
160 lines
3.5 KiB

.include "system.h65"
.include "string.h65"
.include "keypad.h65"
.include "lcd.h65"
.include "ps2_keyboard_simple_handler.h65"
.include "ps2_keyboard_text_handler.h65"
.export ps2_keyboard_util
.import home:absolute
;; @brief Send various commands to the keyboard and print the response bytes
;; @details
;; - `0`: `0xf0` query scancode set
;; - `1`: `0xee` echo
;; - `2`: `0xf2` identify
;; - `3`: `0xf3` set typematic min speed and delay (`0b0111111`)
;; - `4`: `0xf4` enable
;; - `5`: `0xf5` disable
;; - `6`: `0xf3` set typematic max speed and min delay (`0b00000000`)
;; - `7`: `0xf7` set typematic all
;; - `8`: `0xf8` set make/release all
;; - `9`: `0xed` set CAPSLOCK led
;; - `#`: `0xed` set SCROLLLOCK led
;; - `C`: `0xed` set NUMLOCK led
;; - `D`: `0xed` turn all leds off
;; - `A`: reprint menu
;; - `B`: reprint menu
;; - `*`: jump home
;; For more details, see https://wiki.osdev.org/PS/2_Keyboard
;; @ingroup applications
.proc ps2_keyboard_util
stz kp::_DEBUG_VAL
jsr skb::init
beq print_menu
bra loop
Print MENU
lda skb::scancode
beq @read_keypad
Printf FMT_CODE,skb::scancode
stz skb::scancode
lda kp::_DEBUG_VAL
jeq loop
stz kp::_DEBUG_VAL
cmp #'*'
jeq home
jsr lcd::clear
ldy #0 ; arg for commands
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
cmp #'0'
beq @l0
cmp #'1'
beq @l1
cmp #'2'
beq @l2
cmp #'3'
beq @l3
cmp #'4'
beq @l4
cmp #'5'
beq @l5
cmp #'6'
beq @l6
cmp #'7'
beq @l7
cmp #'8'
beq @l8
cmp #'9'
beq @l9
cmp #'#'
beq @lhash
cmp #'A'
beq @lA
cmp #'B'
beq @lB
cmp #'C'
beq @lC
cmp #'D'
beq @lD
jsr lcd::print_char
jmp loop
@l0: ; get scancode set
lda #$f0
ldx #0
ldy #1
bra @send_cmd
@l1: ; echo
lda #$ee
bra @send_cmd
@l2: ; identify
lda #$f2
ldy #2
bra @send_cmd
@l3: ; set typematic min speed and delay
lda #$f3
ldx #%01111111
bra @send_cmd
@l4: ; enable
lda #$f4
bra @send_cmd
@l5: ; disable
lda #$f5
bra @send_cmd
@l6: ; set typematic max speed and min delay
lda #$f3
ldx #0
bra @send_cmd
@l7: ; set typematic all
lda #$f7
bra @send_cmd
@l8: ; set make/release all
lda #$f8
bra @send_cmd
@l9: ; set CAPSLOCK led
lda #$ed
ldx #kb::MOD::CAPSLOCK
bra @send_cmd
@lhash: ; set SCROLLLOCK led
lda #$ed
bra @send_cmd
@lC: ; set NUMLOCK led
lda #$ed
ldx #kb::MOD::NUMLOCK
bra @send_cmd
@lD: ; turn all leds off
lda #$ed
ldx #0
bra @send_cmd
@lB: ; reprint menu
jmp print_menu
jsr ps2kb::send_command
Printf FMT_CMD_DATA, ps2kb::send_cmd, ps2kb::send_data, ps2kb::cmd_response, ps2kb::cmd_response+1, ps2kb::cmd_response+2
jmp loop
FMT_CODE: .asciiz "K %x "
FMT_CMD_DATA: .asciiz "C %x-%x > %x%x%x"
MENU: .byte " EE F2 F3 "
.byte " F4 F5 F3' MEN"
.byte " T1 T0 LC LN "
.asciiz " RET F0 LS L0 "