
132 lines
2.9 KiB

.include "spi.h65"
.include "string.h65"
.include "keypad.h65"
.include "lcd.h65"
.include "chars.h65"
.import home:absolute
.import CODE_START: absolute
.import __SPI_SIZE__
.export spi_menu
trans_bytes: .res 2 ;; used to check if screen needs to be updated
status_char: .res 1
status_str: .res 17 ;; space for 16 + null
;; @brief Receive code via SPI and execute it
;; @ingroup applications
.proc spi_menu
stz trans_bytes
stz trans_bytes+1
jsr lcd::clear
Print MENU
lda spi_p::status
cmp #spi_p::STATUS::ERROR
beq @status_ERROR
cmp #spi_p::STATUS::DONE
beq @status_DONE
cmp #spi_p::STATUS::XFER
beq @status_XFER
cmp #spi_p::STATUS::XFER_SIZEL
beq @status_XFER_SIZEL
cmp #spi_p::STATUS::XFER_SIZEH
beq @status_XFER_SIZEH
lda #'?'
bra @update_status_end
lda #'E'
bra @update_status_end
lda #'O'
bra @update_status_end
lda #'1'
bra @update_status_end
lda #'2'
bra @update_status_end
lda #'X'
sta status_char
lda #lcd::LINE4
jsr lcd::set_position
Strf "%x%x/%x%x|%x%x|%c",status_str,trans_bytes+1,trans_bytes,spi_p::recv_size+1,spi_p::recv_size,spi_p::buffer_size+1,spi_p::buffer_size,status_char
PrintNC status_str
; check if a byte has been transferred
lda spi_p::recv_bytes
cmp trans_bytes
beq @read_keypad
sta trans_bytes
lda spi_p::recv_bytes+1
sta trans_bytes+1
jmp @update_status
lda kp::_DEBUG_VAL
beq @loop
; TODO debug
sta 0
stz kp::_DEBUG_VAL
lda 0
cmp #'*'
beq @return_home
cmp #'A'
beq @spi_begin
cmp #'B'
beq @spi_end
cmp #'C'
beq @spi_jump
cmp #'D'
beq @spi_jump2
jmp @update_status ; any other key
sta ARG0
sta ARG1
lda #<__SPI_SIZE__
sta ARG2
lda #>__SPI_SIZE__
sta ARG3
jsr spi_p::begin_read
jmp @print_menu
jsr spi_p::end_read
jmp @print_menu
jsr spi_p::end_read
jsr lcd::clear
Print "---START SPI---"
jsr spi_p::end_read
jsr lcd::clear
Printf " >>> %x%x >>> ", spi_p::buffer_ptr+1, spi_p::buffer_ptr
jmp (spi_p::buffer_ptr)
jsr spi_p::end_read
jmp home
.byte "A> Beg. Transfer"
.byte "B> Stop Transfer"
.asciiz "C> Jump Home <*"
; .asciiz "0b0p Status: X"
BEGIN: .asciiz "---BEGIN SPI---"
START: .asciiz "---START SPI---"