Revert "add keyboard"

This reverts commit 302e49a9f79f8e2255b6227e7c3bf23c7f924c19.
This commit is contained in:
matthias@arch 2023-12-27 21:38:10 +01:00
parent 302e49a9f7
commit 45dce42475
2 changed files with 0 additions and 129 deletions

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
;; @module keyboard
;; @type drive
;; @details:
;; Support for a PS2 Keyboard using the shift register of a 6522 VIA
;; Pressing a key causes 11 bits to be sent: 1 start - 8 keycode - 1 parity - 1 stop
;; The VIA is set up to interrupt after 8 bits have been shifted into the shift register
;; from the external clock pulses of the keyboard (additional hardware required to
;; address the hardware bug of the VIA, where bit get lost when the external clock
;; transition happens during falling edge of PHI2). After reading the shift register,
;; the VIAs T2 timer is set to interrupt after the last 3 bits have been shifted in,
;; which takes about ~230ms.
.include "system.h65"
.scope kb
Import kb,init,irq_shift_reg_handler,irq_timer_handler,keycode,key_read

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@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
.include "keyboard.h65"
.include "string.h65"
.include "lcd.h65"
Export kb,init,irq_shift_reg_handler,irq_timer_handler,keycode,key_read
key_read: .res 2
keycode: .res 1
;; @function Initialize the PS2 keyboard
;; @modifies: A
.proc init
; - use the shift register interrupts to read the first 8 bits
; set shift register to shift in under external clock on CB1
; - configure timer for timing the read of the last 3 bits
; timer 2 one shot mode is sufficient, leaves T1 available
tsb kb::KB_IO + IO::ACR
; the 3 last bits take about 230us, at @1MHz => wait 230 cycles and then the shift register
; (this could be shorter since the it takes a few cycles after the interrupt)
lda #230
sta kb::KB_IO + IO::T2CL
stz key_read
stz key_read+1
; enable SR interrupts
lda #(IO::IRQ::IRQ | IO::IRQ::SR)
sta kb::KB_IO + IO::IER
; load SR to reset
lda kb::KB_IO + IO::SR
;; @function Read the first 8 bits an
;; @modifies: A
;; @details
;; - read shift register
;; - disable shift register interrupts
;; - reset shift register
;; - enable timer 2 interrupts
;; - start timer 2
;; IO::SR has to be read before the next bit is shifted in, which happens ~75us after the irq
;; at 1MHz, handling this interrupt takes about 50us (without any additional debug code),
;; so it should work
.proc irq_shift_reg_handler
lda kb::KB_IO + IO::SR
sta key_read
stz kb::KB_IO + IO::SR
; disable SR interrupts
lda #IO::IRQ::SR
sta kb::KB_IO + IO::IER
; enable timer interrupts
lda #(IO::IRQ::IRQ | IO::IRQ::T2)
sta kb::KB_IO + IO::IER
; start timer, low order count already in latch after init
lda #1
sta kb::KB_IO + IO::T2CH
;; @function Read the last 3 bits after after timer 2 is up
;; @modifies: A
;; @details
;; - read shift register
;; - disable timer 2 interrupts
;; - enable shift register interrupts
;; - reset shift register
.proc irq_timer_handler
lda kb::KB_IO + IO::SR
sta key_read + 1
lda kb::KB_IO + IO::T2CL ; clear interrupt flag
; disable timer interrupts
lda #(IO::IRQ::T2)
sta kb::KB_IO + IO::IER
; enable shift register interrupts
lda #(IO::IRQ::IRQ | IO::IRQ::SR)
sta kb::KB_IO + IO::IER
; reset SR
stz kb::KB_IO + IO::SR
; rotate bit 2 (last bit of keycode) into the carry
lda key_read+1
lda key_read ; not affecting carry
rol ; rotate carry into byte, rotate startbit into carry
; TODO byte is inverted, maybe consider wasting 256 bytes for a bit reverse lookup table?
sta keycode
stz key_read
stz key_read+1