2024-01-01 14:56:11 +01:00
2024-08-08 21:11:25 +02:00
;; @file
;; @brief PS/2 Keyboard driver
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;; @ingroup drivers
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;; @details
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;; Support for a PS2 Keyboard using the shift register of a 6522 VIA
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;; @section reading Reading a scancode/command answer
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;; Pressing a key causes 11 bits to be sent: 1 start - 8 scancode - 1 parity - 1 stop
;; The VIA is set up to interrupt after 8 bits have been shifted into the shift register
;; from the external clock pulses of the keyboard (additional hardware required to
;; address the hardware bug of the VIA, where bit get lost when the external clock
;; transition happens during falling edge of PHI2). After reading the shift register,
;; the VIAs T2 timer is set to interrupt after the last 3 bits have been shifted in,
;; which takes about ~230ms.
;; T2 is used because it leaves to more versatile T1 available for something else
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;; @section processing Processing a scancode
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;; The scancode may be processed by storing the address of a handler subroutine in
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;; `ps2kb::scancode_handler`. This handler can load the scancode byte from `ps2kb::scancode`.
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;; To use a different layout, change the enum K and the CHARS_NOMOD and CHARS_MODSHIFT
;; @warning
;; The value with which the timer is loaded must depends on the clock frequency
;; of the keyboard and the computer
.include "system.h65"
2024-08-08 20:15:50 +02:00
;; @brief PS/2 Keyboard
;; This requires the data line to be hooked up to `CB2` and the clock to `CB1`.
;; The VIA will be set to shift in the data into the shift register under the external clock.
;; @see @ref via_hardware_bug "VIA external clock bug"
;; @include keyboard
;; @ingroup drivers
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.scope ps2kb
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Import ps2kb, init, begin_receive, scancode, status, scancode_handler
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Import ps2kb, _receive_irq_shift_reg_handler, _receive_irq_timer_handler, _send_byte, _send_irq_shift_reg_handler, _send_irq_timer_handler,
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Import ps2kb, send_command, send_cmd, send_data, cmd_response, response_length, FMT_CMD_FAIL
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2024-08-08 20:15:50 +02:00
;; Base address of the VIA the keyboard is conencted to
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2024-08-08 20:15:50 +02:00
;; @brief #clock cycles to to wait for the last 3 bits after the first 8 have been shifted in
;; @details
;; The last 3 bits take about 230 ms.
;; Calculate the appropriate value using: @f$ N_\text{cycles} = 230 \times f_\text{in MHZ} @f$
;; - 230 \@ 1MHz
;; - 400 \@ 1.84 MHz
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;; @clock_dependent
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;; @brief #clock cycles to wait after loading the SR a second time while sending a command to the keyboard
;; @details
;; Enough time must pass for one bit must be shifted out (parity),
;; but at most two (parity+stop).
;; After that, the interrupt must have happened because the keyboard will pull data low.
;; At that point, the shift register needs to be set to input again
;; Values that seem to work:
;; - 230 \@ 1MHz
;; - 400 \@ 1.84 MHz
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;; @clock_dependent
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2024-01-07 00:41:12 +01:00
2024-01-02 23:37:07 +01:00
2024-01-07 00:41:12 +01:00
; use RA4 to pull the clock low
2024-01-02 23:37:07 +01:00
PULL_MASK_CLK = %00010000
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; using ff because 0 is a possible data byte (set led)
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NO_DATA = $ff ;; indicates that no data byte should be send
NO_RESPONSE = $ff ;; indicates a command did not receive a response (yet)
ACK = $fa ;; successful transmission
RESEND = $fe ;; unsuccessful transmission
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2024-01-01 14:56:11 +01:00
.enum STATUS
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RECEIVE_KEYS = %10000000 ;;< keyboard sends scancodes
RECEIVE_ANSWER = %01000000 ;;< keyboard replies to a command
SEND_CMD = %00100000 ;;< host sends/sent the command byte
SEND_DATA = %00010000 ;;< host sends/sent the data byte
SEND_RECV = %00001000 ;;< keyboard sends additional data byte
SEND = SEND_CMD | SEND_DATA | SEND_RECV ;;< host is sending something, only used for checking status
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NONE = %00000000
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REPEAT_MASK = %00011111 ;;< 00000 = 30Hz, ..., 11111 = 2Hz
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DELAY250 = %00000000
DELAY500 = %00100000
DELAY750 = %01000000
DELAY1000 = %01100000
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2024-01-07 00:41:12 +01:00
; see https://wiki.osdev.org/PS/2_Keyboard
.macro ps2kb_CmdEcho
lda #$ee
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
ldy #0
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdSetLeds mask
lda #$ed
.ifnblank mask
ldx #mask
ldy #0
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdGetScancodeSet
lda #$f0
ldx #0
ldy #1
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdSetScancodeSet set
.assert set = 1 .or set = 2 .or set = 3, warning, "ps2kb_CmdSetScancodeSet: invalid scancode set"
lda #$f0
ldx #set
ldy #0
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdIdentify
lda #$f2
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
ldy #2
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdTypematicSettings settings
lda #$f3
ldx #settings
ldy #0
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdEnable
lda #$f4
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
ldy #0
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdDisable
lda #$f5
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
ldy #0
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdSetTypematic scancode
ldy #0
.ifblank scancode
lda #$f7
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
lda #$fb
ldx #scancode
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdSetMakeRelease scancode
ldy #0
.ifblank scancode
lda #$f8
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
lda #$fc
ldx #scancode
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdSetMake scancode
ldy #0
.ifblank scancode
lda #$f9
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
lda #$fd
ldx #scancode
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_CmdSelfTest
lda #$ff
ldx #ps2kb::NO_DATA
ldy #1
jsr ps2kb::send_command
.macro ps2kb_WaitFinishCmd
lda ps2kb::status
and #ps2kb::STATUS::SEND
bne :-
2024-08-08 20:15:50 +02:00
;; @note You need to manually include `string.h65` when using this macro!
2024-01-07 00:41:12 +01:00
.macro ps2kb_PrintCmdFailed
Printf ps2kb::FMT_CMD_FAIL,ps2kb::send_cmd,ps2kb::send_data,ps2kb::cmd_response,ps2kb::cmd_response+1,ps2kb::cmd_response+2
2024-01-01 14:56:11 +01:00
.endif ; guard