.ifndef INCLUDE_PRINT_SLOW INCLUDE_PRINT_SLOW = 1 .include "programs/sleep.s65" .include "system/lcd.s65" ;******************************************************************************** ; @function Print a null-terminated string ; @param ARG0-1: Address of the string to print ; @param x: time to sleep in centiseconds ;******************************************************************************** .proc print_slow ldy #$00 @print_loop: lda (ARG0),y beq @print_end phx jsr sleep plx jsr lcd_char iny bra @print_loop @print_end: rts .endproc ;******************************************************************************** ; @macro Print a null-terminated string ; @param message: Address of the message ; @param time_cs: time to sleep in centiseconds ;******************************************************************************** .macro PrintSlow message,time_cs jsr lcd_clear lda #message sta ARG1 phx ldx #time_cs jsr print_slow plx .endmacro .endif ; guard