {pos2line(p.file, p.i)}")
if not p.find_comment_begin(): continue
if not p.find_comment_end(): continue
# in comment, i at the character after COMMENT_BEGIN
p.pos["cmt_end"] = p.file.find(COMMENT_END, i) #, p.pos["line_end"])
# sanity checks
if p.pos["cmt_end"] < 0:
error(f"Comment starting in line {pos2line(p.file, p.pos['cmt_beg'])} is never ended.", level=error_levels["serious"])
tmp_next_begin = p.file.find(COMMENT_BEGIN, i)
if 0 < tmp_next_begin and tmp_next_begin < p.pos["cmt_end"]:
error(f"Found next comment begin before the comment starting in line {pos2line(p.file, p.pos['cmt_beg'])} is ended! Skipping comment. Comment without proper closing tags: '{p.file[i:p.pos['line_end']]}'", level=error_levels["light"])
p.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
# either at newline (if in multiline comment) or at comment end
p.pos["cmd_beg"] = i
p.pos["cmd_end"] = min(p.pos["line_end"], p.pos["cmt_end"])
assert p.pos["cmd_end"] >= i, f"cmd_end={p.pos['cmd_end']}, i={i}, line_end={p.pos['line_end']}, cmt_end={p.pos['cmt_end']}"
ptrace(f"> Possible command end: {p.pos['cmd_end']}, possible command: '{p[i:p.pos['cmd_end']]}'")
# find commands
match = re.fullmatch(re_preprocessor_command, p[i:p.pos["cmd_end"]].strip(" "))
if match: # command comment
p.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = True
match = p.find_command()
if match:
command = match.groups()[0]
args = match.groups()[1].replace('\t', ' ').strip(' ')
pdebug(f"> Found command '{command}' with args '{args}'")
# delete from previous block if
if command in ["elif", "else", "endif"]:
if p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] < 0: error(f"Misplaced '{command}' in line {pos2line(p.file, i)}")
if p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] < 0: error(f"Misplaced '{command}' in line {pos2line(p.file, p.i)}")
if p.state["last_condition"]:
# delete block from here at next endif
p.state["last_condition"] = False
@ -507,28 +532,28 @@ def parse_file(_file:str, variables:dict[str,str]):
# delete block from last condition statement
ptrace(f"> Deleting block from last condition")
p.remove(p.pos["conditional_block_beg"], p.pos["cmt_beg"])
i = p.pos["cmd_beg"]
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = i
p.i = p.pos["cmd_beg"]
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = p.i
if command == "endif":
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = -1
p.state["last_condition"] = False
p.state["any_condition"] = False
# evaluate ifs
if command == "if":
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = i
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = p.i
p.state["last_condition"] = evaluate_condition(args)
p.state["any_condition"] = p.state["last_condition"]
pdebug(f"> Command {command} condition evaluated to {p.state['last_condition']}")
cmd_output = ""
elif command =="elif":
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = i
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = p.i
p.state["last_condition"] = evaluate_condition(args) if not p.state["any_condition"] else False
if p.state["last_condition"]:
p.state["any_condition"] = True
pdebug(f"> Command {command} condition evaluated to {p.state['last_condition']}")
cmd_output = ""
elif command == "else":
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = i
p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] = p.i
p.state["last_condition"] = True if not p.state["any_condition"] else False
cmd_output = ""
elif p.pos["conditional_block_beg"] < 0 or p.state["last_condition"]:
@ -538,38 +563,14 @@ def parse_file(_file:str, variables:dict[str,str]):
elif command == "endif":
cmd_output = ""
elif command not in command2function:
error(f"Invalid command in line {pos2line(p.file, i)}: {command}", level=error_levels["light"])
error(f"Invalid command in line {pos2line(p.file, p.i)}: {command}", level=error_levels["light"])
cmd_output = ""
cmd_output = command2function[command](args, variables)
cmd_output = ""
p.replace(i, p.pos["cmd_end"], cmd_output)
ptrace(f"> After command, the line is now '{p.file[i:p.pos['line_end']]}'")
if p.pos["cmd_end"] == p.pos["cmt_end"]: # reached end of comment
if p.state["cmd_in_cmt"]:
# remove comment tags if a command was found
remove_newline = 0
if p[p.pos["cmt_beg"]-1] == '\n' and p[p.pos["cmt_end"]+len(COMMENT_END)] == '\n': # if the comment consumes the whole line, remove the entire line
remove_newline = 1
# remove comment if done
ptrace(f"Deleting opening comment tags")
p.remove(p.pos["cmt_beg"], p.pos["cmt_beg"] + len(COMMENT_BEGIN))
p.remove(p.pos["cmt_end"], p.pos["cmt_end"] + len(COMMENT_END) + remove_newline, ignore_bounds=["cmt_end", "cmd_end", "line_end"])
# process the line again, because a command might have inserted new comments
p.state["cmd_in_cmt"] = False
p.pos["cmt_beg"] = -1
p.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
p.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
else: # multiline comment
p.pos["cmt_end"] = -1
p.pos["cmd_end"] = -1
i = p.pos["line_end"] + 1
ptrace(f"> Multiline comment, jumping to next line.")
# i = possible_command_end commented, because if something containing new commands is inserted we need to parse that as well
if sidenav_include_pos >= 0:
return p.file[:sidenav_include_pos] + Sidenav.generate() + p.file[sidenav_include_pos:]
@ -577,7 +578,7 @@ def parse_file(_file:str, variables:dict[str,str]):
return p.file
def replace_variables(html:str, variables:dict[str, str]):
def substitute_variables(html:str, variables:dict[str, str]):
find usage of variables and replace them with their value
@ -589,6 +590,8 @@ def replace_variables(html:str, variables:dict[str, str]):
pdebug(f"> Found variable usage {match.groups()[0]}, match from {match.start()} to {match.end()}")
value = ""
if match.groups()[0] in variables: value = variables[match.groups()[0]]
pdebug(f"Variable {match.groups()[0]} is used but not defined")
for _ in range(match.start(), match.end()):
html_list.insert(match.start(), value.strip(" "))
@ -605,74 +608,52 @@ def missing_arg(arg):
print("Missing ", arg)
def help():
helpstring = """Synopsis:
Inject <inject-file> into <target-file>:
python3 --input <input-file> --output <output-file> [OPTIONS]
\nCommand line options:
--input <file> path to the input file
--output <file> output to this file instead of overwriting target
--inplace edit target file in place
--var <varname>=<value> set the value of a variable. Can be used multiple times
--output-deps <file> output a Makefile listing all dependencies
--help show this
--exit-on <errorlevel> where errorlevel is 'light', 'serious' or 'critical'
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="bUwUma html preprocessor")
parser.add_argument("--input", action="store", help="path to the input file", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--output", action="store", help="output to this file", default="")
parser.add_argument("--inplace", action="store_true", help="overwrite input file")
parser.add_argument("--var", action="append", help="set a variable --var varname=value")
parser.add_argument("--output-deps", action="store", help="output a Makefile listing all dependencies", default="")
parser.add_argument("--exit-on", action="store", help="exit when an error of the given severity occures", choices=["light", "serious", "critical"], default="serious")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="be more verbose")
parser.add_argument("--trace", action="store_true", help="be extremly verbose")
variables:dict[str, str] = {}
# parse args
target_path = ""
output_path = ""
dep_output_path = ""
gen_sidenav = False
inplace = False
i = 1
while i in range(1, len(argv)):
if argv[i] == "--input":
if len(argv) > i + 1: target_path = argv[i+1].strip(" ")
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--output":
if len(argv) > i + 1: output_path = argv[i+1].strip(" ")
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--output-deps":
if len(argv) > i + 1: dep_output_path = argv[i+1].strip(" ")
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--exit-on":
if argv[i+1].strip(" ") in error_levels.keys():
if len(argv) > i + 1: exit_on_error_level = error_levels[argv[i+1].strip(" ")]
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
error(f"Invalid argument for --exit-on: {argv[i+1]}. Valid are {error_levels.keys()}")
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--var":
if len(argv) > i + 1:
sep = argv[i+1].find('=')
if sep > 0 and sep < len(argv[i+1]):
variables[argv[i+1][:sep].strip(" ")] = argv[i+1][sep+1:].strip(" ")
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--inplace":
inplace = True
elif argv[i] == "--help":
args = parser.parse_args()
for var in args.var:
sep = var.find('=')
if sep > 0 and sep < len(var) - 1:
variables[var[:sep].strip(" ")] = var[sep+1:].strip(" ")
error(f"Invalid argument: {argv[i]}")
i += 1
parser.error(f"Invalid argument: --var '{var}'\n\tUsage: --var <varname>=<value>")
args.input = args.input.strip(" ")
args.output = args.output.strip(" ")
args.output_deps = args.output_deps.strip(" ")
DEBUG = args.debug
TRACE = args.trace
# sanity checks
if not target_path: missing_arg("--target")
if not os.path.isfile(target_path): error(f"Invalid target: {target_path} (does not exist)")
if inplace: output_path = target_path
if not output_path:
print("Missing output path, just printing to stdout. Use --output or --inplace to save the result.")
if not path.isfile(args.input):
parser.error(f"Invalid input file:: {args.input}")
if args.output:
if not path.isdir(path.dirname(args.output)):
parser.error(f"Invalid path to output file - directory does not exist: '{path.dirname(args.output)}'")
elif args.inplace:
args.output = args.input
if args.inplace and args.output:
parser.error(f"Only one of --output or --inplace mut be given")
if args.output_deps:
if not path.isdir(path.dirname(args.output_deps)):
parser.error(f"Invalid path to dependency file - directory does not exist: '{path.dirname(args.output_deps)}'")
if not args.output:
parser.error(f"--output-deps requires either --output <file> our --inplace")
# get html
with open(target_path, "r") as file:
with open(args.input, "r") as file:
target_html =
@ -681,16 +662,16 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# pdebug(f"Output: {output_html}")
# save
if output_path:
with open(output_path, "w") as file:
if args.output:
with open(args.output, "w") as file:
if dep_output_path:
if output_path != target_path:
depfile = generate_dependecy_file(output_path, glob_dependcies)
pdebug(f"Writing dependency file to {os.path.abspath(dep_output_path)}: {depfile}")
with open(dep_output_path, "w") as file:
if args.output_deps:
if args.output != args.input:
depfile = generate_dependecy_file(args.output, glob_dependcies)
pdebug(f"Writing dependency file to {os.path.abspath(args.output_deps)}: {depfile}")
with open(args.output_deps, "w") as file:
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