use std::io::{self, BufRead}; use std::fmt::Debug; fn main() { task1(); task2(); } // x = (T - t) * t = T * t - t^2 // 0 = t^2 - T * t + x fn task1() { let input = "input.txt"; let mut lines = read_lines(&input); let times = split_line(&"No line found")); let distances = split_line(&"No line found")); assert_eq!(times.len(), distances.len(), "uneqal array lengths"); let mut total_ways_mult: i32 = 1; for i in 0..times.len() { let mut n_ways: i32 = 0; for t in 1..times[i] { let x: i32 = times[i] * t - t.pow(2); // println!("T={}, t={}, x={}", times[i], t, x); if x > distances[i] { n_ways += 1; } } total_ways_mult *= n_ways; } println!("Product of number of ways: {}", total_ways_mult); } fn task2() { let input = "input.txt"; let mut lines = read_lines(&input); let time = parse2(&"No line found")); let distance = parse2(&"No line found")); // println!("time={}, distance={}", time, distance); let t1 = solve_squared(1., -time, distance, 1.); let t2 = solve_squared(1., -time, distance, -1.); // println!("t1={}, t2={}", t1, t2); let lower = t1.min(t2) as u64; let upper = t1.max(t2) as u64; // println!("lower={}, upper={}", lower, upper); println!("Number of possible ways: {}", upper-lower); // validation // let distance = |t: u64| (time as u64 - t) * t; // println!("distance(t1)={}, distance(t2)={}", distance(lower), distance(upper)); } fn solve_squared(a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, sign: f64) -> f64 { return (-b + sign * (b * b - 4. * a * c).sqrt() as f64) / (2. * a); } fn parse2(line: &str) -> f64 { let l = rm_char(&line, ' '); // println!("{}", l); return l[l.find(':').unwrap()+1..].parse::().unwrap(); } fn rm_char(original: &str, c: char) -> String { return original.chars().filter(|x| x != &c).collect(); } fn split_line(line: &str) -> Vec { let colon = line.find(':').unwrap_or(0); return split_into_numbers::(&line[colon+2..]).collect(); } fn split_into_numbers(x: &str) -> impl Iterator + '_ where ::Err: Debug { return x.split(' ').filter(|&n| {n != "" && n != " "}).map(|n| n.parse::().unwrap()); } fn read_lines

(filename: P) -> io::Lines> where P: AsRef, { return match std::fs::File::open(filename) { Err(why) => panic!("Could not open file. {}", why), Ok(file) => std::io::BufReader::new(file).lines() }; }