initial commit
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
# - In this Makefile, 'building a file' means:
# - if the file has a '.html' extension: run the html preprocessor on the file and place the output in the output directory
# - else: copy the file to the output directory
# - Folder structure from source directories will be preserved in the output directory
# - Abbreviations:
# - FLS: files
# - DIR: directory
# - SRC: source
# - LANG: language
# - PP: preprocessor
# - DEP: dependency
# TODO: fix that you have invoke make twice to build both languages
# change these to fir your project
# root dir for the project, all other paths relative to PROJECT_DIR (except for OUT_DIR)
# path where final website will be in, this one is not relative to PROJECT_DIR
OUT_DIR = ../quintern-test
# all SRC_FLS and all files in the SRC_DIRS will be built
SRC_DIRS = de en script style
SRC_FLS = rss.xml
# all RESOURCE_FLS and all files in the RESOURCE_DIRS will be copied to OUT_DIR
RESOURCE_DIRS = resources
# the files in COMMON_DIR will be built for all LANGS:
# foreach html-file in COMMON_DIR:
# foreach lang in LANGS:
# run HTML_PP_CMD with --var lang=lang on file and output to OUT_DIR without the COMMON_DIR prefix, so COMMON_DIR/subdir/file.html -> OUT_DIR/lang/subdir/file.html
# all non-html files will handled the same way, but without the preprocessor being run on them. They are simply copied
COMMON_DIR = common
LANGS = de en
# path to of the files that should be included
INCLUDE_DIR = include
# the command to run the html preprocessor
HTML_PP_CMD = python3 --exit-on light
DEP_DIR = .dependencies
# all variables starting with _ are relative to PROJECT_DIR
# make everything relative to PROJECT_DIR
_SRC_DIRS = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(SRC_DIRS))
_SRC_FLS = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(SRC_FLS))
_RES_DIRS = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(RESOURCE_DIRS))
_RES_FLS = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(RESOURCE_FLS))
_COMMON_DIR = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(COMMON_DIR))
_DEP_DIR = $(addprefix $(PROJECT_DIR)/, $(DEP_DIR))
# all SRC_DIRS + all subdirs of each srcdir
_SRC_SUB_DIRS = $(foreach srcdir, $(_SRC_DIRS), $(shell find $(srcdir)/ -type d))
_SRC_FLS += $(foreach srcdir, $(_SRC_DIRS), $(shell find $(srcdir)/ -type f))
# OUT_DIRS = $(OUT_DIR) $(addprefix $(OUT_DIR)/, $(_SRC_SUB_DIRS))
OUT_DIRS = $(OUT_DIR)/ $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_SRC_SUB_DIRS))
# path of the source files after being processed
# OUT_FLS = $($(notdir _SRC_FLS):%=$(OUT_DIR)/%)
OUT_FLS = $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_SRC_FLS))
_RES_SUB_DIRS = $(foreach srcdir, $(_RES_DIRS), $(shell find $(srcdir)/ -type d))
_RES_FLS += $(foreach srcdir, $(_RES_DIRS), $(shell find $(srcdir)/ -type f))
RES_OUT_DIRS = $(OUT_DIR)/ $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_RES_SUB_DIRS))
RES_OUT_FLS = $(patsubst $(PROJECT_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_RES_FLS))
_ML_SRC_FLS = $(shell find $(_COMMON_DIR)/ -type f)
_ML_SRC_SUB_DIRS= $(shell find $(_COMMON_DIR)/ -type d)
# will contain one subdir for each lang, each of which contains every file from ML_SRC_FLS
ML_OUT_LANG_DIRS= $(foreach lang, $(LANGS), $(addprefix $(ML_OUT_DIR)/, $(lang)))
ML_OUT_DIRS = $(foreach lang, $(LANGS), $(patsubst $(_COMMON_DIR)/%, $(ML_OUT_DIR)/$(lang)/%, $(_ML_SRC_SUB_DIRS)))
ML_OUT_FLS = $(foreach lang, $(LANGS), $(patsubst $(_COMMON_DIR)/%, $(ML_OUT_DIR)/$(lang)/%, $(_ML_SRC_FLS)))
# needed for creating them
_DEP_DIRS = $(sort $(patsubst $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_DEP_DIR)/%, $(OUT_DIRS) $(ML_OUT_DIRS)))
# needed for reading
_DEP_FLS = $(shell find $(_DEP_DIR) -type f -name '*.d')
FMT_VAR_SRC ="Variable '\e[1;34m%s\e[0m': \e[0;33m%s\e[0m\n"
FMT_VAR_OUT ="Variable '\e[1;34m%s\e[0m': \e[0;35m%s\e[0m\n"
FMT_DIR ="\e[1;34mMaking directory\e[0m: \e[0;35m%s\e[0m\n"
FMT_OUT_HTML ="\e[1;34mBuilding html\e[0m \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n"
FMT_OUT_OTHER ="\e[1;34mBuilding\e[0m: \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n"
FMT_OUT_ML_HTML="\e[1;34mBuilding html\e[0m in lang \e[1;34m%s\e[0m: \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n"
FMT_OUT_ML_OTHER="\e[1;34mBuilding\e[0m in lang \e[1;34m%s\e[0m: \e[1;33m%s\e[0m at \e[1;35m%s\e[0m\n"
.SUFFIXES: .html .md
.PHONY: default normal multilang resources print start stop clean cleaner
# include all the dependency makefiles
include $(_DEP_FLS)
all: normal multilang resources
normal: $(OUT_FLS)
multilang: $(ML_OUT_FLS)
resources: $(RES_OUT_FLS)
@printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "OUT_DIRS" "$(OUT_DIRS)"
@printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_SRC_FLS" "$(_SRC_FLS)"
@printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "OUT_FLS" "$(OUT_FLS)"
@printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_RES_FLS" "$(_RES_FLS)"
@printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_ML_SRC_FLS" "$(_ML_SRC_FLS)"
@printf $(FMT_VAR_OUT) "ML_OUT_FLS" "$(ML_OUT_FLS)"
@printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "_DEP_FLS" "$(_DEP_FLS)"
@# @printf $(FMT_VAR_SRC) "y" "$(y)"
@printf $(FMT_DIR) "$@"
@mkdir -p $@
# build/ml_tmp/lang/subdir/xyz.html
$(foreach out_dir, $(ML_OUT_LANG_DIRS), $(out_dir)/%.html): $(_COMMON_DIR)/%.html | $(ML_OUT_DIRS) $(_DEP_DIRS)
@#echo "$$@=$@, $$<=$< $$^=$^"
@# \$@=build/ml_tmp/lang/subdir/xyz.html, \$<=common/subdir/xyz.html
@lang=`echo $(patsubst $(ML_OUT_DIR)/%, %, $@) | awk -F "/" '{print $$1}'`; \
printf $(FMT_OUT_ML_HTML) "$$lang" "$<" "$@"; \
$(HTML_PP_CMD) --target "$<" --output "$@" --var include_dir=$(_INCLUDE_DIR) --var lang=$$lang --output-deps "$(patsubst $(OUT_DIR)/%, $(_DEP_DIR)/%.d, $@)";
# rule for all not html files
$(foreach out_dir, $(ML_OUT_LANG_DIRS), $(out_dir)/%): $(_COMMON_DIR)/% | $(ML_OUT_DIRS)
@lang=`echo $(patsubst $(ML_OUT_DIR)/%, %, $@) | awk -F "/" '{print $$1}'`; \
printf $(FMT_OUT_ML_OTHER) "$$lang" "$<" "$@" ; \
cp $< $@
$(OUT_DIR)/%.html: %.html | $(OUT_DIRS) $(_DEP_DIRS)
@printf $(FMT_OUT_HTML) "$<" "$@";
$(HTML_PP_CMD) --target "$<" --output "$@" --var include_dir=$(_INCLUDE_DIR) --output-deps "$(_DEP_DIR)/$<.d";
@# remove comments and empty lines. two separate lines bc the substitution might create new empty lines
@#awk -i inplace '{FS="" sub(/<!--.*-->/,"")}1' $@
@#awk -i inplace '{if (NF != 0) print}' $@
@printf $(FMT_OUT_OTHER) "$<" "$@"
@cp -r $< $@
# @echo "MISSING RULE: $@"
/usr/sbin/nginx -c nginx.conf -p $(shell pwd)&
firefox http://localhost:8080/
killall nginx
-rm $(OUT_FLS) $(ML_OUT_FLS)
-rm -r $(_DEP_DIR)
-rm -r $(OUT_DIR)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# bUwUma
`bUwUma` is a build system that uses **GNU make** and a **preprocessor** written in python to build **static**, **multilingual** websites.
This readme only documents the preprocessor.
For more information and a quickstart guide on how to use `bUwUma`, please
refer to the article [on my website](
# HTML Preprocessor Documentation
## Syntax
### Commands
- All commands must be located within a html comment what starts with `<!--` and ends with `-->`.
- Commands start with a `#` character, the command must follow the `#` immediately.
- Everything after the command until the end of the comment or a newline character are considered the argument of the command.
<!-- #command everything here is an argument -->
#command everything here is an argument
#anothercommand more arguments
While this is a comment right now, it will be UNCOMMENTED in the after the preprocessor finishes!
#comment This will be a single line html comment after the preprocessor finishes.
- All commands return a string, which can be empty.
- If a comment contains a command, the entire comment will replaced with the return value of the command.
- If there are multiple commands in a command, it will be replaced by all the return values added together.
### Variables
- Variable names must only consist of these characters: `a-zA-Z0-9_`
- A variable with name `varname` can be used like this: `#$(varname)`
- A variable usage will be replaced by the value of the variable
- Any variable that has is not defined has empty string as value
### General
- Whitespaces around a token are ignored, so `<!--#include dir/file-->` is the same as `<!-- #include dir/file -->`
- If a command-comment takes up a whole line, the whole line including the newline character is replaced.
## Commands
### include
Include the content of a file at the position of the command.
`<!-- #include path/to-a-text-file.html -->`
A absolute or relative path to a text file
**Return Value**:
The content of the file or `<!-- Could not include '{args}' -->` empty string if the file can not be opened.
### set
Set the value of a variable
Set the value of `varname` to `this is the value`:
`<!-- #set varname this is the value -->`
Set the value of `varname` depending on the value of `othervar`:
`<!-- #set varname othervar?{*:fallback,key1:val1,key2:val2...}>`
The first word is the name of the variable, the rest is the value or a dictionary.
**Return Value**:
Empty string
You can make the value of `varname` dependant on the value of another variable `othervar` by using a dictionary-like syntax described above.
In this case, `varname` will take the first value from the dictionary that matches tha value of `othervar`.
`*` always everything and can be used as fallback. General wildcards like `a*` to match everything that starts with a are not supported.
Instead of commas `,` you can also use semicolons `;` as separators, but this must be consistend within the map.
### default
Same as `set`, but it sets the variable's value only if it has no value yet.
### comment
Comment the arguemnts.
`<!-- #comment This will stay as comment in the html -->`
Any string
**Return Value**:
The argument in comment tags
This can be useful in multiline comments that contain other commands: In that case, the comment tags will be removed and each command replaced with
its return value, so if you want to just have commented text in there you can use `#comment`
### uncomment
Uncomment the comment.
`<!-- #uncomment This will not be commented -->`
Any string
**Return Value**:
The argument
This can be useful when you want to look at the unprocessed html without variables or when your syntax highlighting gets confused by a variable.
### sidenav
Manage the generation of a content menu which contains links to all headings in your html that have an id. The menu is called sidenav here.
An entry is a html heading with a id: `<h1 id=myheading>This heading will be linked in the sidenav</h1>`
`<!-- #sidenav sidenav-command arguments -->`
sidenav-command must be one of the following:
#### `include`
Include the generated sidenav at this position.
**Return Value**:
The generated sidenav
#### `section`
Group all following entries in named section.
The name of the section
**Return Value**
Empty string
#### `name`
Use a custom name instead of the heading itself for the link to the next heading.
The link-name of the next heading
**Return Value**:
Empty string
#### `custom`
Include a custom link in the sidenav.
`<!-- #sidenav custom href="my-link" name="Go to my link!" -->`
Must be `href="..." name="..."`. Either single `'` or double `"` quotes are required.
**Return Value**:
Empty string
## Pitfalls
- The `#include` command must not be in the last line of the file
- The maps in `set` have **at least 2** options
- If you want to use variables in markdown, you have to escape the `#` with a backslash, so `#$(var)` becomes `\#$(var)`
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
import os
import re
from sys import argv
from import Callable
- testing
- generate sidenav during parse_file for increased speed and to allow sidenav commands in multiline comments
- reintroduce the nav_selected class on nav feature
************************************************************ SETTINGS ************************************************************
sidenav_format = """\
<div class="sidenav">
<li class="menudrop">☰</li>
sidenav_content_link = "<li class=\"sidenav_link\"><a href=\"#link\">#name</a></li>"
sidenav_content_section = "<li class=\"sidenav_section\">#name</li>"
exit_on_include_failure = False
************************************************************ REGULAR EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************
# heading with id
re_sidenav_heading = r"<h\d.*id=(?:\"|\')([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)(?:\"|\').*>(.+)</h\d>"
# custom entry
re_sidenav_custom = r"href=(?:\"|\')([^\"\' ]+)(?:\"|\') +name=(?:\"|\')(.+)(?:\"|\')"
# commas
re_set_map = r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *\? *\{( *(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_*]+ *: *[^,]*, *)+[a-zA-Z0-9_*]+ *: *[^,]*) *,? *\}"
# semicolons
re_set_map_alt = r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *\? *\{( *(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_*]+ *: *[^;]* *; *)+[a-zA-Z0-9_*]+ *: *[^;]*) *;? *\}"
""" #$(myvar) """
re_variable_use = r"#\$\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)"
""" only in comments """
re_preprocessor_command = r"#([a-zA-Z]+) *(.*) *"
************************************************************ GLOBALS ************************************************************
glob_dependcies: list[str] = []
exit_codes = {
"FileNotFound": 2,
"MarkdownConversionError": 3,
error_levels = {
"light": 0,
"serious": 1,
"critical": 2,
exit_on_error_level = error_levels["serious"]
************************************************************ UTILITY ************************************************************
DEBUG = False
def pdebug(*args, **keys):
if DEBUG: print(*args, **keys)
TRACE = False
def ptrace(*args, **keys):
if TRACE: print(*args, **keys)
def error(*args, level:int=exit_on_error_level, exit_code:int=1, **keys):
if level >= exit_on_error_level:
print(f"ERROR:", *args, **keys)
print(f"WARNING:", *args, **keys)
def line_is_link_to_path(line, path):
# check if the line is a link to html thats currently being processed
match ="<a href=(\"|\')(.+)(\"|\')>(.+)</a>", line)
if match:
# get filename
match = re.match(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.html", match.groups()[1])
if match and in path:
return True
return False
def pos2line(s: str, pos:int):
return s[:pos].count('\n') + 1
def generate_dependecy_file(filename:str, deps:list[str]):
line1 = f"{filename}:"
s = ""
for dep in deps:
line1 += f" {dep}"
s += f"{dep}:\n"
return line1 #+ "\n" + s
************************************************************ SIDENAV ************************************************************
class Sidenav:
LINK = 0
# 0: link, 1: section
entries: list[tuple[int, str, str]] = []
skip_next = False
custom_name = None
def addEntry(name: str, link: str):
if Sidenav.skip_next:
Sidenav.skip_next = None
if Sidenav.custom_name:
name = Sidenav.custom_name
Sidenav.custom_name = None
Sidenav.entries.append((Sidenav.LINK, name, link))
def addSection(name):
Sidenav.entries.append((Sidenav.SECTION, name, ""))
def setCustomName(name: str):
Sidenav.custom_name = name
def skipNext():
Sidenav.skip_next = True
def generate() -> str:
pdebug(f"Sidenav.generate(): found the following entries: {Sidenav.entries}")
sidenav:list[str] = sidenav_format.split('\n')
content_i = -1
for i in range(len(sidenav)): # find in which line the entries need to be placed
if "#sidenav-content" in sidenav[i]:
content_i = i
if content_i >= 0:
added_links = []
for i in reversed(range(len(Sidenav.entries))):
entry = Sidenav.entries[i]
if entry[0] == Sidenav.LINK:
if entry[2] in added_links: continue # no duplicates
sidenav.insert(content_i, sidenav_content_link.replace("#name", entry[1]).replace("#link", entry[2]))
sidenav.insert(content_i, sidenav_content_section.replace("#name", entry[1]))
sidenav_s = ""
for line in sidenav: sidenav_s += line + "\n" # cant use "".join because of newlines
return sidenav_s
def cmd_sidenav(args:str, variables:dict[str,str]) -> str:
space = args.find(" ")
if space < 0:
space = len(args)
cmd = args[:space]
cmd_args = ""
if 0 < space and space < len(args) - 1:
cmd_args = args[space+1:].strip(" ")
if cmd == "skip":
elif cmd == "section":
elif cmd == "name":
elif cmd == "custom":
match = re.fullmatch(re_sidenav_custom, cmd_args)
if match:
Sidenav.addEntry(match.groups()[1], match.groups()[0])
error(f"cmd_sidenav: Invalid argument for command 'custom': '{cmd_args}'", level=error_levels["light"])
elif cmd == "include":
return Sidenav.generate()
error(f"cmd_sidenav: Invalid command: '{cmd}'", level=error_levels["light"])
return ""
************************************************************ COMMANDS ************************************************************
All these commands take one arg with trimmed whitespaces.
The arg may be anything
They all need to return a string, which will be placed
into the source file at the place where the command was.
def cmd_include(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
pdebug(f"cmd_include: args='{args}', variables='{variables}'")
content = ""
with open(args) as file:
content =
error(f"cmd_include: Could not open file '{args}'", level=error_levels["serious"], exit_code=exit_codes["FileNotFound"])
content = f"<!-- Could not include '{args}' -->"
if args.endswith(".md"):
from markdown import markdown
content = markdown(content, output_format="xhtml")
error(f"cmd_include: Could convert markdown to html for file '{args}'. Is python-markdown installed?", level=error_levels["critical"], exit_code=exit_codes["MarkdownConversionError"])
content = f"<!-- Could not convert to html: '{args}' -->"
return content
def cmd_set(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
# re_set_map = r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\?\{(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:.+,)*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+:.+))\}"
# <!-- #set section=lang?{*:Fallback,de:Abschnitt,en:Section} -->
space = args.find(' ')
# pdebug(f"cmd_set: varname='{args[:space]}, 'arg='{args[space+1:]}', variables='{variables}'")
if not (space > 0 and space < len(args)-1):
variables[args] = ""
pdebug(f"cmd_set: Setting to emptry string: {args}")
varname = args[:space]
variables[varname] = ""
# check if map assignment with either , or ;
separator = ','
match = re.fullmatch(re_set_map, args[space+1:].strip(' '))
if not match:
match = re.fullmatch(re_set_map_alt, args[space+1:].strip(' '))
separator = ';'
if match:
pdebug(f"cmd_set: Map {}")
depends = match.groups()[0]
if not depends in variables:
pdebug(f"cmd_set: Setting from map, but depends='{depends}' is not in variables")
return ""
depends_val = variables[depends]
for option in match.groups()[1].split(separator):
option = option.strip(" ")
pdebug(f"cmd_set: Found option {option}")
colon = option.find(':') # we will find one, regex guarantees
if option[:colon].strip(" ") == depends_val or option[:colon].strip(" ") == "*":
variables[varname] = option[colon+1:].strip(" ")
else: # simple asignment
value = args[space+1:]
variables[varname] = value.strip(" ")
pdebug(f"cmd_set: Assignment {varname} -> {value.strip(' ')}")
return ""
def cmd_default(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
separator = args.find(' ')
if args[:separator] not in variables:
return cmd_set(args, variables)
return ""
def cmd_comment(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
return f"<!-- {args} -->"
def cmd_uncomment(args: str, variables:dict[str, str]={}) -> str:
return args
command2function:dict[str, Callable[[str, dict[str,str]], str]] = {
"include": cmd_include,
"set": cmd_set,
"default": cmd_default,
"comment": cmd_comment,
"uncomment": cmd_uncomment,
"sidenav": Sidenav.cmd_sidenav
************************************************************ PARSING ************************************************************
def parse_file(file:str, variables:dict[str,str]):
sidenav_include_pos = -1
comment_begin = -1
remove_comment = False
i = 0
# if file.count(COMMENT_BEGIN) != file.count(COMMENT_END):
while i < len(file): # at start of new line or end of comment
# replace variable usages in the current line
line_end = file.find('\n', i)
if line_end < 0: line_end = len(file)
file = file[:i] + replace_variables(file[i:line_end], variables) + file[line_end:]
line_end = file.find('\n', i)
if line_end < 0: line_end = len(file)
ptrace("Line after replacing variables:", file[i:line_end])
# check if heading for sidenav in line
match =, file[i:line_end])
if match:
Sidenav.addEntry(match.groups()[1], f"#{match.groups()[0]}")
ptrace("> Found heading with id:", match.groups())
if comment_begin < 0: # if not in comment, find next comment
comment_begin = file.find(COMMENT_BEGIN, i, line_end)
# ptrace(f"i={i}, line_end={line_end}, comment_begin={comment_begin}")
if comment_begin < 0:
i = line_end + 1
# jump to comment_begin
old_i = i
i = comment_begin + len(COMMENT_BEGIN) # after comment begin
ptrace(f"> Found comment begin, jumping from pos {old_i} to {i}")
# if here, i at the character after COMMENT_BEGIN
# sanity check
tmp_next_begin = file.find(COMMENT_BEGIN, i)
if 0 < tmp_next_begin and tmp_next_begin < file.find(COMMENT_END, i):
error(f"Found next comment begin before the comment starting in line {pos2line(file, comment_begin)} is ended! Skipping comment. Comment without proper closing tags: '{file[i:line_end]}'", level=error_levels["light"])
comment_begin = -1
# either at newline (if in multiline comment) or at comment end
possible_command_end = line_end
comment_end = file.find(COMMENT_END, i, line_end)
# ptrace(f"i={i}, line_end={line_end}, comment_begin={comment_begin}, comment_end={comment_end}, line={file[i:line_end]}")
if comment_end > 0: possible_command_end = comment_end
assert(possible_command_end >= i)
ptrace(f"> Possible command end: {possible_command_end}, possible command: {file[i:possible_command_end]}")
# find commands
# pdebug(">>> Line ", file[i:possible_command_end])
match = re.fullmatch(re_preprocessor_command, file[i:possible_command_end].strip(" "))
if match: # command comment
remove_comment = True
command = match.groups()[0]
args = match.groups()[1].replace('\t', ' ').strip(' ')
ptrace(f"> Found command '{command}' with args '{args}'")
if command == "sidenav" and args == "include": # if args contains anything else this wont work
sidenav_include_pos = comment_begin # remove the comment
insert_str = ""
elif command not in command2function:
error(f"Invalid command in line {pos2line(file, i)}: {command}", level=error_levels["light"])
insert_str = ""
insert_str = command2function[command](args, variables)
file = file[:i] + insert_str + file[possible_command_end:]
# replaced string of length possible_command_end - i with one of length insert_str
index_correction = -(possible_command_end - i) + len(insert_str)
possible_command_end += index_correction
line_end += index_correction
comment_end += index_correction
ptrace(f"> After command, the line is now '{file[i:possible_command_end]}'")
# i += len(insert_str)
# remove comment if done
if possible_command_end == comment_end:
remove_newline = 0
if file[comment_begin-1] == '\n' and file[comment_end+len(COMMENT_END)] == '\n': # if the comment consumes the whole file, remove the entire line
remove_newline = 1
if remove_comment:
# remove the comment tags, basically uncomment the comment
# pdebug(f"Removing comment tags from pos {comment_begin} to {comment_end}")
file = file[:comment_begin] + file[comment_begin+len(COMMENT_BEGIN):comment_end] + file[comment_end+len(COMMENT_END)+remove_newline:]
possible_command_end -= len(COMMENT_BEGIN)
remove_comment = False
comment_begin = -1
else: # multiline comment
i = line_end + 1
ptrace(f"Multiline comment, jumping to next line. char[i]='{file[i]}'")
# i = possible_command_end commented, because if something containing new commands is inserted we need to parse that as well
if sidenav_include_pos >= 0:
file = file[:sidenav_include_pos] + Sidenav.generate() + file[sidenav_include_pos:]
return file
def replace_variables(html:str, variables:dict[str, str]):
find usage of variables and replace them with their value
matches = []
for match in re.finditer(re_variable_use, html):
html_list = list(html)
for match in reversed(matches):
pdebug(f"Found variable usage {match.groups()[0]}, match from {match.start()} to {match.end()}")
value = ""
if match.groups()[0] in variables: value = variables[match.groups()[0]]
for _ in range(match.start(), match.end()):
html_list.insert(match.start(), value.strip(" "))
return ''.join(html_list)
************************************************************ COMMAND LINE ************************************************************
def missing_arg_val(arg):
print("Missing argument for", arg)
def missing_arg(arg):
print("Missing ", arg)
def help():
helpstring = """Synopsis:
Inject <inject-file> into <target-file>:
python3 --target <target-file> --output <output-file> [OPTIONS]
\nCommand line options:
--target <file> path to the target file
--output <file> output to this file instead of overwriting target
--inplace edit target file in place
--var <varname>=<value> set the value of a variable. Can be used multiple times
--output-deps <file> output a Makefile listing all dependencies
--help show this
--exit-on <errorlevel> where errorlevel is 'light', 'serious' or 'critical'
if __name__ == "__main__":
variables:dict[str, str] = {}
# parse args
target_path = ""
output_path = ""
dep_output_path = ""
gen_sidenav = False
inplace = False
i = 1
while i in range(1, len(argv)):
if argv[i] == "--target":
if len(argv) > i + 1: target_path = argv[i+1].strip(" ")
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--output":
if len(argv) > i + 1: output_path = argv[i+1].strip(" ")
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--output-deps":
if len(argv) > i + 1: dep_output_path = argv[i+1].strip(" ")
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--exit-on":
if argv[i+1].strip(" ") in error_levels.keys():
if len(argv) > i + 1: exit_on_error_level = error_levels[argv[i+1].strip(" ")]
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
error(f"Invalid argument for --exit-on: {argv[i+1]}. Valid are {error_levels.keys()}")
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--var":
if len(argv) > i + 1:
sep = argv[i+1].find('=')
if sep > 0 and sep < len(argv[i+1]):
variables[argv[i+1][:sep].strip(" ")] = argv[i+1][sep+1:].strip(" ")
else: missing_arg_val(argv[i])
i += 1
elif argv[i] == "--inplace":
inplace = True
elif argv[i] == "--help":
error(f"Invalid argument: {argv[i]}")
i += 1
# sanity checks
if not target_path: missing_arg("--target")
if not os.path.isfile(target_path): error(f"Invalid target: {target_path} (does not exist)")
if inplace: output_path = target_path
if not output_path:
print("Missing output path, just printing to stdout. Use --output or --inplace to save the result.")
# get html
with open(target_path, "r") as file:
target_html =
output_html = parse_file(target_html, variables)
# pdebug(f"Output: {output_html}")
# save
if output_path:
with open(output_path, "w") as file:
if dep_output_path:
if output_path != target_path:
depfile = generate_dependecy_file(output_path, glob_dependcies)
pdebug(f"Writing dependency file to {os.path.abspath(dep_output_path)}: {depfile}")
with open(dep_output_path, "w") as file:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
worker_processes 1;
error_log stderr;
daemon off;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
access_log /dev/null;
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
#charset koi8-r;
#access_log logs/host.access.log main;
location / {
root /home/user/www/;
index de/index.html;
#error_page 404 /404.html;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
Reference in New Issue
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